Hollywood has-beens endorse ethnic cleansing in Gaza

Gaza City bombing August 24 2014

Big news today from the conservative Jerusalem Post is that “hundreds” of Hollywood “A-listers” signed a statement written & published for trade journals by Creative Community For Peace (CCFP), “an organization of prominent entertainment industry executives devoted to using art & music to build bridges for peace.” Turns out the “hundreds” are only 193 people, maybe prominent agents & producers in the industry but hardly A-listers except for Seth Rogen, Schwarzenegger, Roseanne Barr, Kelsey Grammer, Tom Arnold, Sarah Silverman, Ivan Reitman, Bill Maher, Sylvester Stallone, Minnie Driver, Kathy Ireland, Mayim Bialik, & Ziggy Marley. These are hardly the people one turns to for political counsel unless you also consider Jon Voight a political guru & look to candy manufacturers for nutritional advice.

Creative Community for Peace was founded in 2011 as a pro-Israel, anti-BDS group of music executives & agents to counter the growing influence of Palestinian solidarity & the refusal of prominent entertainers to perform in Israel. The executives who run CCFP orchestrate the careers of people like Aerosmith, Celine Dion, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber. When media announced the formation of CCFP, the headline read, “Music moguls to artists: Don’t boycott Israel” which could be taken as a threat.

Though the website has a flashy video announcing “Music speaks its mind & knows no borders” & has a petition titled “Don’t Let Israel’s Detractors Politicize Art”, the group was formed to support Israel, defame Palestinians, & counter the influence of BDS among performers. It’s not about bringing people together with music but an attempt to hijack pop culture in the service of Israeli apartheid. As one of the organizers said at the founding meeting, “It’s all a question of image. For many in the younger generation, being associated with the anti-Israel cause can be way more cool.” The cultural attache for the Israel Consulate who was also at the founding meeting said, “We need to make Israel cool.”

CCFP spokespersons claim BDS is about ‘undermining Israel’s right to be a state for Jews’. In fact, the BDS campaign organizers accept the 1967 borders & a two-state solution. Many BDS activists do not accept those borders, think the very concept is a dried up old prune, & believe Palestinian justice demands a democratic secular state where Jews & Palestinians live as brothers & sisters.

No one challenges the right of Hollywood performers & agents to be politically reactionary; this is still a free country, as they say, so you can be as stupid as you like. But you’d have to be naive not to recognize there is coercion involved–the kind of coercion that forced Penelope Cruz & Javier Bardem to back down on their outspoken support for Gaza, the kind of coercion that says (sub rosa, of course) “support Israel or you’ll never work in this town again.”

What is most despicable about this public statement from CCFP is the claim “Hamas cannot be allowed to rain rockets on Israeli cities, nor can it be allowed to hold its own people hostage. Hospitals are for healing, not for hiding weapons. Schools are for learning, not for launching missiles. Children are our hope, not our human shields.” Eely-Oily Weasel writ large!

CCFP says they’re heartened at the enormous response in the industry to their arm-twisting & expect the list of signatories to grow beyond the little group of right-wing flunkies whose flagging careers are all washed up. That only means they’ve got some real muscle planned. So while they support Israeli apartheid with bully-boy tactics, let us continue to reach out to the highest aspirations of human beings for peace & justice. We don’t hold the young in such contempt & don’t think it’s about making BDS cool but about making apartheid decidedly uncool & making justice prominent in the hearts & minds of young & old.

This is a photo of Gaza City yesterday where Israel continues it’s bombing rampage. CCFP wants musicians to provide the music score to this carnage.

(Photo by Roberto Schmidt/AFP)

Apocalypse Gaza

Beit Hanoun August 24 2014

This looks like a scene from the apocalypse but it’s Beit Hanoun, a city in northern Gaza taken on August 18th. The family with the horse & cart are fleeing–but of course, with no place to go. Gaza remains surrounded by an apartheid barrier. The UN assures us no war crimes were committed; Israel texted & phoned people a few minutes before they went berserk with the bombs.

There are photos now emerging of Palestinians sleeping on top of rubble, sitting despondent & forlorn because they have no place to live & there is no way in hell they can clean up the mess & rebuild while Gaza is still under Israeli blockade. The blockade makes sure they don’t even have sufficient food & medicines–& there are over 10,000 seriously injured people.

Sustained solidarity work must include rallies, educational activities, & above all, evangelizing for the economic boycott (BDS) of all Israeli products (barcode beginning 729). Many left groups shame themselves by opposition to BDS & even campaign against it claiming it hurts Israeli workers. They refuse to even build teach-ins which would show they stand on the wrong side of history & justice. They not only betray solidarity but expose the blithering idiocy of their politics & put the last nail in their own coffins. Good riddance to them.

One can stand with Israeli apartheid & ethnic cleansing or one can stand with Palestinian justice. There is no middle ground. Not even if you think you carry the mantle of Karl Marx. For that matter, if Marx knew the betrayals conducted in his name he would turn over in his grave so fast he’d become an important source of energy.

(Photo by Thomas Coex/AFP)

Operation Ethnic Cleansing continues

Gaza bombing August 23 2014

The very worst of this phase of Operation Ethnic Cleansing has abated in Gaza but it has not ended & bombing sorties continue to take down buildings. Several people have died. Meanwhile Israel is on a propaganda blitz to attempt to undo the damage done by its murderous over four week rampage.

This propaganda offensive is sucking on the dregs because it is so hard to counter the hundreds of gruesome images of Palestinian children tweeted around the world. The primary intent is to vilify Hamas which has its problems but is not one iota responsible for this rampage. Some of the reports in “respectable” media seem more like Onion or Mad Magazine pieces; other reports draw on the methods of the scurrilous & anti-Semitic “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” invented by czarist agents in Russia (in 1903) & which continue to feed social hatred against Jews.

One report is that a Hamas official admitted to the kidnapping of the three Zionist teens in the West Bank. Patent & provable nonsense. Another punk Palestinian who claims he’s the son of a Hamas founder is being interviewed all over the place, pretending he’s got the goods on Hamas crimes. Problem is the guy is disturbed & a traitor who worked within Palestinian politics as an undercover agent for Israel. Fox News & The Times of Israel report that a secret letter smuggled from a Palestinian within Gaza claims Hamas used forced labor to build the tunnels & then killed them all so they couldn’t identify the location of the tunnels. One video purportedly shows a Muslim child teaching how to “behead the infidel” per the Quran. Reports are also attempting to identify Hamas with ISIS in Iraq & Syria. This kind of rubbish is pouring out everywhere to sow confusion & discord. But the bombing in Gaza & the deaths of hundreds of men, women, & children in the most barbaric ways speak louder than dozens of crazy-assed lies.

Schools are opening up in just days & it’s the best time to plan educational events because many people of good want to understand what the media tries so damn hard to make inscrutable. Rallies need to continue & we need to beat the drums loudly for the boycott (BDS) of all Israeli products (barcode beginning 729)

These young men–of the “Hamas age”, so Israel considers them outside the parameters of ethnic cleansing–are trying to douse a fire after an Israeli airstrike today.

(Photo by Adel Hana/AP)

Rick Perry: felon

Rick Perry mug shot August 23 2014

There are many prejudices about the state of Texas–especially that everybody here is a redneck, when it’s actually a very diverse place. It has many distinctions, especially for having produced America’s dumbest politicians. Governor Rick Perry holds special place in that regard. He’s a vicious bozo so his stupidity evokes no pity whatsoever. His latest gem is a stern warning that “the jihadist group of the Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS or ISIL) may have already sent militants across the US-Mexican border.” It wasn’t long ago he was saying the same thing about al-Qaeda.

It’s regrettable he’s not running for governor; he would be so much fun to campaign against & the Democratic candidate is a bore. A liar, but a bore.

Perry has just been indicted for abuse of powers which means he messed with the wrong Democrat. This is his mug shot when he was booked. Pardon me, but how many criminals actually smile for their mug shot?

Racism: the fatal flaw of Zionism

Israeli meme

Loath am I to post this repugnant meme from the Facebook wall of a Zionist group (Israel’s Voice) but it goes right to the heart of the fatal political flaw of Zionism: racism. While Palestinians rendered solidarity & Buddhist monks from Tibet flew from India to stand with the Ferguson Black community, Zionists were posting this trash.

It is not only repugnant in its racism but profoundly saddening because Jews around the world long played a central part in social justice in disproportion to their numbers–until Zionism corrupted so many. For decades in the US, socially conscious Jews (religious & secular) were central to the socialist, labor, women’s, & civil rights movements.

Many feminists, including especially Betty Friedan & Phyllis Chesler, have distinguished themselves in the rancidity of their Zionist apologetics. Chesler, who is a windbag, has simply gone off the deep end in her hatred & now spends her senior years writing scurrilous tracts ad nauseam. Combining hatred with flatulence has not served Zionism & has made her even less readable than the psychology books she used to write. It’s probably not an accident that many of these same women played key roles in railroading the independent women’s movement into the Democratic Party.

Zionism teaches social hatred & divides human beings on the basis of superiority & inferiority. That’s why it’s destined for the rubbish heap of history–because hatred is an exhausting emotion. Zionism has run roughshod over human solidarity for far too long.

Stand with the Palestinians! Stand with the Black community of Ferguson!

Neoliberal health care

Liberia Ebola health services August 22 2014

West Point is a township in the Liberian capital of Monrovia & considered one of the worst slums in the world–though many claim that ignominy since it’s hard to devise a Richter scale to measure squalor. West Point, where 75,000 people live, has been called a “giant outhouse” because it has no sanitation facilities & reeks of feces & urine. There are pay toilets (imagine charging people to poop!) but residents are dirt poor & can’t afford them so the Atlantic beach area is used as a public toilet & is filled with mounds of poop. Without sanitation, there are also mountains of garbage & raw sewage everywhere stinking up the place & breeding disease. This has increased the mosquito population & high malarial rates are added to TB & diarrheal diseases.

It comes as no surprise that West Point is one of the epicenters of the Ebola epidemic because you don’t have to be an epidemiologist to know that poverty, malnourishment, lack of health care, squalid living conditions are the root cause of Ebola & not the tropical climate.

Employing the military as substitute for health care, the Liberian government sent riot cops & the army to West Point on Wednesday to quarantine the entire area for 21 days–the incubation period for Ebola infections. Residents awoke to find their district occupied & riddled with checkpoints & buffer zones. Sounds like another police force trained in Israel.

Apparently the government never bothered to explain to residents what the hell was going on so people were confused about why they couldn’t leave the district; scuffles broke out with people screaming & throwing rocks. The army responded by firing warning shots & attacking protesters with truncheons. This is the healthcare system under neoliberalism, the barbaric phase of capitalism–closing off the area so whole populations will die anguishing deaths without making nuisances of themselves.

This visibly very ill West Point resident was forced to get under the car for detention by a Liberian army officer (yesterday) when he showed symptoms of Ebola & was caught trying to escape from the district. Neoliberalism is distinguished by barbarity but at what point did it decide to substitute military occupation for emergency health care? And at what point will suffering humanity decide enough is enough & begin forging the movements necessary to replace barbarism with civilization based on human needs & human dignity?

“An injury to one is an injury to all”: that is the iron law of social transformation. The US is up to its hairy eyeballs in Liberian politics so it’s about time working people here faced up to our fellowship with the working people of Liberia & elsewhere. If we fail that historic mission, we can all bend over & kiss our butts goodbye. Once again, the world we save will be our own.

(Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Palestinian Authority troops serve proxy for Israel

Hebron West Bank August 22 2014

If there was ever any doubt about the Palestinian Authority (PA) led by Mahmoud Abbas playing both sides between Israel & the Palestinians, their conduct during the murderous assault on Gaza should suffice to indict them as traitors. Abbas, who had just signed a unity agreement with Hamas, let himself be played for an international fool & flouted that agreement by denouncing Hamas while Gaza was being bombed mercilessly & running around like a chicken without a head trying to broker peace on Israel’s terms of continued occupation & bombing. The PA is not playing both sides at all so much as serving proxy for the Israeli military. It will be a glorious day when Abbas & his operation are run out of the West Bank on a rail & Palestinians forge a leadership worthy of their historic struggle.

This photo is a protest in Hebron, West Bank in solidarity with Gaza against renewed Israeli bombing. Believe it or not, these are not Israeli soldiers but rather PA riot cops firing tear gas at protesters. Throughout the latest phase of Operation Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza, PA riot cops were deployed repeatedly to counter solidarity protests in the West Bank by halting & interrupting demonstrations, forcing marches to detour routes to avoid confrontations, & chasing & attacking protesters with tear gas & stun grenades, & arresting & jailing activists.

When you witness the treacheries of the PA & understand the political problems of Hamas it can seem discouraging & prospects unpromising. Leadership is always the great dilemma of social struggle. It can be said that forging a committed, uncompromising leadership team is the most important political problem human beings face everywhere in struggles against tyranny. Numerous just movements have been hoodwinked, derailed, or betrayed by unworthy leaders. The treacheries are legion–& that doesn’t include the outright bunglers or those bought for a song or a little sweet talk.

The Palestinian movement has a history & activists who show they have everything it takes, especially the intransigence required & the political savvy to counter US & Israeli scheming at their expense. With the monumental & historic shift of international solidarity, Palestinians no longer stand alone & will be able to forge leadership that can lead intifada to making real the vision of a democratic secular state where Jews & Palestinians live in peace.

Stand with Palestinian justice by continuing rallies & speak-outs & evangelize for the economic boycott of all Israeli products (barcode beginning 729).

(Photo by Hazem Bader/AFP/Getty Images)

Ebola epidemic in Liberia

Liberia; Ebola *(John Moore:Getty Images) August 22 2014

Photojournalism is coming to be neoliberal barbarism’s own worst enemy. Photos are circulating today of a US doctor named Kent Brantly, who contacted Ebola in Liberia while working at a hospital. He & another US health worker named Nancy Writebol who also contacted Ebola were the first patients to receive an experimental treatment at an Atlanta hospital; both were released this week.

Ebola virus disease kills between 50% & 90% of those infected because there is no effective treatment yet available. It was first identified in Sudan & the DR Congo in 1976 & several sources claim the disease typically occurs in tropical regions of sub-Saharan Africa, as if the epidemiology was related to climate & geography. The largest epidemic to date is currently in West Africa, affecting Guinea, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, & Liberia.

If you look at photos of the Ebola epidemic in Liberia, they are stark contrast to those of Brantly & Writebol jubilantly leaving the hospital. The images are described in media as “harrowing”–& that would be an understatement. The Liberian health department has dispatched “burial teams” all suited up in head-to-toe protective clothing to enter homes, spray disinfectants, & remove those who’ve died in the epidemic. Many of the living victims are moved, apparently forcibly, to quarantine in abandoned schoolhouse facilities without a stitch of furniture, including mattresses to lie on & without any medical personnel in sight. There is one photo of a very sick man on a flimsy mattress just feet away from a man who has already died. There is an image of a bereft woman standing over her husband lying on a bare floor after he fell & was knocked unconscious; again, no beds or medical staff in sight. There are images of family members forcibly removing their children from the isolation wards. And there are images of Ebola victims lying on bare ground.

On August 16th, a quarantine center in Monrovia was taken over by protesters & a number of patients fled. What can explain desperately ill people getting up off the floor & making a run for it when the Liberian government claims they’re being monitored? Perhaps officials could explain what “monitor” means. Some observors claim slum dwellers most hit by the epidemic believe the epidemic is a hoax manufactured to bring in international aid money. So perhaps they could also explain this widespread distrust in the government by the urban poor?

Liberia was founded in 1820 by freed slaves from the US who hoped for greater opportunity in Africa since the US was still under slavery. It was formed as a country in 1847 & was led by those colonists for over 130 years. It began to “modernize” in the 1940s with investment from the US & a military advised & bankrolled by the US Pentagon. It’s been all downhill from there, including economic & political instability & two civil wars with an estimated death toll of over half a million people. Today, 85% of the people live below the World Bank’s international poverty line of US $1.25 a day. Since a loaf of bread in Liberia costs $1.88, you can see that 85% of the people are also severely malnourished.

When the second civil war ended (in 2003), 95% of Liberia’s healthcare facilities had been destroyed. Many highly contagious diseases are now widespread, including TB, malaria, & diarrheal. Is it any wonder!?

It’s noteworthy that Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the 2011 winner of the ignominious Nobel Peace Prize. She is a strong ally of the US, including offering Liberia as a headquarters for AFRICOM. So if you want to know why Liberians don’t trust their government & why desperately ill people are fleeing medical quarantine more akin to solitary confinement in a gulag, take a closer look at the policies & alliances of president Sirleaf. If your president lies down with fleas, you get up with Ebola & TB, if you get up at all.

This image is a very sick 10-year-old boy lying in an alley on cardboard after a clinic refused to treat him because of the danger of infection.

Once again: oppression, thy name is “Made in the USA.” And once again, oppression won’t be decisively ended until US working people get off their butts & begin to play the role thrust upon them by privilege & US colonialism & act to restrain neoliberal barbarism paid for by their tax money & in their names.

(Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Mind-boggling courage

Ferguson tear gas woman August 22 2014

This is another image of the defiant young woman in Ferguson now kneeling before the barrage of tear gas & a phalanx of armored vehicles. We have not seen this kind of tough, mind-boggling courage in the US since the Civil Rights & Black Power movements of the 1960s & 1970s.

Dare we say a new era is opening up in the historic struggle against racist tyranny in this country? The achievements of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s continue to reverberate around the world amongst those who struggle against social hatred of every kind. A new day is dawning & the future began in Ferguson.

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)