Racism in Israel is the very nature of Zionism

Tel Aviv Purim festival (Ariel Schalit:AP) Mar 22 2016

This is an extremely deft & subtle propaganda piece which appeared in the Guardian-UK. The caption says it’s children in Tel Aviv watching an acrobat perform during the Purim festival, a Jewish religious holiday.

The solidarity being forged between US Blacks & Palestinians is a cause of great alarm to Israel, especially since they have always touted the role played by American Jews in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. That progressive role is beyond dispute but of course they weren’t the only white people to participate in that movement.

Israel is being exposed for the ethnic cleansing of African refugees & immigrants–either imprisoning them or deporting them back to war zones like South Sudan where Israel is engaged in substantial economic plunder. There have also been frequent mob actions against refugees encouraged by Israeli politicians.

Last year, after an Israeli court ordered the release of African refugees held in detention over a year, the Israeli government declared those released would not be allowed to live or work in Tel Aviv or Eilat.

But perhaps these children are Ethiopian Jews. Israel has about 136,000, most of whom were airlifted into Israel in the 1980s & 1990s after a farcical rabbinical ruling they were direct descendants of the Jewish tribe of Dan. Such are the sarcasms of Israeli immigration policy.

In the past few years, there have been countless protests by Ethiopian Jews against the mob violence & protesting systematic discrimination & racism against them. Over half of Ethiopian Israelis live in poverty & only half graduate from high school. In 2013, Israel admitted it forcibly administered birth control injections to Ethiopian Israeli women without their consent or knowledge.

Given racist realities in Israel, it is not conspiracy-thinking to call this charming photo of children at a festival in Tel Aviv nothing but shameless propaganda to peddle the image of Israel as a haven of ethnic harmony when it’s a cesspool of white supremacy toward Palestinians & Africans.

Cut through this crap & build BDS.

(Photo by Ariel Schalit/AP)

Lesser evil speculations about who is worse–Cruz or Drumpf? Clinton or Drumpf?–make a burlesque of the presidential campaign which needed no new infusions of debasement. But instead of comedy, this campaign has become cause for mourning–not the crisis of leadership among the 0.1 percent but among progressives.

If you want to change the world for justice, turn away from the fiasco & rebuild the antiwar movement, Palestinian solidarity & BDS, civil liberties, immigrant/refugee rights, the new civil rights, women’s, LGBT movements.

You wouldn’t be wasting your vote; you’d be helping change the world.

Betty Windsor is turning 90: whoop-dee-doo!

Betty Windsor & the lion at the zoo

History is moving so swiftly that Betty Windsor has gotten lost in the shuffle but taxing things have been going on in her otherwise indolent life. Willie was accused of being lazy by his helicopter crew mates for not showing up to work. Monarchists rushed to his defense saying he was a young father who wanted to stay home with the kids. Don’t all aristocrats want to take over from the nannies & change nappies rather than engage in gainful employment? So try that alibi next time you want to take a year off work. See if it flies.

Andy, the perennial near-do-well, if not outright reprobate, purposefully crashed his car into a castle gate after it failed to open automatically. In his defense, he was half in the wrapper & unaware of any obstacles. He thought it was just a serf he’d run down & on the wages Betty pays them, they’re easily replaceable.

Betty has kept Harry busy on goodwill adventures all over the world to repair the damage he keeps doing to his public image. She doesn’t want to send him back to Afghanistan for photo ops since last time she did that, he almost singlehandedly handed the war to the Taliban.

Her 90th birthday celebrations are coming up next month & go on for three months with nightly horse shows to console her for having to pass on the horse track & let all those trifectas go by without laying a bet. Camille, her track mate, is inconsolable. There will be a street party for 10,000 of Betty’s closest friends wearing those silly hats that typify the British aristocracy & are historically derived from horse culture–as is the entire culture of the aristocracy.

She recently visited the London Zoo with her good-for-nothing consort to open an Asiatic lion pavilion. Zookeepers thought they’d have to keep some of the lions in isolation during the visit for safety reasons but the smell of all that blue blood was an unexpected deterrent to mayhem. And Phil never once had to be held back from attacking the lions.

Photo is Betty & lion. You shouldn’t have to ask but Betty is on the left.

(Photo from Telegraph)

Hillary Clinton’s AIPAC diatribe against Palestinians

Hillary Clinton received a standing ovation for her speech to AIPAC viciously attacking Palestinians in the most belligerent & threatening way as knife-wielding terrorists. It’s extremely unsettling to see the depth of hatred & lying-assed deceit she employs against them. As president of the US, she will deliver on those threats as well as on her threats to dismantle BDS.

There’s a showdown coming & there’s only one possible response to the threats: redouble our efforts to tell the truth about Israeli apartheid & colonialism & build the hell out of BDS.

Long live Palestinian Intifada!

War journalism in the age of baloney

Baloons in Kabul (Mohammad Ismail:Reuters) Mar 21 2016

The Guardian-UK caption to this photo read, “Kabul, Afghanistan: Men hold balloons for sale during celebrations for the Afghan New Year, known as Newroz. Afghanistan uses the Persian calendar which runs from the vernal equinox. The calendar takes as its start date the time when the Prophet Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina in 621 AD. The current Persian year is 1395.”

Isn’t that fascinating!? Now what about the war?

This is what passes for war journalism in the barbaric era of capitalism.

(Photo by Mohammad Ismail/Reuters)

How Israel uses academics to promote apartheid & colonialism

This is an experience I had involving how Israel uses academic exchanges to promote colonialism & apartheid. In 2010, I attended an immigration rights conference in Mexico City organized by a prestigious left institute. The director was a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

The conference was absolutely dreadful, one of the worst I’d ever attended. None of the speakers, including decrepit Mexican politicians from another era & American academics divorced from reality, addressed the drug war or the massive crisis of immigration & the relationship between the two; or the military occupation of Mexico involving thousands of disappearances & murders. When I raised questions about those central issues in Mexican & US politics, they had no idea what I was talking about.

Among the speakers was an Israeli doctor whose talk was by Skype. What he would have to say about immigration could only have to do with Zionist settlement on Palestinian land. You can imagine my horror, even though he was a liberal Zionist who advocated the 1967 borders. I was the only one who challenged him in what seemed to be a political event attended by dead people with no connection to immigration & who couldn’t distinguish immigration from colonialism.

Two of us made an enormous stink about his inclusion as a speaker & persuaded a leading figure in the institute that it was a disastrous political mistake. That eventually led to the resignation of the director.

I relate this story not for self-aggrandizement (though I am certainly proud of the role I played) but because there are going to be all sorts of opportunities like this now that Israel is out to destroy BDS. Activists will be called upon to challenge such events & it’s clear that many will be persuaded by our best efforts.

(Please don’t ask which institute was involved since they corrected their course & that is not relevant to the story. Perhaps more important is that Mexico is politically repressive & the institute had to protect itself from government repression–which does not explain their inclusion of the Israeli guy but makes their avoidance of Mexican politics at least understandable.)