Another “al-Qaeda affiliated Salafi-jihadi terrorist” disfigured & terrorized by Syrian & Russian bombing in Idlib: the gospel according to Assad propagandists & their guppies.

Stop the bombing! Stop the war on the Syrian Arab Spring!

(Photo from Syrian News)

Concerning the detention camps the US uses to warehouse tens of thousands of refugees, including children, one expert said: “We have what I would call a concentration camp system & the definition of that in my book is, mass detention of civilians without trial.”
Another expert on concentration camps said, “Things can be concentration camps without being Dachau or Auschwitz.”

Next Monday, June 24th, Physicians for Human Rights will release “Shot While Fleeing: Rohingya Disabled by Myanmar Authorities Targeted Violence,” a forensic report documenting how Burmese military forces directly targeted fleeing & unarmed Rohingya, causing many long-term, painful disabilities.

If the UN thought to redeem its criminal misconduct toward the Rohingya genocide by publishing this internal review by Gert Rosenthal, they sorely miscalculated. Rosenthal doesn’t even have the moxie to play diplomat but says he took on this assignment from UN Secretary General António Guterres without knowing a damn thing about Burma, the Rohingya, or the history of ethnic oppression in Burma. Guterres told him his ignorance would ensure impartiality. Makes you cry. But it is ‘par for the course’ in the UN handling not just of the Rohingya genocide but of all such life & death conflicts. In the bombing of Idlib, the UN has been handing Syrian & Russian bombers the coordinates for hospitals even when they knew they were being targeted.

Contrary to Guterres, ignorance has not served this investigation. The genocidal assaults against the Rohingya have been going on for a few decades yet Rosenthal suggests that a couple of alleged incidents in Arakan state by a handful of Rohingya irregulars–incidents which were probably defensive–to be key factors in provoking the Burmese genocidaires. He also maintains the fiction of a civilian Burmese government headed by Suu Kyi versus a genocidal military. Most of what Rosenthal has to say is just bullshit because what Rohingya refugees have to testify is completely ignored as if their experience & voices are of no consequence.

There may have been, as Rosenthal claims, confusions, “systemic & structural tensions,” blunders, shortcomings, “system failures,” by UN officials which led to the complete UN debacle in response to the Rohingya genocide–including putting a guy who knows nothing in charge of the investigation. But as we know from Bosnia, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, that’s just the way the UN rolls.

UN Report:

A recent post on ARSA from Weekly Blitz prompts me to recommend that analyses of ARSA’s politics are, at this point, most trustworthy & best left to journalists from Rohingya Vision, Rohingya Blogger, & the many Rohingya activists & their supporters who actually know what the hell is going on with ARSA.

Weekly Blitz is a tabloid from Bangladesh published by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, a notorious criminal, Islamophobe, & Zionist. In the June 15th article, an author claims: “ISIS-prototype Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) boss Ataullah Abu Ammar Jununi has started communicating with his jihadist counterparts in Islamic State, Afghan-Talibans, as well as Muslim militants within the Kashmiris in India, Chechens in Russia & Uyghurs in China with the agenda of forming a regional alliance & establishing Caliphate through jihad.”

The International Crisis Group, journalists Bertil Lintner & Carlos Sardina Galache, Amnesty International, & now Weekly Blitz mostly talk through their butts in associating ARSA with terrorism of the “Wahhabi-Salafi jihadi” kind. It’s possible ARSA has evolved from a self-defense group during the height of the genocidal assault in 2017 to a paramilitary squad. It’s likely most of them have been killed by the Burmese army or are living in refugee camps in Bangladesh. But anyone who tries to elevate them to ‘Islamist’ monsters should not be trusted for a moment.

The ragged ends of the US antiwar movement are up in arms–& quite rightly–about US threats of war against Venezuela & Iran. But it’s been years since they spoke out or organized actions against the wars already going on in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya. They have instead lobbied for Assad & campaigned for Syrian & Russian bombing of civilians. The betrayal of principles is historic & irredeemable.

Facebook constantly asks for my phone number. They don’t have customer service & cannot be contacted when they unfairly bounce me, so why in the hell would they want to call me?

Before Global Research came out full monty fascist, it posted a May 2016 article written by me for Countercurrents on the Rohingya genocide. Global Research now openly endorses that genocide & I deeply regret & resent that they have not removed my article as contrary to their politics. I have never had any association with that piece of crap journal.

Aung San Suu Kyi took office as president (a civilian front for the military) in April 2016. This photo is from the Burmese army’s 2012 genocidal siege against the Rohingya. Tens of thousands fled for their lives to Bangladesh whose border guards, under the presidency of Sheikh Hasina, were turning them away by the boatloads. There are many wrenching photos from that event, like this one, showing Rohingya fathers pleading with the border guards to allow them entry.

The article from Countercurrents: