Tag Archives: Israeli siege of Gaza 2014

Under there really entrances to “attack tunnels” under all this rubble?

Gaza--returning home to rubble August 7 2014

Do you think we’ll find the entrance to those cement “attack tunnels” from Gaza to Israel when this rubble gets removed? Or do you think it more likely Israel will prevent back hoes & bulldozers from removing the cement so their war propaganda won’t be exposed as lies? So we won’t know that ethnic cleansing was the purpose for bombing homes, schools, mosques, hospitals, refugee centers?

What’s that saying from Abraham Lincoln? “You can fool all the people some of the time, & some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” Israeli hasbara is down to ‘fooling some of the people some of the time.’ Anybody else paying attention who buys it has to have their head examined.

Many have noted a major shift in media coverage of Israel & Palestine, including The London Times refusing to publish the scurrilous ad by Eely-Oily Weasel (known better by his stage name Elie Wiesel) accusing Palestinians of using their children as human shields. This shift is not because Israel went too far this time; their genocide & dispossession of Palestinians has gone on relentlessly for over 66 years. These media outlets are not the least bit squeamish about genocide & have been covering Israel’s ass for all of that time. What’s changed is that the BDS boycott movement politically educated hundreds of thousands of people around the world to the historic crimes committed against the people of Palestine. When Israel entered this phase of Operation Ethnic Cleansing people knew exactly what it was all about. BDS combined with Twitter & social media stripped the veil of obscurantism, mysticism, & Exodus mythology to the bare bones & exposed it as colonial fraud.

Israel is a lynch pin of neocolonial policy & plunder in the Middle East & it won’t be let go without a fight–including on the propaganda front. Those smarmy think tanks are working overtime these days to devise a new approach to selling Israeli mythology destroyed by ethnic cleansing witnessed by the entire world.

Palestinian solidarity can’t buy any of it. We stand steadfast against genocide & on the side of justice. We don’t want to hear equivocations; we don’t want phony UN investigations that let Israel walk away scot-free from war crimes. We demand in every possible venue that Israel lift the blockade of Gaza.

That’s our job. And don’t think for one moment that over a million people in the street over the last month demanding “Stop the slaughter in Gaza” was all for naught. It changed everything. Palestinian justice stands a chance now. They no longer stand alone against the mightiest & most barbaric military forces in the world: Israel & the US Pentagon.

Continue protests demanding “End the blockade of Gaza” & evangelize for the economic boycott of Israel (barcode beginning 729).

This litle guy is in the Gaza town of Khan Yunis, which was pummeled by Israeli bombers.

(Photo by Said Khatib/AFP)

Returning home to rubble

Gaza ceasefire (returning home) August 7 2014

Where do Palestinians in Gaza go from here? They’re returning home to bombed out rubble with only the clothes on their back. They’ve no place to toilet or bathe or sleep. Some may have beloved still buried in the rubble. Before they bring in back hoes & bulldozers to remove rubble, they need rescue teams to recover bodies & make sure no one is buried alive. They need port-a-potties & temporary housing. They need toiletries, clean clothing, diapers, medicines.

Israel’s blown out the ony power plant & destroyed the sanitation systems so on an emergency basis those need to be repaired lest diseases run rampant over an already malnourished population.

But let’s get real. Israel’s embargo of Gaza has the area hermetically sealed tighter than a drum; nothing goes in or out without Israel’s approval. The smuggling tunnels used by Palestinians to bring in vital products embargoed by Israel are destroyed. If Israel bombed out the hospitals & refugee centers in Gaza does anyone seriously believe they’ll open the gates now for back hoes & bulldozers? For rebuilding materials like steel & cement? Or let Gazans rebuild the power plant to restore electricity?

The bombing hasn’t stopped yet; it never really has, but continuous sorties are punctuated periodically with massive assaults like Operation Protective Edge as part of Operation Ethnic Cleansing. Israel forcibly removed Zionist settlers from Gaza in 2005 claiming it was a peace initiative but we now know it was to facilitate ethnic cleansing & make the operation a case of shooting fish in a barrel.

The most important task of Palestinian solidarity is to demand in every venue & every forum that Israel end the blockade of Gaza. That mission has to be the centerpiece of all our work from now on out. It isn’t just a matter of donating humanitarian aid to Gaza since Israel will obstruct the delivery–& obstruct it violently as they did in 2010. In that year, the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, six civilian ships with solidarity activists from around the world, attempted to defy Israel’s blockade of Gaza & deliver humanitarian aid by ship. Israeli commandos from speedboats & helicopters boarded the ships, assaulted activists, & shot to death ten unarmed activists. A UN investigation under the gutless Ban Ki-moon faulted the solidarity activists & let Israel walk away scot-free from ten murders. The UN investigation also concluded Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza was legal.

International agencies will be coming out of the woodwork asking for dough to help Gaza. The Red Cross is already out with a “Gaza & Israel Appeal”, as if Israel & the bantustate of Gaza suffered equal damage. One can argue this is diplomacy but it’s more honest to call it opportunism. The Red Cross raked in millions for Haiti relief after the 2010 earthquake but still hasn’t made an accounting of dispersal & shows no evidence for having done so. An elementary need in Gaza would be port-a-potties & while the Red Cross took in millions, most Haitians were not provided toilets for many months; some never got them. The rubble remained in the streets & is probably still sitting there; displaced Haitians are still living in makeshift squalor.

Be extremely selective in who you give funds to for humanitarian aid to Gaza especially because it will require a massive international political campaign to make sure it can be delivered. Obsequious appeals from beneficent looking blokes like Paul Farmer in Haiti don’t cut it. Beware the halos on those making appeals.

The most important humanitarian aid we can deliver to Gaza is to continue massive public protests, pickets, forums, speak-outs, teach-ins, demanding “stop the massacre in Gaza” & “end the blockade of Gaza!”

This is Salwa Shabat & four of her children returning to their bombed out home in Beit Hanoun, in north Gaza–once again, a few miles from the hills of Sderot where their suffering was so much fun to watch.

(Photo by Lefteris Pitarakis/AP)

Does Israel use bullets to take out cement tunnels?

Bullet Casings--Gaza August 7 2014

Now here’s a curious phenomenon worthy of a UN investigation for Israeli war crimes. Israel claims it bombed homes, schools, hospitals, mosques, markets, & refugee centers to take out “attack tunnels” hidden in them between Gaza & Israel which Hamas would use at some future point for terrorist attacks on Israel. There are presently no charges against Hamas for ever having used one of these tunnels to enter Israel. There’s presently no evidence they exist.

That would explain–though it can never be said, justify–why Israel bombed those places. But what explains the bullet casings left by Israeli soldiers on the floors of homes in Gaza? Is the most sophisticated military force in the world trying to take out alleged cement tunnels with bullets? Or were they more likely trying to kill the inhabitants–that is the ones who couldn’t escape & weren’t already buried in rubble?

This photo is a man in Rafah, Gaza cleaning up Israeli bullet casings in his sister’s bombed out house.

Respond to Israeli lies with massive protests & by honoring the economic boycott of Israel (barcode beginning 729).

(Photo by Khalil Hamra/AP)

Kooky ideas in the service of social hatred

In the rubble August 7 2014

A blowhard I once knew morphed into a rabid Zionist. He was no prize package before that but when he started spouting hasbara, he just got ugly. He wrote a biography where he described growing up with parents who met at a séance conducted by a dead 13th century crusader & steeped his childhood in ghostly apparitions, spirit guides, star charts, & astral planes. So his embrace of Zionist irrationality just fit right in with all the other goblins.

Now this morning I received a video titled “Synagogue of Satan” by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock from a person who said we have to spread it’s truth far & wide. One minute into the video & you can see it coming: the devil’s brew of illuminati, Free Masons, & Rothschild bankers that makes up the heart of libertarian conspiracy theory (if you can call crazy theory). The new (now former) friend explained to me that Jesus was not a Jew but considered them sorcerers, vipers, hypocrites whose father was the devil–& she managed to get the antichrist & Bolsheviks in there too. At the end, reminiscent of that final scene in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” she accused me of being “one of them.”

The ability to believe kooky things contrary to all the evidence is a hallmark not just of Zionists but in almost every instance of irrational beliefs, there is a direct connection to social hatred of some kind, especially racism. Many liberal Zionists cannot accept the reality of mountains of evidence for ethnic cleansing in Gaza because they cannot break with Zionist belief in the special character & superiority of Jews nor can they break with racism toward Palestinians–which they hide behind criticisms of Hamas rockets. The political problems of Hamas have nothing to do with Israeli ethnic cleansing–which is why evidence is eschewed & irrationality embraced to defend Israel.

But irrationality employed ostensibly to defend Palestinians is just as vile. You cannot oppose racism & social hatred by spouting crazy-assed theories about illuminati & Jewish bankers. The other guy who plied that kind of crap was Adolph Hitler.

So unless you want to end up as a status on my wall, keep that crap away from here. Palestinian justice deserves better than that. You can’t serve justice with hatred.

This young boy in Rafah, Gaza is looking for belongings midst the rubble of his house.

(Photo by Hatem Ali/AP)

Homeless in Gaza

Displaced Gazans August 7 2014

While Israel is taking a brief rest from slaughter, displaced Palestinians are traveling back to the rubble that once was home. These little kids who just went through a living hell are leaving a school serving as a UN refugee center in Beit Lahiya in northern Gaza, a few miles from the hills of Sderot where their suffering was a spectator sport. The brief respite allows those psychos to run home now to check the mail & feed the dog.

The UN reported Israel bombed six UN refugee centers & that eight UN staff member have been killed. They also report the shells hit the centers while children & infants slept next to their parents. And still the best Ban Ki-moon can come up with is a wimpy complaint to Israel & a “shame on you” to both Israel & Hamas. It isn’t that the UN isn’t on top of things; they have more access to information than the entire Twitter-sphere which sent hundreds of images of Palestinian children round the world–images which are shattering the edifice of Zionist propaganda & the romance of Exodus mythology. Nothing explains the deafening silence of the UN & its refusal to indict Israel for war crimes except collusion with Israel & it’s allies.

Many laud the actions of Latin American regimes who issued objections or recalled their ambassadors after nearly four weeks of ethnic cleansing. Admirable, but mighty insufficient when you consider the massive political power they could bring to bear on Israel & the US or the massive humanitarian aid they could mobilize if they were willing. Their ambassadors will be back in Israel shortly & the lucrative deals with Israel will not miss a beat. But at least they lent their moral authority (even though some like Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff have that in short supply) to the struggle of Palestinians–& that is something the solidarity movement needs to run with.

Israel & the US are rightly concerned about the impact of those images of Palestinian children– what Netan-psycho-yahu called “telegenically dead babies” & another Zionist pervert called “snuff with haloes”–& they’re trying to counter them with the deeply racist, dehumanizing claim (drawn from the cesspool of 19th century colonialism) that Palestinians use their children as human shields. They’re dragging out the biggest halfwits on the planet like Donny Deutsch, & the living dead like Jon Voight & former terrorist Oily Weasel, to cover Israel’s ass by vituperations against Hamas. And when they speak of “Hamas”, they really mean all Palestinians since for Hamas to use children as human shields, they would need parental collusion.

Israel has been riding high a long time on Exodus romance; it was propelled into this phase of Operation Ethnic Cleansing by irrepressible conflicts within it’s own society. The combination was deadly & when ethnic cleansing went into overkill, even those who couldn’t point to Israel on a map & don’t know Palestine from Tunisia stood aghast.

Rather than be daunted by the criminality, the solidarity movement must run with the truth. We need to pressure those Latin American regimes to increase pressure on Israel, we need to put the heat on the US & the stooges of the US Congress, we need to badger the UN, but mostly we need to organize massive protests, speak-outs, forums, teach-ins; we need to have Palestinians tour; & we need to evangelize for the economic boycott of Israeli products (barcode beginning 729). The source of our power is in truth & in our numbers. Just ask the Vietnamese.

(Photo by Mohammed Abed/AFP?Getty Images)

Israeli war propaganda deeply rooted in racism and colonialism

Gazan man with child August 6 2014

The truth of the matter is Palestinian parents must be worn out & frantic trying to protect their children from bombs, from being buried in cement rubble, from being embedded with flechette darts & DIME shrapnel. And then to have Israeli war propaganda & world media accuse them of using their beloved children as human shields for rocket launchers!

Beat the drums loudly for justice in Palestine. Stand with the parents & children of Gaza & answer hasbara with the truth.

Keep marching; keep boycotting all Israeli goods (barcode beginning 729).

This man & his little girl are resting in the rubble of their home in an area of Gaza which has seen some of the worst destruction. They will be among the hundreds of thousands left homeless.

(Photo by Carolyn Cole/LA Times)

Is this what hasbara means they call Palestinian children human shields?

Gaza man and child August 6 2014

This must be what Zionist apologists for ethnic cleansing mean when they claim Palestinians use their children as human shields. This man has no where to go with his small child since Israel is taking out homes, markets, mosques, hospitals, & UN refugee centers. There’s no place to go, no place to keep your children safe & where you aren’t a sitting duck. But hasbara is clinging to that human shield story because it is frantic to undo the damage of hundreds of photos of mangled & dismembered Palestinian children. Those wee martyrs have become Israel’s undoing. May they RIP.

Some witnessing this carnage are bereft that massive protests haven’t stopped Israel but if you think Israel & it’s allies aren’t sweating bullets about those protests, take a look at some of the war propaganda Zionist apologists are frantically barfing out. Some of it is completely indistinguishable from burlesque. Brigitte Gabriel, a shady, half-baked character, is the queen of farce in this regard. Gabriel, who has a couple names (probably from running from the law), is a hateful Islamophobe who claims she was used as a human shield by Palestinians in Lebanon. According to her, Palestinian fighters (in 1975-76) would park rocket launchers in front of each house, shoot off a cannon, & move on to the next house to make the evening news. You don’t have to be an artillery expert to recognize folly.

She’s a nasty piece of work too, claiming Palestinians “cannot win militarily against Israel so what they do is they use their own children as disposable collateral in order to win the war of public opinion against Israel.” She’s described by book venders as “fiercely articulate & passionately committed” when the pithy “unhinged” would be much more suitable. But when it comes to finding people to peddle this crap, beggars can’t be choosers. Hasbara takes what it can get.

This is the hay day of the Islamophobe who usually live isolated lives since even feral cats & mad dogs want nothing to do with them. A case in point would be witless, right-wing comedian Pat Condell, the UK’s own version of the contemptible Bill Maher. He posted a several-minute rant hating on Arabs who he calls “a bloody nuisance to human civilization.” Our man has no respect for anything except the sound of his own croaking. In denouncing Palestinians for using their kids as human shields he claims Hamas used child labor to build the tunnels between Gaza & Israel. Where did he get that information since Israel claims it didn’t know about those tunnels? Does our man have metaphysical sources of intelligence? Or like the rest of hasbara, does he simply make stuff up? It’s clear now why the mad dogs want no part of him, not even a ragged bone.

Hasbara thinks it really snagged a live one when they interveiwed retired Colonel Richard Kemp, the former commander of British troops in Afghanistan. To enlightened minds, not the best authority to address justice but again, beggars can’t be choosers. This interview is where you confirm crackpot Zionism has taken over the hasbara factory. He claims–contrary to IDF press releases–that Israel did not bomb a hospital & refugee center in Gaza; they were in fact bombed by misfired Hamas rockets. The rare (& entirely questionable) images of Hamas rocket damage in Israel are the size of potholes. Is our man actually claiming that one of those took out an entire hospital & a refugee center?

The only thing of value this military servant of neoliberal colonialism says is that the people of Britain have been deeply affected by the photographs of Palestinian children. To counter that, he claims Hamas falsifies these photos & includes images of Israeli children as dead Palestinian kids. His lies are even topping the state of Israel which has not claimed any deaths from Hamas except among the occupying soldiers.

This human shield story is obvious crap but it’s all Israel has got left. So this sorry-assed fool claims the high number of children killed in Gaza are because Hamas used them as human shields as a “key element of their strategy.” Listen to the jackass in his own words: “They want to lure & force Israel to kill civilians. And so you see images of dead babies, dead boys on the beach, women screaming about their children, & no reality can overcome those images. It’s understandable in a way, because it is heart-wrenching, I’ve seen firsthand what shrapnel can do to a baby, & it’s horrifying, & the problem is that there’s no reference, no open-mindedness to the fact that the only reason these children have been killed is because of Hamas’ aggression towards Israel.” The devil made them do it!

It isn’t that Hamas uses kids as a key element in their military strategy but that hasbara uses that racist accusation drawn from the rancid well of 19th century colonialism as a key element in their war propaganda.

The most powerful way to answer this racist rubbish is to continue public protests denouncing Israeli ethnic cleansing in Gaza. The official lies aren’t stacking up, millions of people have seen the photos of small Palestinian children & know that something stinks in the state of Israel. It’s up to us to hammer home the truth & stand for justice.

Stand publicly for Palestinian justice! Honor the economic boycott of Israel (barcode beginning 729).

(Photo by Mohammed Abed/AFP)

Palestinian intifada lives!

Gaza- Intifada lives August 5 2014

Supporters of Palestine around the world are worn to a frazzle with concern for Gaza because for now four weeks that small but densely populated area has been pounded with hundreds of bombing sorties every day along with bombardment from tank artillery. How could Palestinians possibly recover from such a barbaric & relentless assault!?

Never underestimate the political fortitude of people who have stood alone for 66 years against the most insuperable odds & never bent the knee to colonialism. Here a young Palestinian flashes the victory sign & holds up a map in the colors of the Palestinian flag. He’s standing in the rubble of his family’s apartment taken out by Israeli bombs in Beit Lahiya, an area where Israel simply went berserk probably to put on a good show for those sitting just across the border in their makeshift parlors in the hills of Sderot.

We hope those psychos in Sderot spot this flag with their binoculars. We should tweet it to the four corners of the globe so everyone who stood with Gaza knows: Palestinian intifada lives.

We only hope this young man knows over a million strong & growing raise our fingers in response: solidarity forever until Palestine is free.

(Photo by Adel Hana/AP)

Former terrorist Elie Wiesel has no shame

Eely Weasel ad August 5 2014

If there’s one guy who has no shame, it’s Eely Weasel–known better by his stage name, Elie Wiesel. He’s made a career grandstanding his sorrow as a holocaust survivor & after he’s spent 50 years in public weeping we’re left to wonder just how deep that font of misery goes. Or can he turn it on & off depending on remuneration?

He’s the oh-so-earnest, self-serving preacher who said: “I swore never to be silent whenever & wherever human beings endure suffering & humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” Leaving us to question why he never spoke up against Israeli apartheid & ethnic cleansing, why he clammed up & looked ponderous while the world awaited his indictment. Is it possible our man is an utter fraud–& a rather contemptible one at that?

So now the man has spoken in a full-page ad in the NY Times & several other national papers in Chicago, LA, Miami, Washington DC (those cost big bucks & you can be sure he didn’t fork it out of his own account). It’s titled: “Jews rejected child sacrifice 3,500 years ago. Now it’s Hamas’ turn.” Drawing on the Old Testament & the holocaust (the sucker is so predictable), he accuses Hamas of using children as human shields, calls on Obama & other world leaders to denounce Hamas, & urges people to support Israel in their hour of need. You gotta hand it to the guy! He’s a real performer.

We would never demean the suffering of Jews from historic persecution, including pogroms & the holocaust of WWII. We would never accommodate modern libertarian anti-Semitism that is a devil’s brew of illuminati, Free Masons, & the Rothschilds. But don’t ask us to fall for this guy’s schtick which is a manipulation, guilt-baiting, & a source of considerable personal income serving as apologia for Israeli apartheid, ethnic cleansing, & Zionist racism.

Zionist sources rued the ad in the NY Times was placed opposite an article “wrongly condemning Israel for attacks on Gaza’s UN schools.” They also claimed the ad was to “promote universal Jewish values in culture, media & politics.” We don’t know what those values are or how they differ from the values that all humanity honors but we do know you can’t have it both ways. You can’t claim to be high-principled & at the same time refuse to condemn Israel for bombing women, elderly, disabled, children seeking refuge from ethnic cleansing.

(Image of Eely Weasel ad in NY Times)

Palestinian solidarity must carry the banner of intifada while Gaza grieves

Gazan boys August 5 2014

Solidarity can do nothing to alleviate the grief that will haunt & traumatize Gaza for a long time. Mourning loss of such epic scale is not something most of us can even imagine nor something we can salve. What solidarity can do is carry the banner of Palestinian intifada while Gazans take time to grieve & get their bearings.

The mission of solidarity has only just begun but a world movement has formed to hammer at Israeli lies & counterpose the truth of Palestinian’s just claims to live in peace in their own lands. We need rallies, forums, teach-ins, speak-outs, pickets, protests; we need to build the holy hell out of BDS, encouraging everyone to boycott all Israeli products & pressure academics & performers to refuse their gigs in Israel.

No one need longer fear to speak the truth or whisper support for Palestinians lest we provoke charges & be ostracized as anti-Semite. Speaking support for Palestine once seemed a case of the still living attending the Vampire’s Ball or the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The rosy hue of truth was not just unwelcome but vilified. Kiss that crap goodbye. The truth has been tweeted round the world now millions of times. Uninformed people of good will want to know the truth & won’t accept half-assed explanations or having the dead bony finger of hasbara pointed at them to denounce them as anti-Semites or self-hating Jews.

We need to grab this historic moment & run with it because Palestinian solidarity is no longer voices crying in the wilderness. It is now an international solidarity movement of the kind we haven’t seen since the Vietnam War. History is being remade; justice is being served. The voices of Palestine must now be heard.

Long live intifada! Take it international in solidarity with continuing rallies & honoring the economic boycott of all Israeli products (barcode beginning 729).

(Photo of boys outside their bombed-out house in Gaza City by Suhaib Salem/Reuters)