Most of us get heartsick when we hear the US & other governments vilify Palestinians as terrorists. We just have to remember that the truth is out & irrefutable & that it is Zionist propagandists who are shoveling manure against the tide. The only way to get over the nausea is to build BDS & try to connect with Palestinian supporters wherever you are & however you can. The truth is on the side of Palestinians.

Nikki Haley talks through her ass about Palestinians to justify Israeli massacre

Nikki Haley at UN May 19 2018
Nikki Haley, who talks through her teeth like a pit bull, lectured the UN Security Council on its bias against Israel. She said Israel, “the most democratic government in the Middle East,” is being scapegoated at the UN. With Jared Kushner sitting right behind her, she also lectured Mahmoud Abbas, sitting in the audience like a dumb ox, against inciting Palestinians to violence. It’s at this point that she begins to talk through her ass & denounce “Hamas terrorist oppression” in Gaza which does not provide social services to Palestinians but instead builds tunnels & rockets. She expressed pity for the suffering of Palestinians but never mentioned the brutal Israeli embargo of Gaza, the several carpet bombing onslaughts, & the UN warnings that Israel was making Gaza uninhabitable.

The whole world witnessed unarmed Palestinian protesters shot down in cold blood by Israeli snipers but Haley talked about the large fictitious number of Israelis who have died from Palestinian suicide bombers & stabbings. Before such contemptible cynicism & deceit, the only response is to redouble our efforts at building the economic & cultural boycott of Israel.

(Photo is screenshot of the lying-assed Trump representative lecturing the UN. May she rot in hell.

37% of orphans in Kashmir lost parents to the military occupation

Kashmiri orphans (Getty Images) May 19 2018
Dramatizing how tragic the story of the inconsolable infant whose mother was killed in a hunt to kill operation & father arrested for stone pelting, these are Kashmiri children in an orphanage preparing to break the Ramadan fast. There are 214,000 orphans in the valley, per a 2010 study, 37% of whom lost their parents to the turmoil of the military occupation.

The military occupation of Kashmir, as of Palestine, is a children’s rights issue.

(Photo from Getty Images via Muhammad Uzair on Twitter)

US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley got up & walked out of a Security Council meeting when Palestinian representative Riyad Mansour began speaking. Now will all those who invited me to like her Facebook wall & who lauded her rhetoric about Syria please come to their senses?

A fascist of the Beavis & Butthead kind named Max Tang just posted on my wall a list of Russian propaganda & Assadist blogs denouncing the Rohingya genocide as fraudulent. With imbecilic pomposity, he said “It is the right of others with less bias to tell the truth instead of fools that only proselytize narratives along religious lines.” (He has such an endearing pedagogical way but the interpretation of this insult is: when one stands against the persecution of Muslims, one is peddling religious propaganda.) To clarify his meaning he said: “Whenever western governments & mainstream media start shedding crocodile tears over a minority community of peaceful Muslims being persecuted by some nasty non-Muslim government somewhere with demands that the international community do something about it. It should be treated with a big fat dollop of skepticism.” What he means is that when Muslims are persecuted, it should be applauded because most of them are head-chopping jihadi terrorists of the Wahhabi/Salafi kind.

Our fascist halfwit blithered on about regime change & the deep state (the concept of the deep state from its inception in Turkey was always a deeply Islamophobic, orientalist notion). Then he “suggests comprehension of things in a wider geopolitical context instead of just getting riled up over mere fanaticist feelings based on millenarianism démodé.” Démodé my ass! He thought all those improperly used words would confuse us but he had us at deep state & geopolitical which along with hating on Muslims & Jews are the fundamentals of Assadism. Every half-assed guppy to Assad’s propagandists talk this gibberish because they have no understanding of politics, of persecution & oppression, of war & occupation. All they know is the rhetoric of Zionism against Palestinians & its mimicry in the rhetoric of the war on terrorism. It is the language of Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, & fascism. Rather than argue with this muddle-headed dope, I bounced him before I had to hire an exorcist.

Protest in Kashmir against Indian genocide in Kashmir

Lal Chowk protest vs Modi May 19 2018 (Suddhan Sadaf Shareef on Twitter)

Lal Chowk, where this protest against Modi took place, is a city square in Srinagar that is a traditional place for political meetings. It is said Lal Chowk, which means Red Square, was named by socialists inspired by the Russian Revolution. It has historic importance to Kashmiris because it was in Lal Chowk in 1947 that Jawaharalal Nehru said “The fate of Kashmir will ultimately be decided by the people” & where Kashmiris were promised a referendum to choose their political future. So it is more than appropriate that Kashmiri activists, defying the curfew & shutdown in Kashmir, chose Lal Chowk to protest Modi’s visit today despite the heavy deployment of Indian troops the length & breadth of Kashmir.

(Photo from Suddhan Sadaf Shareef on Twitter)

Kashmir shut down for Modi visit

Billboard in Srinagar of Modi May 19 2018 (muhammad Uzair
This is a billboard in Srinagar with a picture of Indian prime minister Modi which has been torn down. He is on a one-day visit & to make sure Kashmiris weren’t out in massive numbers to protest, he shut the whole of Kashmir down, including the internet. Most of us never heard of Kashmir or knew about their 70-year freedom struggle or the brutal 30-year military occupation because of a systematic news blackout. That was only changed when Kashmiri activists took advantage of social media to present their case for self-determination. The fact that there is more news coverage in media is only a result of the work Kashmiri activists continue to do to educate & build active solidarity with them–so that media can get ahead of the narrative presented by Kashmiri activists.

Closing down the internet in Kashmir is frequent & only to silence the voices of resistance. One of the most inspiring things about the Kashmiri movement is the solidarity they express with the oppressed around the world. There is hardly a day without hunt to kill operations, protests, civilian arrests & deaths. But still Kashmiris protest for Palestinians, Rohingyas, Syrians, West Africans, & others. So on this day when they are silenced, we should stand with those who teach us so much about the meaning of human solidarity with the oppressed.

(Photo is from Muhammad Uzair on Twitter)

NYC stands with Gaza against Israeli genocide

NYC stands with Palestine (Shehab News)
New York City stands with Palestinians: gone are the days of the 1970s when Palestinian protesters & their supporters were charged by mounted police & beaten because there were so few. Today Palestinian solidarity is an international movement mobilizing hundreds of thousands, over a million in 2014, to stand against Israeli apartheid, colonialism, genocide.

(Photo via Shehab News)