Category Archives: News

Trump the piñata-head: more intelligent than the original

Trump pinata June 29 2015

Let it never be said Mexicans have no sense of humor despite being vilified as criminals & rapists by the likes of Donald Trump. It could be said, they’re having the last laugh on that fool–& not just by sale of piñatas with his potato-head. Would that racist outbreaks were always met with such swift justice.

NBC, like Univision the Spanish-language network, severed all business relations with him & will not be airing the annual Miss USA & Miss Universe pageants. He will also not be participating in his signature show, The Celebrity Apprentice.

Donald Trump won’t soon be sent on sensitive diplomatic missions to foreign countries. One could say he just shot himself in the ass with his racist comments about Mexicans. But despite being fired from Univision & now NBC, he will still be running for president. The world waits with bated breath to see what other idiocies lurk in the heart of the man.

(Photo of Trump & Trump-piñata; can you guess which is which?)

IMF austerity putting Greek working people through hell

Greek pensioners at ATM (Getty) June 29 2015

It’s wrenching to see what Greek working people are going through. Greece’s current austerity program expires tomorrow. Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras rejected ultimatums from the IMF, European Central Bank, & creditors & has called a July 5th referendum about whether to accept or reject the terms of the austerity package calling for higher taxes, pension cuts, & other public service cuts. Today, tens of thousands of Greeks protested against more cutbacks.

Pensioners have been lining up at ATM machines for withdrawals since pensions are paid at the end of the month. The government closed the banks for several days to avoid a run on the banks & compound the catastrophe–so seniors were unable to withdraw their pensions. As anyone on inadequate pensions knows, that means being unable to eat for several more days.

Standing resolute against the ruthless bloodsuckers is admirable but not the less unsettling & scary to go through–especially for pensioners & those with kids. Rent still has to be paid & food bought. Defying the terms of exploitation is the beginning of a historic process & the unraveling of the European Union. But for working people who live hand-to-mouth it’s hell to go through. Our fullest solidarity with our Greek brothers & sisters.

(Photo of anxious pensioners at ATM machine from Reuters)

What’s up with U.S. socialists!?

Alice Bach & I are the only socialists running for president & vice president 2016. The only option to voting for us is voting Democrats or not voting at all. There are all different kinds of socialists–including types like Bernie Sanders. Alice & I come from different socialist traditions but we have plenty of agreements on the most important questions & are running to present generally how socialists see things.

We want people to hear how we view the emerging civil rights movement, immigration rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights, Palestinian solidarity & BDS, workers’ rights, sweatshop economics, the environment, US-NATO wars. There isn’t a single Democratic candidate that comes close to us in active commitment to justice. Between us, we probably have close to 100 years of activism.

Someone should explain to the way too many US socialists who decline even “liking” our Facebook campaign wall that they don’t have to endorse everything we say but if they want to participate in the US election, we’re the only game in town, the only principled option for socialists.

We aren’t going to win or lose without that support. But with it, we can reach more people in the US with our ideas. It means opening up more venues where Alice & I can address activists, promote social justice, & talk to young people about the possibilities for socialism.
Factional distinctions or splitting hairs on doctrinal matters at such a time is a shabby, politically paltry way of operating if you want to make this world a suitable place for human beings to live & you’re willing to work with anyone to accomplish that. And that’s all I’m going to say on the matter.

Obama nails that “wretched like me” stuff in Amazing Grace

I’m certainly not the only one who has a hard time listening to Obama. He’s a wooden speaker & I’ve never understood where he got his spellbinding orator reputation. But I listened to most of his eulogy for Rev. Clementa Pinckney. The part I liked best was his rendition of “Amazing Grace.” He really nailed that “wretched like me” part. Pardon my bluntness, but a man who’s done nothing about violence against the Black community & conducts racist wars overseas has no right to eulogize a victim of racist violence.

Islamophobia pervasive on US television

Islamophobia is becoming pervasive in TV dramas–along with glorification of the military & CIA. Vampires, living dead creatures, & other hobgoblin things are big too. At least that’s so on the networks since I don’t have cable TV.

Yesterday, one drama had two young suicide bombers (one named Omar & the other a Black kid) who were controlled by an older vengeful terrorist. They make no attempts whatsoever to be subtle in their message.

Many people eschew TV as lowbrow entertainment but not everybody wants to watch a Shakespeare play to relax. There’s actually lots of fun stuff to watch but we’d like it to not be a brainwashing forum.

Trump dumped by Univision

Is it wrong to take so much delight in Donald Trump’s latest fiasco? The dumb-ass called Mexican immigrants drug traffickers & rapists just weeks before Univision, the immense Spanish-language network in the US, was scheduled to telecast the Miss USA pageant, half-owned by Trump. They dumped the Trump & severed all business relations with him.

Rather than leave bad enough alone, Trump went on the offensive: “They don’t want me saying that Mexico is killing the United States in trade & killing the United States at the border. Univision is totally laying down for the Mexican government. … They want to silence Donald Trump. And Donald Trump can’t be silenced.” And therein lies the problem.

But let our man keep talking because every time he opens his trap he weakens the US empire just a little bit more.

Bree Newsome takes direct action to remove ugly-assed Confederate flag

Bree Newsome (Adam Anderson:Reuters) June 28 2015

Bree Newsome, a Black Lives Matter activist from North Carolina, scaled the 30-foot flag pole in front of the South Carolina state capital building yesterday & removed the Confederate flag.

She & James Tyson, her accomplice in this magnificent act of defiance, were both arrested & the flag was re-hoisted. Under South Carolina law it has rights after all. To assuage activists demanding the damn thing be removed after the murder of nine worshippers last week, state officials called for its removal but that proposal must be approved by two-thirds majorities in both chambers of the South Carolina legislature, a confederacy of dunces.…/bree-newsome-takes-down-the-confederate-f…

(Photo by Adam Anderson/Reuters)

Solidarity with Bangladeshi ship yard workers

Bangladeshi ship yard workers (Mike Hettwer) June 27 2015

This photo of Bangladeshi ship breakers is from a May 2014 pictorial in National Geographic magazine. The caption read “Oblivious to the risk of lung cancer, workers fend off the nighttime chill by burning a pipe gasket likely containing asbestos.” Now there they go again–assuming working people are stupid. If that were so, they wouldn’t have to employ such violent repression against them. They wouldn’t have to stack the courts & laws against organizing unions for self-protection. They wouldn’t have to torture & kill idealistic & inspired union organizers, as they do.

It’s more likely these young workers know from decades of injury, occupational illness, death exactly what’s gonna kill them but they feel they have no recourse right now. South Asia is the ship breaking capital of the world. It’s where Europe sends its old ships for demolition because labor costs are dirt cheap. It’s another rendition of sweatshop economics.

The US labor movement has the resources to show some solidarity & strengthen union organizing in the ship yards & sweatshops of Bangladesh but they have their heads stuck up the asses of the CIA & US State Department & play a pernicious role instead.

Transforming the US labor movement, which is now fund raising from the likes of George Soros, is fundamental to strengthening the labor movement in Bangladesh & elsewhere–or at least getting a noose off their necks. If you want to know what Soros does to unionism, take a look at what he’s done to unions in Zimbabwe & immigration rights groups in the US. It’ll make your hair stand on end.

Our fullest solidarity & respect for our brothers in the ship yards of Bangladesh.

(Photo by Mike Hettwer)

Bangladesh child ship breakers (Mike Hettwer) June 2015

If eyes are the window to the soul, you are looking into the abyss of human suffering felt by children without hopes or dreams. These small boys are workers in a Dhaka, Bangladesh ship yard. Bangladesh has long been the leading country in the ship breaking industry (since 1964). Ship demolition is extremely dangerous work with a high profit margin because Bangladesh is designated one of the worst in the world for workers’ rights–& today, that’s saying a mouthful.

Workers, including children as young as four or five, work around asbestos, lead, cadmium, arsenic, & other toxic chemicals (which workers remove with their bare hands), diesel & other fuels, & in blistering hot, noisy, stinking conditions with little formal training & no safety equipment. The ship yards are notorious for the high number of workers injured (including amputations) or who die in gruesome ways, including from blowtorches they use & explosions.

They have no access to emergency services for an accident; no compensation if injured or disabled on the job; work at less than minimum wages with no overtime, sick, or vacation pay; & have no right to form a union.

There are many terrestrial & marine environmental problems created when dismantling ships but the health problems for unprotected workers are an entire catalog of horrors: heavy metal poisoning, cancer of the skin, intestine, kidney, liver or bladder; asbestosis; mesothelioma; disruption of the hormonal system; an entire range of respiratory, skin, & eye problems (including blindness). And lots of children are working under these conditions! The average life span is 40 years old. It doesn’t get more barbaric than that.

One media report showing workers suspended precariously off a ship said “Frequently without goggles, risking serious injury or blindness, workers climb tall rope ladders to the ships’ highest points, risking death if they slip, yet they keep working, enjoying building the ships.” Such rubbish could only be written by someone who’s never worked a day of hard labor in his life. It’s the old “Whistling while they work” routine from Disney movies which hasn’t a damn thing to do with the lives of these men & boys.

These little guys have a right to dreams–including one for having a long healthy, happy life. If this ain’t barbarism, then what is it? Meanwhile the number of billionaires in Bangladesh tripled in the past few years, according to the central bank.

Our fullest solidarity with the workers of Bangladesh. May they rise up & kick ass!

(Photo by Mile Hettwer)

Vote for Scully and Bach, independent socialist candidates

A recent Gallup poll found that US voters are quite ecumenical about who they’ll vote for. Nine in 10 say they would vote for a qualified presidential candidate who is Catholic, a woman, Black, Latino or Jewish. A high percentage say they’d vote for a Mormon, gay person, evangelical Christian, Muslim, or atheist. But the headline read, socialist presidential candidates are the “least appealing” to US voters.

In fact, socialist presidential candidates are so little appealing that only 47 percent of Americans say they’d vote for one. And that’s bad news!? That’s millions more than the number of people who elected Obama & got a bum rap in the deal. We could say things are looking good for socialists.

Vote Mary Scully & Alice Bach