“from kashmir all the multiple parties contesting in indian elections look the same, if you are in doubt, ask any one of them a single question: “Is Kashmir an integral part of india?” They will agree in unison and stand firm behind this core violent doctrine which has prevented Kashmiris for decades to exercise their right of self determination. The occupation of kashmir and therefore the resultant daily violence is openly or tacitly supported by every indian political party, transcending divisions like right, left, centre, hindu, muslim, brahmanical, non-brahmanical, progressive, aam, khaas, savarna, non-savarna etc, etc. If BJP is dislodged, the violence against kashmiris won’t stop, what might change is the rhetoric justifying the violence, instead of hard, shameless bravado there will be return of a more deceptive business-as-usual type terminological violence which Congress and others are more adept at.”

–Mir Laieeq

So much for that lesser evil crap: Democratic presidential candidate Corey Booker equating anti-Semitism with Zionism & telling AIPAC why he is one of several Democrats co-sponsoring a Senate bill to outlaw BDS:

“Let me be clear. Anti-Semitism is un-American. It is anti- American. It violates, most deeply, our commonly held values, & we must take steps on the global stage against vicious acts that target hatred. That is why I’m a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 720, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, which opposes international efforts to encourage BDS while protecting First Amendment rights.”

Seventeen-year old Adham Amara killed by Israeli snipers on March 30, 2019, the first anniversary of the Great Return Marches. Three others were killed & 316 were injured. May Adham Rest In Peace.