Propagandist Eva Bartlett: a farce in three acts

As a propagandist, Eva Bartlett is a farce in three acts. Yesterday, she claimed she was hitching back from Eastern Ghouta, now under Russian occupation, with testimony from residents that there was no chemical attack on April 7th. She wasn’t the least worried about getting kidnapped by one of those ‘head-chopping jihadis’ or of being bombed by Syria or Russia. She’s a brave girl, that Canadian lassie. Also a shameless bullshit artist.

Back in Damascus yesterday, she showed this video of a conversation–more an interrogation–with “a random taxi driver” wearing Syrian military fatigues who said he was a member of the Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA) units integrated with the Syrian Army based in Yarmouk refugee camp. Oh that Eva is a cagey cat. So much left unsaid. How did one of Assad’s most well-known propagandists just happen to end up in the cab of a Palestinian soldier who supports Assad? As Bogart in “Casablanca” would have asked: ‘Of all the taxis, in all the towns, in all the world, she hops into his?’ Presumably, the guy is an active duty soldier. Or why is he wearing army fatigues which is prohibited off-duty by most armies? Why is he driving a taxi in Damascus? Are the wages that low? Is there that much time off during a war? Our cabbie says he’s based with the army in Yarmouk, a Palestinian refugee camp which Syria has been pummeling for days, ostensibly to clean out ISIS & Al Qaeda cells. And Assad gave him time off during the siege? To set the record straight, the PLA has never been under Palestinian control. It is controlled by the host countries where Palestinian refugees live & in Syria it is a conscription army integrated into & controlled by the Syrian Army. Those Palestinians not willing to take up arms against the Syrian Arab Spring uprising ended up in Assad’s gulag where many have been tortured & killed.

The reason for this propaganda stunt is that the Assad regime & its ventriloquist dummy Bartlett have manipulated a parasitical relationship to Palestine solidarity. The bombing of Yarmouk refugee camp will certainly not stand well with Palestinians & most of their supporters. So Bartlett did this fake news stunt which at best is a farce & at worst is a disgrace to sustain the malignant lie that Assad is a supporter of Palestinian self-determination.

Defense attorney for Asifa’s rapists & murderers calls for boycott of her family’s tribe

Ankur Sharma (ANI) Apr 26 2018
Kashmiri media reports that this guy, Ankur Sharma–the defense lawyer for the adult men who tortured, mutilated, gang raped, & murdered 8-year-old Asifa–was caught on video inciting a rally of Hindu nationalists to boycott the Gujjar & Bakarwal community as part of whipping up support for his clients. The Gujjar & Bakarwal–Asifa’s tribe–are Muslim & pastoral nomads although it appears some have settled in Jammu. They make a living selling dairy & other products associated with goats & sheep. Such a boycott in a predominantly Hindu region is potentially devastating & could force them to relocate. The lawyer also urged nationalists not to sell their properties to Muslims.

In his vituperations, Sharma invoked Hindu gods, specifically Lord Krishna, to make his case for the boycott: “Lord Krishna has told us to fight against some people who are trying to oust us from our own lands in an organized way.” He also claimed–based on what some guy somewhere once told him–that the Gujjar & Bakerwal community were brought to Jammu to change the demography of the region to Muslim. Inflammatory, rancid stuff so it’s a good thing hearsay doesn’t hold up in court.

Many media sources refer to the rape & murder of Asifa as ‘the Kathua case’ but this has an unfortunate way of distancing us from Asifa & her community who are being legally & politically maneuvered out of justice.

(Photo of the dirtball is from ANI)

When you call for US military intervention in Syria, including a No Fly Zone controlled by the US, you do not serve the Syrian revolution against Assad’s dictatorship. You legitimize US military interventions everywhere, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, & Syria. The historic, pitched political battles of the past 150 years have been against US military interventions which are every bit a part of colonialism & white supremacy. To not understand that, to hold out some imaginary hope for a humanitarian intervention in Syria is worse than magical thinking. It is a betrayal of black & brown peoples around the world who feel the scourge of US military, overt & covert, intervention. Get over your pipe dreams & stand with the oppressed.

On the persecution of Muslims

Pretty scary when you consider all the Muslims facing war, occupation, repression, counterrevolution, & genocide these days. Even scarier when the progressive forces that would normally rally to their defense are mouthing the Islamophobic mantras of the so-called war on terror. When people start talking the Sunni-Shi’a-Wahhabi conflict stuff, as if it were a theological dispute, you know they’re talking through their nether regions. Most of us from the Christian tradition don’t know the theological differences between Catholics & protestants, let alone between Baptists & fundamentalists or Methodists & Presbyterians, & certainly don’t know anything about Islam. If there are conflicts between religious denominations of Islam, they are likely much more related to class & political distinctions which have been aggravated by US-European interference in Middle East politics. But this goes back a long way, long before ISIS or Al Qaeda made the scene. When I was in the convent in the early 1960s, a missionary priest told us one could tell the difference in Christian & Muslim kids–to the disadvantage of Muslim kids–just walking from one neighborhood to the next in Jerusalem. Yeah right. Those of us who stand against persecution of anyone for whatever reason reject this rubbish & have to be steadfast in opposing it. There are 2.18 Muslims in the world, about 25% of the world population, so we sure as hell don’t stand alone when we stand for justice.

Eva Bartlett out of her league when attempting to rebut Mehdi Hasan on Syria

Assad propagandist Eva Bartlett is in Syria, again embedded with the Syrian army but pretending she’s hitching her way around a war zone. Has she notified the Syrian & Russian air forces not to mistake her for a terrorist & bomb her as she thumbs her way around? Or is she more likely riding in an armored convoy like Beeley & Fisk? She’s joined forces with another Assad propagandist to answer the Intercept polemic by Mehdi Hasan titled “Dear Bashar al-Assad Apologists: Your Hero Is a War Criminal Even If He Didn’t Gas Syrians”. Someone should tell her that when you function as a ventriloquist dummy for Assad, you’re way out of your league taking on a masterful polemicist like Hasan. Neither Assadist responds to the several arguments made by Hasan but only attempt to discredit him & repeat that it’s Assad against terrorists. They don’t even mention that US regime-change thing. Bartlett claims she’ll be bringing us testimony to Assad’s popularity from residents in Ghouta but once again, only a fool would speak frankly to lowlife apologists who ride into town with the Syrian army.

Mehdi Hasan polemic:

Eva Bartlett’s pathetic rebuttal to Hasan:

Israeli executioner of teenage Palestinian let off with the naughty finger

Nadim Nuwara RIP May 15 2014
Israeli border policeman Ben Dery shot & killed 17-year-old Palestinian Nadim Nuwara on Naqba Day, May 15, 2014 at a checkpoint near the West Bank city of Ramallah in an incident caught on video. Nadim was protesting the ongoing colonization of Palestine. Dery used live ammunition to kill Nadim in cold blood even though he was unarmed & presented no danger. On the same day, at the same place, & in the same circumstances, a 16-year-old Palestinian named Muhammed Abu al-Thahir was fatally shot in the back & his killing also was caught on video. No one was ever charged for the killing of Mohammed & in March 2016 Israel closed the investigation claiming there was no evidence. A third teenager named Muhammad al-Azzeh was shot with live ammo on the same day but survived. It is exceptionally rare for Israeli soldiers to be prosecuted for killing or assaulting a Palestinian so it comes as no surprise that Dery was just sentenced to 9 months in prison for “causing death through negligence & causing severe bodily harm.” It is the same impunity for human rights crimes that the Indian occupying army is provided in Kashmir.

By contrast, 17-year-old Palestinian Ahed Tamimi is jailed for 8 months for slapping an Israeli soldier & 13-year-old Palestinian Ahmed Mansara is serving a 9 & 1/2 year sentence for stabbing an Israeli teen in October 2015. In more invidious contrast, the Israeli soldier who executed 21-year-old Palestinian Abdul Fatah al-Sharif as he laid injured & incapacitated on the street in Hebron in March 2016, was sentenced to 14 months in jail but was given early release after serving nine months. The incident was also caught on videotape. But evidence doesn’t matter. The injustice speaks for itself.

May all these young freedom fighters prevail over Israeli apartheid & genocide.

Photo is Nadim Nuwara. May he Rest In Peace.

(Photo from various sources)

Omar Abdullah, the butcher of Kashmir, on tour of U.S. campuses to pick up worthless honorifics

Omar Abdullah honorific from Princeton Apr 24 2018
Omar Abdullah, the former Indian Chief Minister for Jammu & Kashmir who authorized pellet guns, is apparently making the rounds of prestigious American universities–Berkeley, Princeton, Columbia–getting all sorts of honorifics & posting about them on Twitter. Henry Kissinger has a warehouse full of such useless honorifics, including the Nobel Peace Prize. Omar can rake in those awards up the wazoo but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s a war criminal as odious as Henry–& that’s a pretty damning category to be in.

It might be noted that his honorifics aren’t making any headlines because they aren’t worth doodoo; one has to go to his Twitter wall to learn about them. But news of those Kashmiri protesters at Berkeley, including Kashmiri Pandits, did make headlines. You can use his silly-assed award from Princeton for toilet paper. It’s not good for anything else.

(Certificate from Omar Abdullah’s Twitter wall)

Where to follow the Rohingya struggle on social media

Following the Rohingya struggle is extremely important. The genocide crisis is by no means resolved & isn’t likely to be without constant international attention & political pressure. Bangladesh still plans to deport thousands to an uninhabitable island & the massive crisis of refugees has not been adequately addressed. Irish activist Micheal Clinton works with Rohingya activists in Ireland & his work is so respected that he has been appointed a representative to the European Rohingya Council. He maintains this Facebook wall which provides up-to-date information on the Rohingya struggle. You can also follow the posts of Rohingya activists on Facebook, including Ro Nay San Lwin, Imran Mohammed, Ziaur Rahman, Anayet Ullah Arman, Ro Rahmath Ullah, Kyaw Kyaw Win, & others, or Burmese dissident Maung Zarni, all of whom post invaluable information. It’s not a struggle or a genocide that we can make yesterday’s news.

On Twitter, there are several invaluable sites, including most importantly these two: Rohingya Vision on Twitter:
Rohingya Blogger on Twitter:

Kashmiri boy shouting freedom slogans at funeral of Ishfaq Ahmad (Basit Zargar) Apr 24 2018
A Kashmiri boy at the funeral of militant Ishfaq Ahmad shouting freedom slogans: now we can see why children are so often injured or killed by “stray bullets.” Every new generation of the oppressed must be intimidated & cowed into submission. Or killed. Whichever comes first, by the rubric of the Indian occupying army.

End the occupation. Self-determination for Kashmir.

(Photo by Basit Zargar)

On the persecution of Uyghur Muslims by Chinese government

Uyghur meme Apr 24 2018
The Uyghurs are a Turkish speaking, predominantly Muslim ethnic group facing extreme persecution by the Chinese government. Uyghur activists report that over one million Uyghurs are detained in Chinese “re-education camps.” There has been almost no reporting on their struggle against persecution except by exiled Uyghur activists on social media. Pakistani journalist Usman A Khan Tahir has written several pieces about their persecution which involves all the anti-terrorism canards & vilifying inherent to Islamophobia. Like every struggle against ethnic & religious persecution & oppression, it’s a complicated issue but Uyghur activists are playing an important role in elaborating its character so that we may understand.

In addition to mass detainment, Uyghur mosques have been desecrated, demolished & turned into Chinese propaganda centers; Islamic symbols & Quranic verses have been replaced with pro-Chinese banners & flags. The Quran has been burned, some have been forced to eat pork, & anyone with a beard or hijab is labeled a terrorist by the Chinese government. Uyghur activists report that Chinese troops have walked pigs into mosques during prayer time, stopped prayers & forced those present to drink alcohol.

Islamophobia is the battle cry of the most reactionary & fascist forces in the world today so educating ourselves about the struggles of Uyghurs & other oppressed Muslims & rendering solidarity to their struggles is extremely important. It is of a piece with the persecution of Muslims across the globe. On Twitter you can follow Uyghur activists on: & Through those sites one will find many other links to Uyghur activists.

(Meme is from Uyghur Congress)