Pope says three Hail Marys and makes a good act of contrition for Israeli apartheid

Pope Francis May 25 2014

Call me ungrateful, but I think the Pope Francis trip to Palestine & Israel is a mixed bag of symbolic gestures–like visiting Mahmoud Abbas & the West Bank, praying at the apartheid wall, & visiting Al-Aqsa mosque. Like all symbolic gestures, these are not meaningless but what they signify are evasions of Palestinian justice. They’re a political dog & pony show. What matters is that he is promoting a bantustate solution, is not calling for the right of return for Palestinian refugees, & not denouncing the West Bank occupation or siege of Gaza.

So what if he says a prayer at the apartheid wall!? It may rile Israel but it won’t advance Palestinian justice one iota. Pope Francis isn’t a rookie to politics & neither are his Vatican advisers. Millions of people around the world are outraged by Israeli apartheid & ethnic cleansing & the pope can get away with a wimpy-assed prayer & be lauded for it?

Some may call that incremental progress toward justice for Palestinians. Let’s call it what it is: a shameful deference to Zionism & maybe collusion.

Tear down that apartheid wall! No military aid to Israel! Support Palestinian justice by boycotting all Israeli products (barcode beginning 729), & supporting the cultural boycott of Israel.

(Photo by Ariel Schalit)

Protests in Haiti against president Martelly

Haiti May 25 2014

One look at this picture will explain the recent protests in Haiti denouncing president Michel Martelly, the sniveling protégé & accomplice of former dictator Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier & the two Clintons in setting up Haiti as another sweatshop nation.

The man seen here is a resident of Petion Ville, a remote suburb of Port-au-Prince. Petion Ville is one of the richest areas in Haiti where all the diplomats, foreign businessmen (that’s the term for crooks & plunderers), & most of Haiti’s oligarchs live. It’s also a tourist haven with lots of chic bistros where you can see Duvalier dining with the likes of do-gooder & white savior, Sean Penn.

Petion Ville is mostly gated communities that are compared to Beverly Hills in LA where all the movie tycoons live, but with the treacherous addition of razor wire fencing. You’d think that wouldn’t be necessary in an enclave of such high-level thievery. The residents are neoliberal operatives & goon squads, not break & entry men. But shantytowns have emerged on the perimeters of Petion Ville, most likely by those displaced in the 2010 earthquake who still have no housing & who are hoping to find work in the swanky tourist clubs. The millions in relief donations had to be used instead to set up sweatshops & of course pay for the Clinton’s lavish indulgences.

In this photo, Haiti’s Ministry of Public Health is spraying chemicals to exterminate mosquitoes in one of the shantytowns. Well the caption doesn’t say it was one of the shantytowns but you certainly don’t think they would spray toxic chemicals on residents of a gated community, do you!? The health workers reported the procedure was to prevent diseases like chikungunya, dengue & malaria. If those diseases were just a threat to shantytown residents, no big deal. But those diplomats & robber barons have to be protected even if it means endangering the health of shantytown residents. Have you ever seen such stinking cynicism!?

(Photo by Hector Retamal/AFP)

Solidarity with Zapatista struggle in Chiapas, Mexico

Zapatista solidarity May 23 2014

The relationships between the US & other countries in the Americas are fraught with contradiction & complexity. All of them were colonized by Europeans but different regimes employed different strategies with the Indigenous peoples, all of the strategies barbaric. In the US, they were driven on to barren reservations; in most of the Americas, they were stripped of their lands by European colonizers & reduced to debt peonage. Genocide was the singular commonality.

As capitalism developed in the western hemisphere & as US militarism & colonialism dwarfed all others, many countries in the Americas became client states to US economic & military interests with a corrupt elite in collusion with US oligarchs. As we know from the many US interventions over the past 100 years, they are not colonies but they are not free either.

On the losing end of all this have been Indigenous peoples who have made land tenure the pivotal issue at every stage of their historic struggle to survive against colonialism & the encroachments of capitalism. Mexico’s history cannot be told without considerable focus on the land question. It was a central issue of the Mexican Revolution (1910-1920) under the leadership of Emiliano Zapata who demanded redistribution of agricultural land & formation of ejido (communal lands) for peasant farming. Some land reform came out of that revolution but the changes were provisional so they could be reversed at an opportune political time.

That opportune time presented itself when neoliberal agriculture financed by the IMF & World Bank was introduced into Mexico in the 1980s along with NAFTA in 1994. This required dismantling the ejido lands & converting to commercial plantations for export crops. The Mexican government facilitated this plunder (which politicians stood to make a bundle on) by modifying the constitution & favoring multinational agribusiness with tax credits, reduced trade barriers, & other shyster tricks. These policies devastated subsistence farming, as they were intended to do, impacting mostly on Indigenous farmers.

This is a lucrative scam they’ve got going. Now Mexico produces food primarily for export & imports food, mostly from the US. Hundreds of thousands of farmers & farm workers were dispossessed, impoverished, & forced to immigrate to the US while agribusiness is making out like a bandit.

This is part of the context for the development of the Zapatista movement in the Mexican state of Chiapas which has one of the largest Indigenous populations in the country. The Zapatistas emerged in 1994 in opposition to NAFTA & to neoliberal plunder. It is one of the most important & organized Indigenous movements in the world & has volumes to teach about how to & how not to organize a popular movement.

The Zapatista movement has always been under siege, even though early on they abandoned guerrilla warfare as a strategy. The Mexican government now employs paramilitary units rather than outright occupation. In a May 2nd paramilitary attack on the village of La Realidad in Chiapas, a school & clinic were destroyed & a Zapatista school teacher named José Luis Solís López (known as Galeano) was brutally murdered by machete & gun.

The Zapatista movement is calling for solidarity from around the world. There have been rallies in places like NYC, Limerick, Ireland, & elsewhere. This petition is one of the easiest ways to render solidarity with this historic struggle against the depredations of neoliberalism which is decimating farming communities & displacing Indigenous peoples around the world. Please take a moment to read it & sign it, knowing you are playing a small part in one of the most important political struggles for justice today: http://www.anattackonusall.org/sign-the-call/

Photo is people gathered in the Plaza of Resistance in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, to show solidarity with the Zapatistas after the assassination of Galeano

(Photo by Marta Molina)

African immigrants “rescued” by Spanish coast guard

African immigrants May 23 2014

There’s a world of hope & dreams invested in these young men who were among a group of 22 immigrants from Africa, including two women & six children intercepted off the coast of Spain near the Canary Island of Gran Canaria. Half are sub-Saharan Africans, half are from the Maghreb region of northern Africa.

Their overcrowded boat described as “makeshift” ran adrift after it lost engine power & had to be rescued by the Spanish coast guard. “Rescued” of course is a qualified term for undocumented immigrants. They didn’t drown in the Meditarranean Sea like so many thousands of fellow immigrants but they will be incarcerated, processed, & most will be deported & dumped back somewhere on the African continent.

You can see how elated they are to be “rescued” because many have entire families dependent on their getting into Europe to find work & send money home; many are refugees fleeing war; many have been dispossessed by neoliberal plunder. All of them are desperate or they wouldn’t risk their lives in a makeshift boat that could prove their doom.

Working people around the world are inundated with agitation against immigrants, as if they’ve come to take our jobs or go on the dole. That’s a classic divide & conquer device that plays well among those fearful for their jobs, especially when it’s orchestrated with racism. So one of the most promising political developments in several countries is that immigrants are standing up for their rights fearlessly. Our heartfelt solidarity with their struggles.

Immigration is a human right! Open the borders! Tear down Fortress Europe!

(Photo by Borja Suarez/Reuters)

Fast food workers on strike!

Fast food workers May 23 2014

This is another photo of the protest at McDonald’s headquarters outside Chicago by 2,000 fast food workers & supporters from church, union, & community groups. Things are going to get rough if they’re already bringing out riot cops just to guard the executive suites of the hamburger tsar.

This is labor history in the making & we can all be part of it by joining solidarity rallies in our own cities. Your name may not hit the history books but your deeds will.

(Photo by Jim Young/Reuters)

McDonald’s workers on strike!

McD strike May 23 2014

These riot cops are protecting McDonald’s corporate headquarters from about 2,000 fast food workers & supporters demonstrating for higher wages & the right to form a union without retaliation. The headquarters is located in Oak Brook, Illinois just outside Chicago, which is one of the wealthiest suburbs in the US & a suitable venue for McDonald’s CEO who earns $9.5 million bucks a year. McDonald’s workers earn minimum wage & pay about $400 a month for company health insurance.

The protest which drew 500 McDonald’s workers from over 36 cities, also included church groups, union activists, & community groups. McDonald’s can see that political tsunami coming at them & it’s certain all the other fast food joints are watching these developments with extreme alarm. And so are conservative union leaders since they’ve been sitting on labor militance for decades. This eruption among the poorest US workers will have a powerful effect on both unionized & non-unionized workers & help overcome the lethargy that marks the labor movement now. Or perhaps it is more accurate to say, marks the union leadership now.

Media reports McDonald’s is sweating about the public relations disaster such pro)tests are creating & a boycott of their stinking food is a real possibility. But a bigger problem than image faces the entire fast food industry which has been treating employees like chattel since the industry came on the scene in the 1950s.

Our fullest solidarity with these fast food workers. They bring new life to the US labor movement. It’s worth noting that many of these workers are immigrants.

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Are working people just mindless “sheeple?”

Guy reading May 22 2014

Several annoying memes circulate on social media, most notably quotes from Noam Chomsky, about the insuperable ignorance of working people (though thankfully “sheeples” has been ridiculed almost into oblivion). Quotes like this by Chomsky abound: “The general population doesn’t know what’s happening & it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.” One wonders how Chomsky knows what we do or do not know since he travels exclusively in elite orbits!?

This is a common misanthropy usually issuing out of academia from those who should apply scientific analyses to social phenomena but instead rely on impressionism. Two days ago, I was detoured by a fleet of crime scene investigators carrying out a victim in a body bag. Today, the crime site is serene & the chaos in that home in no way apparent. Maybe the analogy is rough, but it’s also true that the ferment going on, the confusions, the thinking among millions of working people is not apparent anywhere, least of all from reading media who intentionally portray us as belching barbarians & floozies without a serious thought in our brains. The ferment is also not apparent in political passivity because even if you have the clearest analyses of political problems, there are currently few places to go to exercise your wisdom. Have the misanthropes looked at the state of political leadership & organization today in any arena from labor to feminism to civil rights to socialism?

People who want to understand what’s going on in the world spend hours pouring through media sources & cannot find sources that speak reliably. Left journals are often factional, obscurantist, or written in the ill-begotten parlance of academia that makes legalese seem poetic. Most working people don’t have time to wade through all that & have to accept the TV news version of reality. That doesn’t mean they all accept it in the model of obedience training. There are simple-minded thinkers everywhere, including among working people; there are racists & misogynists, & plenty of boneheads. But there are also millions of people who question what they’re told, have misgivings, questions, skepticism, & boundless cynicism about media.

Working people are the agency of social transformation; what we understand or do not understand matters. Addressing that problem does not include condescension & insult. People like Chomsky have no right to make such indictments since their job is to educate & not malign millions of people they know precious little about. Libraries & book stores are full of people–thousands of readers a day–so clearly people are trying to understand what media has made near impossible.

Social activism is not a way to thumb our noses at others for their ignorance; it is the exercise of political power & just as important, it’s a very effective educational method to counter media lies. And that’s what we should be concerned about.

(Photo from pinterest; photographer not identified)

Chuckles in Canada

Chucklehead in Canada May 22 2014

Is it still wrong to make fun of people even when they’re begging for it? Kanye West & Kardashian had to know there’d be some criticism when they tried to rent Versailles for their wedding venue. Donald Trump had to know his hair would be the only interesting thing about him to an Irish talk show host. Chuckles had to know he’d look dorky with a tool in his hand when he can’t even handle his own toothbrush. He was just this excited when he learned how to draw within the lines while visiting a kintergarten class last year.

Some say these observations are the things that concern small minds with an admitted mean streak when it comes to the elite. Is there a problem with that!? Some think it’s envy but take a look at this picture & try to argue that position.

(Photo by Chris Jackson/Getty Images)

Students in Nairobi, Kenya assaulted for wanting education


Nairobi protestor May 21 2014

This is another photo of a student in Nairobi, Kenya protesting education fee increases. He is attempting to escape a classroom where he & other students were cornered by riot cops lobbing tear gas canisters.

This guy looks a lot more bookish than rowdy, as the riot cops claimed to justify their assault on unarmed student protestors.

Our fullest solidarity with him & his fellow protestors. May they use their education to upend the system of exploitation that prevails across this globe. What else is learning for if not to make this world a better place?

(Photo from Reuters)

Education protests in Nairobi, Kenya attacked by riot cops

Nairobi student protest May 21 2014

Police brutality against peaceful protestors is now the norm in almost every country as resistance grows to austerity measures. Education & pensions are primary targets in the cutbacks so seniors & students often take the brunt of police violence. Media reports attempt to make students fighting pitched battles with riot cops appear to be the aggressors. They use catch phrases like “protests turned violent”,” “violence erupted” to disguise that fully-equipped riot cops are attacking unarmed, defenseless students with grenades, tear gas, truncheons, water cannons, & often live ammo. Students are accused of using deadly force by hurling rocks. You’d think machista cops would be embarrassed by such claims. Protestors actually do have a weapon that’s quite fatal to deceit: the camera, which puts the lie to police claims they were threatened by violent hordes of students.

The case in point today is public university students in Nairobi, Kenya, protesting an increase in student fees that would force many of them out of school. Young people can get quite testy when they’re denied an education but their protest was reportedly entirely peaceful. Police officials told the ever-gullible media that things turned sour when protestors started blocking traffic, robbing tourists, looting shops & forcing them to close. Now all this alleged disruption took place in Nairobi’s central business district though there isn’t a single piece of documentation–not even a single photo of an anarchist ripping the place apart.

The media doesn’t explain why cops didn’t attempt to stop the rowdies on the spot but instead stormed the main campus of the University of Nairobi wielding truncheons, lobbing tear gas canisters, & pointing guns with live ammo at unarmed students. Here’s where the deadly weapon of the camera comes in: many photos show riot cops chasing students into campus buildings, cornering them in classrooms & inundating them with tear gas, standing over cowering students with batons. Students are crying & cringing in fear, overcome with tear gas, shown being assaulted, shown trying to escape police violence & tear gas by crawling through broken windows. Reportedly, 100 students were arrested; to compensate for police & media lies, you’ll need to multiply that.

Now a question remains: how did riot cops reduce rowdies to cowering & crying? If it’s so effective, this police formula should be bottled for police departments everywhere. Except it didn’t happen as police officials & media report it. Like everywhere else, police attacked peaceful demonstrators who were exercising their democratic rights to protest & defend their access to public education.

Government officials in Kenya say students jumped the gun since there is no announced education fee increase. Christine Lagarde, the noose-bearer of the IMF, has been hanging out in Kenya recently so students were engaging in a preemptive strike just to let the regime know they would not be patsies in the austerity measures mandated by the IMF.

Our fullest respect & solidarity with the striking students of Kenya in their fight for education.

(Photo of students cornered in a classroom by AFP)