Unflinching courage against police brutality

Ferguson woman in tear gas August 22 2014

Tear gas is raining down on this young woman standing defiantly in the Ferguson street where riot cops & National Guard are violently attempting to deny the Black community their right to assemble & oppose police brutality. This kind of unflinching courage is exactly what the US power structure fears more than anything else in the world. And they fear it because this kind of defiance is the hope of the future & of social transformation.

This young woman along with the Black community of Ferguson are making history & changing the world by ushering in a new civil rights & Black power movement. Don’t let history pass you by; stand with them. Once again, the world you change will be your own.

Our deepest respect to this young woman & our fullest solidarity with the Black community of Ferguson.

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images; Olson was one of the several reporters arrested in Ferguson)

The longest strike in Kashmir

Kashmir strikers August 21 2014

This is episode umpteen of Kashmiri government workers in the city of Srinagar demanding payment of wages in arrears, that all contract employees be made permanent, & to raise the retirement age by two years (India has no social security net). This is a long-standing battle between public service workers, teachers, health workers & the government which has gone unresolved for more than a few years now.

Police attacks on strikers are distinguished by the use of toxic purple chemical dyes in water cannons. Police in Srinigar claim the dye is used for later identification of protesters but they notoriously nail local shopkeepers, onlookers, & other workers in the area as well. Water cannons are dangerous enough by themselves without adding chemicals & cause any number of injuries, including broken bones, eye & skin damage, injured internal organs. Many strikers have been injured & required hospitalization. The chemical dyes add skin rashes & cancer to the list.

Water cannons were used against civil rights protesters in the US & became associated with police brutality. That movement effectively ended their use in the US. Now however, the US military, a few police departments, & the US Border Patrol use FN303 guns which can be loaded with paint pellets for deterrence & identification. They are also extremely dangerous & have injured people. Several countries use them.

The most notorious use of chemical dye water cannons was in apartheid South Africa against protesters in Cape Town in 1989 in what is now called the “purple rain protest.” For purposes of later identification, riot cops turned juiced up water cannons on anti-apartheid activists marching to the South African Parliament. One of the marchers wrested the cannon from the cops & directed it at the headquarters of the ruling apartheid party & a historic town house, dousing the buildings in purple. A graffiti artist later put “The purple shall govern” on a building & it became an anti-apartheid slogan because it echoed words in the Freedom Charter, the principles of the anti-apartheid movement (“The people shall govern.”).

Today several countries besides Indian-occupied Kashmir continue to use neon dyes (purple, pink, blue, green, orange), including Hungary, Uganda Bangladesh, South Korea, Indonesia; Israel uses it flagrantly in the West Bank. Many countries, of course, continue to use water cannons without the dyes. There are dozens of photos, most notably from the Philippines, of antiwar activists, housing rights protesters, & others being saturated. In one memorable photo from Manila, a young protester also wrests the hose from cops & turns it on them.

We would be interested in hearing from friends in Kashmir what their take is on the government workers strike & why making headway in their demands has been so arduous given the admirable intransigence of the government workers.

(Photo by Mukhtar Khan/AP)

All this military gear to protect the convenience store? Who’s kidding who?

Ferguson trooper August 19 2014

Even if you buy the official police rap that a handful of looters & “outside agitators” (we haven’t heard that epithet since the McCarthy era) are the problem in Ferguson, is this the kind of equipment you use to save a convenience store or the local pizza joint?

Anyone in this country who believes in the Bill of Rights (which is the only salvageable part of the US Constitution, a slave owners document) had better speak now or forever hold your peace because if this isn’t stopped in Ferguson it will become the face of lawlessness in all the US.

(Photo from BBC video)

Humans of New York: an immigrant from Congo speaks out

Humans of NY August 21 2014

From “Humans of New York” album: For many people in the US, the most common vision of Africa is the depictions of starving children which are wrenching but give a narrow view of that vast continent. Many think Africa is a country; many are surprised to hear African countries have cities, that people wear tee-shirts & blue jeans & not grass skirts, have rich cultures & immense artistic & cultural achievements. If American school kids were taught the truth about Africa they might begin to question the baloney that passes for Black history in the US. And that might give them a whole new take on news from Ferguson.

Neoliberal colonialism is advancing in African countries led by the US, Canada, India, China, Israel, France, the UK, & other regimes. They make devil’s deals with corrupt African regimes to outright steal natural resources & impoverish millions who are then forced to immigrate. AFRICOM is the NATO-like military apparatus set up by the US to force compliance with colonial plunder & it is already operational in several countries.

It seems certain the crescendoing alarmism about Islamic jihadism is the propaganda face of US military aggression not just in the Middle East but in Southeast Asia, & Africa. We need to inform ourselves so as not to be hoodwinked by stink tank lies.

This young immigrant in New York puts his finger on the problem with the pictures of starving babies because formerly whole generations of Blacks in the US only knew slavery as their history. If they had been taught about Nubia or any of the other great civilizations of Africa they wouldn’t have had to plow through life with racist impedimenta. Though even the ugly encumbrance of false history could not hold back the tsunami of the Civil Rights & Black Power Movements.

This young man from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo said; “We don’t like pictures like this. It is not good to deduce an entire country to the image of a person reaching out for food. It is not good for people to see us like this, and it is not good for us to see ourselves like this. This gives us no dignity. We don’t want to be shown as a country of people waiting for someone to bring us food. Congo has an incredible amount of farmland. An incredible amount of resources. Yes, we have a lot of problems. But food is not what we are reaching for. We need investment. We need the means to develop ourselves.”

(Photo by Brandon Stanton, founder of HONY)

Streets of Ferguson flare up with police violence

St. Louis Post-Dispaatch August 20 2014

The narrative justifying why Israel used excessive barbarism against Gaza is echoed in why the US is using excessive barbarism in Ferguson. All you have to do is substitute looters for Hamas. State trooper Captain Ron Johnson, the soft cop in the Ferguson operation, is spouting pieties to the media a mile a minute. His latest: “A small number of violent agitators….hide in the crowd & then attempt to create chaos.” It’s a version of the human shield defense used so ignominiously by Israel to justify bombing Gaza into smithereens. Media also reports the protests have been infiltrated by violent looters from as far as New York & California. Is there now an internal passport system in the US to travel from New York to Missouri to render solidarity?

Obama is saying the same tripe from his pulpit in the White House. He’s preaching that the mistrust between Black communities & local police require Americans “to listen & not just shout.” Golly, it would be a whole lot easier to listen if the National Guard weren’t deploying noisemakers & bullhorns to deny residents of Ferguson their right to assemble.

So if it’s only a handful of troublemakers why the hell did the governor send in the National Guard–not to replace local riot cops, but to augment them? Why are they using noisemakers, armored vehicles, tear gas, stun grenades against unarmed protesters just for a handful of people? Why are officials flouting the US Bill of Rights & making it null & void in Ferguson?

Claiming there’s “a dangerous dynamic in the night,” Captain Johnson “urged” protesters to demonstrate during the daytime hours. This is the first we’ve heard the right to assemble is only a daytime right because thousands of vigils & protests are held at night, especially in the summer to escape blistering heat. But Captain Johnson, who talks out of both sides of his ass, claims violent protests “are erupting” at night. From the West Bank in Palestine to the streets of Santiago, Chile to Ferguson, Missouri, it’s an observable phenomenon that when riot cops & soldiers lob tear gas canisters & stun grenades & point loaded assault rifles at unarmed protesters, anger is provoked.

US Attorney General Eric “Hapless” Holder is headed for Ferguson to meet with the FBI & local officials (to get their stories straight) & mount an investigation into the murder of Michael Brown. Don’t hold your breath for justice. After George Zimmerman was acquitted in the vigilante murder of Trayvon Martin, Holder & the Justice Department launched a review to see if Zimmerman could be prosecuted for criminal civil rights charges. That investigation remains buried somewhere in the bowels of US justice. Meanwhile Darren Wilson, the killer cop is still walking the public streets, suspended with pay. A grand jury just began hearing evidence to see if he should be charged with murder. A kangaroo court trial may follow where he’ll walk away scot-free.

This is the front page of yesterdays St. Louis Post-Dispatch; it’s another picture worth a thousand lies. If there are only a handful of looters from New York & California, why all the firepower against unarmed protesters asserting their rights of free speech & assembly under the US Bill of Rights? And if you notice the subtitle here, why are ‘pastors locking their arms to break up crowds’? Why aren’t those pastors (the Reverend, my ass!) Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson–in the spirit of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. & Rev. Ralph Abernathy–leading the popular movement to assert democratic rights? Why aren’t they calling national protest rallies in defense of the Black community in Ferguson or even asking people to converge on Ferguson in a massive show of solidarity & power?

Rallies continue around the US to protest the murder of Michael Brown & the truncation of democratic rights in Ferguson. Grab a placard & join a rally in your town.

(Image from St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Hands up, don’t shoot: Tibetan monks travel to Ferguson to stand with Black community

Tibetan monks in Ferguson August 20 2014

Hands up, don’t shoot!: Buddhist mob violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar has been making international news for a while now because hundreds of Rohingyas have been massacred, thousands have had their homes burned down, & hundreds of thousands have been forced to flee for their lives to other countries. (Hundreds were drowned in the exodus, thousands were refused entry to other countries, & many survivors were sent back to Myanmar where anti-Muslim violence continues & includes non-Rohingya Muslims.)

Buddhism cannot be judged by politics in Myanmar. Many remember that in the 1960s Vietnamese Buddhists actively opposed the series of military juntas ruling South Vietnam & were prominent in opposing the US war against Vietnam. Their opposition helped counter anti-communist rhetoric used by the US to justify it’s barbaric war.

It only goes to show you theology has less to do with tyranny than the heritage of colonialism & the often misguided attempts to overcome it–or the accommodation modern regimes are making to neoliberal plunder in hopes of getting in on the take. Those regimes use religious intolerance to enflame sectarian conflict.

Buddhism is as Buddhism does–which is just as true of the Papacy. These Tibetan monks traveled from exile in India to stand with the Black community in Ferguson, Missouri. That placard reads: “From Tibet, Justice for Mike Brown.”

(Photo from the Huntington Post)

The face of undocumented immigration includes elderly, women, children

Mother & child immigrant August 20 2014

An African immigrant & her baby sleep in a refugee center in Tarifa, Cadiz, southern Spain. They were among the nearly 1,000 immigrants “rescued” from rafts in the Strait of Gibraltar on August 13th. “Rescued” is always a qualified term in immigration since many will be deported back to their own countries or just dumped back in north Africa.

Media portrayals of immigrants are being blown right out of the water by the realities on the Africa to Europe route & those on the US-Mexico border. Nearly 64,000 unaccompanied children from Central America have now entered the US since October. Obama regime officials try to associate them with prostitution & drug trafficking to hide from the rest of us they are victims of US plunder & military policies in their home countries. Thousands of unaccompanied children from Afghanistan & the Middle East attempt to enter Greece from Turkey & thousands attempt to enter South Africa from Zimbabwe & other countries. It may be mostly young men trying to scale the razor wire fence between Morocco & Melilla (Spanish territory in north Africa) but the makeshift boats carrying immigrants across the Mediterranean are filled with elderly, women, & children. That’s the true face of undocumented immigration.

Somehow in war, immigration, & urban politics, young men & boys have become the symbols of lawlessness & terrorism. When they’re shown together in groups we’re supposed to tremble at the specter of narco-gangs or paramilitary jihad. Truth of the matter is most of them just want to earn a living, live in peace, be treated with respect & have the US military & corporations get the hell out of their country or town. The criminal element among them tend to end up in government or as riot cops.

This photo is the Madonna & child of immigration. We offer them fullest solidarity (which means standing up for immigration rights in our own countries) & wish them Godspeed on their journey.

Immigration is a human right! Open the borders!

(Photo by A. Carrasco Ragel/EPA)

Salute to Hedy Epstein

Hedy Epstein August 19 2014

Can we just take a moment to salute Hedy Epstein, the 90-year-old holocaust survivor & long-time activist for Palestinian justice who was arrested yesterday in St. Louis, Missouri, at a protest against deploying the National Guard in Ferguson (a suburb of St. Louis)?

Epstein, who currently lives in St. Louis, has a long history of political activism going back to the 1930s, including antiwar & women’s rights. She plays an active & prominent role in Palestinian solidarity. She said at her arrest, “I’ve been doing this since I was a teenager. I didn’t think I would have to do it when I was 90. We need to stand up today so that people won’t have to do this when they’re 90.”

Hedy Epstein is everything you want to be when you’re 90: tough, inspired, & still fighting for social transformation without bending an inch to cynicism, demoralization, or the lame excuse that you’re too damn old.

Hats off to you Hedy!

(Photo from Huntington Post)

More evidence of Israeli war crimes in Gaza: are you listening Ban Ki-moon?

Gaza boy with Israeli bullets August 19 2014

No this is not a Hamas fighter but he a Palestinian teenager in Gaza. Media (including the NY Times) did an analysis of the death count in the latest phase of Operation Ethnic Cleansing to counter the gruesome image of so many children riddled with shrapnel & dismembered by bombs. They concluded with a smug, amoral sense of righteousness that teens–the Hamas age–were the greatest number killed. And rabid Zionists around the world heaved with vindication–not that infants had been spared, but that so many teens had died.

Israel, the US, European leaders, & that creepy Ban Ki-moon claim all the deaths were regrettable & “collateral” (a psychotic military concept invented by a US stink tank for Iraq) & entirely the political fault of Hamas. They’re beating that alibi to death to make a racist lie & vilification a cliché that becomes history.

But evidence of war crimes from Gaza testify otherwise. This young boy wraps his head with a bandolier of spent bullets left by the Israeli army near his family’s bombed out home in Beit Hanoun. Beit Hanoun is not far across the apartheid wall from the hills of Sderot, Israel, where residents made an international spectacle of their psychoses by cheering on ethnic cleansing from lawn chairs. Did the most sophisticated, high-tech military in the world use bullets to destroy those alleged cement tunnels? Or were they more likely used for “collateral” destruction–like this young boy?

Stand with Palestinians, as they stand with justice in Ferguson. Don’t let history & justice pass you by. Keep rallying to demand Israel cease the bombing & end the blockade of Gaza; & evangelize for the economic boycott of all Israeli products (barcode beginning 729).

(Photo by Hatem Moussa/AP)