A new acquaintance sent me a video talk by Christopher Hitchens to prove he was not an Islamophobe. After his support for the Iraq War, I don’t give a rat’s ass what he was. Even in his hay day, I always thought he was a man who could string words together well but lacked depth, insight, & mostly commitment. There was no ‘there there’ to his writings. There was form but no content. Until he became a hack writing war propaganda. I’d like to say ‘may he RIP’ but I can’t get those 500,000 Iraqi kids out of my mind. Or for that matter, the so-called ‘liberation’ of Mosul.

Bombing civilians in Syria for Assad’s national sovereignty is a mockery of justice

Idlib Syria after Russian bombing Feb 5 2018

Idlib, Syria: the rubble being removed today by rescue teams is from a 6-story building razed to the ground by Russian bombers. They are trying to recover the bodies of several people, including children, who they know are buried in the cement.

Perhaps those who call themselves socialists can drop the Lenin quotes & stop citing Tariq Ali, John Pilger, Patrick Cockburn & other confusionists, along with Assad propagandists, long enough to explain to us how bombing civilian apartment buildings is in the interests of Assad’s national sovereignty & why his national sovereignty takes priority over human lives in Syria.

The only principled demands are for the immediate cessation of bombing by Syria, Russia, & the US coalition & for the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all foreign military forces from Syria.

(Photo from Ahmed Rahhal)

Kashmiri Solidarity Day 2018

Kashmiri kids playing Kabadi  (Aasif Shafi) Feb 5, 2018

Kashmiri Solidarity Day 2018: in the end, what the struggle for freedom is all about in Kashmir & for all who are oppressed is that children may never know violence & hate but grow up in a world suitable for human beings to live & love in.

Photo is little kids playing a winter game in the Hangalpawa area, Anantnag district of south Kashmir.

End the occupation. Self-determination for Kashmir.

(Photo by Aasif Shafi)

Kashmir Solidarity Day

February 5th is Kashmir Solidarity Day. Of course every day is for building solidarity with those sustaining war, occupation, persecution, & genocide. But today is when we are called upon to do something to educate others on social media, to rally, to publicly stand in some way with the Kashmiri people in demanding the end of the occupation & self-determination for Kashmir.



Padmaavat movie review: Hindutva guys meet ISIS. A cinematic catastrophe way beyond rotten tomatoes.

Padmaavat Feb 3 2018

Just returned & am still reeling from seeing the Bollywood film “Padmaavat.” They claim it’s a cinematic rendition of an epic poem written in 1540 by a Sufi poet. How do we describe a film which is, hands down, one of the greatest cinematic monstrosities of all time? How do we tell if this piece of crap failed as parody, melodrama, or as drama? Something fundamental was lost in translation. But not how disastrous a film it is. It combined the worst of Cecil B. DeMille with the over-the-top stuff of Bollywood.

But Bollywood isn’t kidding anyone. This was not based on an epic poem by that Sufi poet. It’s more a case of Hindutva guys meet ISIS. There was no cliché or stereotype about Muslims that was not plumbed to their maximum depth of 0.2 milliliters. A parody about psycho Muslims got played off against a Hindutva supremacist fantasy. If the Hindutva crowd think they got the better against the Muslims, think again. Unless you think stupid & misogyny are flattering concepts. Who will ever forget that dance scene near the end when the psycho Muslim leader & his army did their Bollywood ISIS routine?

My friend Elena Ledesma Rashid who saw the film with me & Beverly Pardue asked the most important question: why was such a film made at this time when Muslims are being killed & persecuted in India & militarily occupied in Kashmir? It might also be asked how such a cinematic catastrophe made its way to the US when it should never have gotten off the cutting room floor? The answer can only be that it is a hating on Muslims thing that took the excesses of Bollywood, the persecution of Muslims in India, the occupation of Kashmir, & the political climate of Islamophobia to pull off. If it was actually intended as propaganda, they’ll have to do a lot better than making a clown show out of Indian history. The scary thing that Beverly pointed out is that many will view this piece of crap (I believe she used more refined language) & not understand that it is all a lie.

(Photo is poster from the film)

Israeli forces abduct 520 Palestinians just in January 2018

Palestinian boy being arrested Feb 3 2018

Palestine Prisoners’ Centre reports that just in January 2018, Israeli forces abducted 520 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, Gaza Strip, & East Jerusalem. Ninety-two were kids (the youngest was 11-years-old), 15 were women, 18 were from Gaza, including six fishermen abducted while fishing off the Gaza coast.

There are an estimated 6,500 Palestinians incarcerated in Israeli military prisons, including 350 children, 57 women & girls, & 400 under administrative detention (which means indefinitely without charge).

This photo is one of the many taken just in January of Israeli occupying troops ganging up on, manhandling, & arresting a Palestinian teen or adolescent. It cannot be stated often or strongly enough that children are targeted in war, occupation, & genocide precisely to destroy a new generation of resistance.

Stand with Palestinians & their youth that they may defeat Zionism & build a society based on equality, brotherhood & sisterhood between Palestinians & Jews.

(Photo of boy being arrested from Days of Palestine)

Israel sets up rapid response program to destroy BDS

Palestinian child with cancer Feb 3 2018

Israel has announced a rapid response joint program with “Diaspora Jewry”–by which they mean leading Zionist groups like the World Jewish Congress & lobbying groups like AIPAC, (i.e., those who have no more connection to Palestine than Irish-Americans to the Rhineland)–to counter BDS initiatives. The Israeli official in charge called it a “PR commando unit” so that when BDS appeals to an artist to honor the cultural boycott, Israeli & Zionist groups can go into full-throttle vilification.

Yes, this will make BDS harder to build, including more social media censorship. But it speaks to the impact of the cultural boycott & the political education derived from it. It means we redouble & triple our efforts & ingenuity in countering the commando trolls who will be dogging our every move.

This photo is a Palestinian child in Gaza with cancer. The photo is from 2015 but today there are over 13,000 cancer cases in Gaza with an absence of 230 medications to treat them because of Israel’s blockade of Gaza. This is what the cultural & economic boycott is all about.

(Photo shared by many media sources)

Can Zionists be excluded from “all left-oriented protests”? What is a “left-oriented protest”?

Pal protest (Al Jazeera) Jan 31 2018

An important discussion has begun about the exclusion of Zionists from social movements, the latest entitled “Zionists should be excluded from left-oriented protests” by Steven Salaita. The discussion is very important & must be held because the issue is complex & problematic & edicts issued even from respected writers inexperienced in political organizing do not substitute for that discussion.

My own response is that outright exclusion policies come from a profound misunderstanding of the character of social movements & the complexities & conflicts of organizing them. The elementary question is what is considered “left” these days & what exactly are “left-oriented protests”? Were the anti-Muslim ban protests involving hundreds of thousands across the US “left-oriented?” Were the Women’s Marches 2017 & 2018 of up to 4 million women on every continent “left-oriented?” Are the struggles for civil rights for Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, oppressed castes, & others “left-oriented?” Or the struggles for immigrant & refugee rights? Do some “leftists” think they own these protests just because they helped build them? Are they confusing building a political party with consistent politics with social movements of great diversity? How would this across-the-board exclusion policy be implemented & policed? Will we have to develop our own police force to physically exclude people from massive protests or will our “left-oriented protests” necessarily be tiny little gestures of impotent idealism rather than expressions of power?

This has long been an issue going back to the 1970s during a brief high point of Palestinian solidarity organizing. The only difference is that now a significant current of Zionism in the US & elsewhere is thuggish & violent because of its associations with white supremacy, racism, fascism. But some who identify as Zionists are well-meaning people confused by the Exodus nonsense they were raised on but questioning the character of Israeli militarism. Those distinctions matter to political organizers because the latter are people we can influence & people we’re trying to reach & discuss with. Issuing an exclusion policy with no exceptions will exclude the persuadable & throw down the gauntlet to the extreme hardcore thuggish forces within Zionism. It will almost guarantee that they will grow in authority, make themselves victims & the central issue of every social movement that doesn’t allow them to have speakers from the Israeli embassy, raise their demands, wave the Israeli flag, march in contingents to shout down Palestinians & their supporters.

Building social movements with contending political forces is immensely difficult. The issue of Zionist participation cannot be made into a general policy but must be hammered out in every instance. I don’t hesitate to say I will march with Zionist women on the issue of reproductive rights. I won’t march in their contingent & under their banners; I will try to build the hell out of the Palestinian contingent & make sure a Palestinian woman speaks. But it would not be appropriate to exclude Zionists who despite massive inconsistencies are feminists. When it comes to antiwar protests, I would fight to exclude pro-Israelis from speaking & make sure Palestinian, Kashmiris, Rohingya, & other speakers addressed the Islamophobia, racism, anti-Semitism involved in war, occupation, genocide, as well as Israel’s direct involvement in all of that. I would never march in an antiwar protest that defended the Assad regime or allowed his foolish or fascist supporters to speak unless there was a huge contingent of anti-Assadists to counterbalance such corruption. But I would not fight to exclude Zionists from marching because that is the quickest way to divide & destroy the antiwar movement & to separate ourselves from those who can be won over to the position of a secular, democratic state.

It is not a cogent argument that Palestinians can understand the exclusion policy that westerners can’t fathom. If they have never been organizers of social movements, they have no clue about the work of battling out the demands & programs of protests. One cannot quote the authority of Linda Sarsour claiming Zionists have no place in protests when she is running as a Democrat, a party which is one of the very bastions of US Zionism. We have nothing to fear from inclusion & the possibility of persuading tentative, ill-informed Zionists that another solution is possible: a democratic, secular state where Palestinians & Jews can live as brothers & sisters.

It’s an important discussion & suitable that Steven Salaita & others have raised it. But they have not written the final word on this issue. There are no gurus who speak ex cathedra about the difficult processes & conflicts of social transformation.

Maybe more importantly, Palestinians face very much worse in their daily struggle against colonialism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing. Photo is Palestinian protesters on January 31st 2018. Six have been killed by Israeli forces since January 1st.

(Photo from Al Jazeera)