Just so there is no confusion at all: I probably have more Facebook friends from India than from any other country–partly because it’s such a big damn country. I have learned enormously from them & admire them as activists in the most important political struggles in their country & around the world: antiwar, for BDS & Palestinian solidarity, for Dalit & other oppressed caste rights, labor rights, environmental rights, against the occupation of Kashmir, justice for Bhopal.

It would be unthinkable to be disrespectful toward them. If we have differences on issues–& we do on some things–it would be something to discuss as among collaborators & co-thinkers. It’s another thing entirely when nationalists come to my wall with reactionary rubbish to defend Modi. But the majority of my contacts with Indian Facebook friends have been nothing but educational & personally rewarding & I want there to be no confusion on that score.

Based on the behaviors of my Chihuahua/Terrier mixed mutts, I have a proposal to replace the quiz show “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth-Grader?” They can get past any barriers I erect & if they can’t will dig themselves under it to hit the street running.

What do you think of “Are You Smarter Than a Chihuahua?” 

It’s common for reactionaries who object to my posts to tell me to stick to criticizing the US government & leave their reactionary governments alone. I spend plenty of time excoriating the policies of this government & have no intention of refraining from criticizing others. Not as long as the US has 1,000 military bases around the world; not as long as the US is making unsavory military collaborations with countries from here to Kingdom Come; not as long as US militarism is chewing up the future of millions of people in the US & around the world.

If you don’t like it. you can lump it. International solidarity, which includes political criticisms, is not noblesse oblige or some patronizing form of racism. It is the life blood of social transformation. If you don’t get that, tough noogies.

More slum evictions in Quezon City, Manila: they used bulldozers this time, not arson like usual

Quezon City, Philippines (Bullit Marquez:AP) June 6 2016

This woman & child have just been evicted from a shanty town in Quezon City, a ritzy district of Manila, Philippines, while a government demolition squad razes it to the ground. Over the past several years, there have been several slum demolitions in Quezon City & in several other sections of Manila–all of them rendering hundreds of families homeless without providing alternative housing. The government just as often uses bulldozers as it does torching the slums to drive residents out.

Every year, 240,000 displaced rural residents (displaced by land grabs in the IMF model of agribusiness plantations) move to Manila, making it the fastest growing city in the world. The World Bank reports squatters now comprise 40% of 12 million Manila residents. They are mostly unemployed or part of the informal economy & live on US$1.00 a day or less.

Neoliberal capitalism is a scorched earth policy which includes privatizing public lands in metropolitan Manila & legal maneuvers to legitimize the piracy. Many slums & shanty towns were built on public lands & are being razed to build resorts, swanky shopping malls, golf courses.

Quezon City–identified in 2008 as the richest city in the Philippines–has embarked on a massive infrastructure program including business parks, IT & call centers, high-priced condos, shopping malls, & other projects designed to attract foreign investment. Shanty towns will not be allowed to stand in the way of that.

The battles in Quezon City go back years with appeals by residents to the Commission on Human Rights, to the Manila Development Authority (which authorizes demolition squads), & attempts to get the Quezon city council to declare moratoriums on evictions until there are enough relocation sites–mind you, not provision of public housing for evictees, but empty lots where they can move. But the aggressive, often violent, evictions continue, including riot cops with water cannons & other assaultive weapons against unarmed residents, including elderly & children. Residents have always mounted fierce resistance & have pelted the demolition crews, bulldozers, & riot cops with bottles, rocks, & plastic bags with poop & urine.

The Philippines is a highly militarized society, in concert with the US Pentagon. It receives millions of dollars in US military aid & holds annual joint military exercises with the US. The US & Filipino antiwar movements have a joint demand: “Money for housing, not for war!”

(Photo by Bullit Marquez/AP)

“Resilience” in Kashmir by Rollie Mukherjee

Resilience by Rollie Mukherjee

Rollie Mukherjee is an artist of political resistance. We’ve seen artists croak for Israeli apartheid, croon anthems to US militarism, write poems & make paintings glorifying tyrannies of all kinds. That’s where all the fame & money are.

So when troubadours & artists portray & side with political resistance we cherish & honor them as the voices of the oppressed, as the voices of justice. That’s a very special calling & commitment.

This marvelous drawing titled “Resilience” depicts the occupation of Kashmir & the Intifada against it.

Long live Kashmiri Intifada! End the Indian occupation!

Jerusalem Day 2016 march through East Jerusalem: like a Nazi march through Skokie

Jerusalem Day in E Jerusalem ( REUTERS:Amir Cohen) June 6 2016

Remember last September & October when Palestinians, with women on the front line (because men were barred by Israel), were trying to defend Al Aqsa Mosque from Israeli aggressions & vandalism? When all Palestinians (& no longer just men under 50) were barred from praying in their own mosque but Israelis & tourists were allowed to tour the complex? When Israel deployed storm troopers at the mosque? And when Israeli apologists began the slanders about a “knifing Intifada”?

Do you remember how Israel & its media valets insisted that Israel intended no changes in the status of the mosque? That such fears were merely paranoia on the part of Palestinians?

Then Israel declared martial law in East Jerusalem, including the Old City where the Al Aqsa complex is located. Of course East Jerusalem had already been under illegal occupation by Israel since the 1967 war.

So how do those apologists for Israeli colonialism & its media minions explain this photo with this caption by Reuters?:

“Israelis carry flags during a march marking Jerusalem Day, the anniversary of Israel’s capture of East Jerusalem during the 1967 Middle East war, just outside Damascus Gate outside Jerusalem’s Old City June 5, 2016.”

You can interpret that any way you like, but it sounds like a de facto change in status for East Jerusalem, just like an annexation, a colonial acquisition, a land grab of Palestinian territory, & usurpation of Palestinian sovereignty.

Palestinians have a right to defend East Jerusalem & the Al Aqsa Mosque complex by any means necessary. Men & women of good will around the world are called upon to defend them against Israeli colonialism & aggression.

Build the economic, cultural, & academic boycott of Israel as a first line of defense for Palestinian self-determination & justice.

(Photo by Amir Cohen/Reuters)

World Environment Day 2016 & neoliberal capitalism has made a waste dump of the planet

Guwahati city, Assam, India dump site (EPA) June 5 2016

Today is World Environment Day called by the UN every year since 1976. Celebrity UN ambassadors will be out, earth anthems will be sung, school children will hold drawing contests on this years theme of ‘the fight against the illegal trade in wildlife’–even though there isn’t a damn thing school children can do to stop poachers in a trade estimated at US$50 billion to $150 billion per year (& if you include fish wildlife, US$10-23.5 billion more a year).

Illegal trade in animals, plants (including timber & charcoal), & fish is one of the largest criminal enterprises in the world along side trafficking in drugs, people, & arms. The environmental consequences on animal life & human society are incalculable. The black market value in all enterprises is estimated at US$1.81 trillion. That’s what kind of a world we live in.

Of course under neoliberalism, the barbaric phase of capitalism, it’s often impossible to distinguish criminal enterprises from legal businesses. One of the places that’s most evident is in global waste management systems. The IMF/World Bank economic model requires privatizing waste management which has resulted in monstrosities like this all over the world: toxic, stinking mountains of plastic & metal detritus, putrid food waste, animal & human poop, & countless other rotting, disease-ridden unmentionables.

The IMF waste management system involves the poor, including children, working these festering mountains for recyclables which they resell for a few bucks a day. As a result, they suffer numerous health problems, including skin & respiratory infections. Since neoliberalism also requires privatized healthcare, many cannot receive the medicines required for their conditions. That’s what kind of world we live in.

This dump site in Guwahati city, Assam, India is taking over wetlands & the habitats of these Greater Adjutant Storks so that their numbers are gradually declining. That nightmare is repeated at dumpsites around the world.

IMF leaders recently conceded that neoliberal capitalism is a failure. That’s beyond dispute. But they’ve so heavily & systemically invested in those methods of plunder & economic colonialism since the 1980s that some of the environmental damage they’ve wreaked is beyond repair or will take generations to undo–like the oceans filled with oil slicks, swirling vortices of plastic detritus, & wildlife depletion. Of course they have no intention of reforming the system of plunder for profit & couldn’t if they wanted to.

The lessons that need to be taught school children about the environment will not be forthcoming. There will be moralizing & sentimentality about Mother Earth but no elaboration of the real causes of climate change & environmental wreckage. That’s our job because that’s what kind of world we live in & it is not suitable for human, animal, or vegetative life.

(Photo from EPA)

An ardent defender of the Dalai Lama took exception to those who criticized his recent xenophobic comments about refugees to Europe & posted a long apologia. We’re all entitled to our opinions & interpretations.

After ranting about my privilege, arrogance, & ignorance, he posted this on his wall:

“Sometimes in my frustration at selective radicalism of some ‘leftists’ in US/UK context, I wish it was they who were the victims of 1989 Tiananmen or the Cultural Revolution or Stalin’s Gulags.

Combining white privilege with security of state citizenship (and passport), these arrogant fools have a habit of demeaning the experiences of Chinese, Tibetan and Uighur dissidents and refugees. With dehumanising and selective leftists like these, who needs to rightwing to destroy ideals of socialism?”

Let me just say that in 50 years of political activism I have had countless knock-down drag-out political battles & have often taken the worst of it. But I have never, even in my heart of hearts, wished that kind of harm on anyone. It is beyond civilized discourse to suggest a woman activist be tortured, shot down, or imprisoned because she dares to differ with you.

Of all the worthless shysters offering condolences for Muhammad Ali, Narendra Modi takes the cake

Narendra Modi tweet regardint M. Ali

Of all the worthless shysters in all the world weighing in on Muhammad Ali’s death, CBS news chose to highlight the comments of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi which he tweeted from his state visit to Afghanistan:

“RIP Muhammad Ali. You were an exemplary sportsperson & source of inspiration who demonstrated the power of human spirit & determination.”

You wouldn’t know from reading his cliched condolences that as Chief Minister of the state of Gujarat, Modi initiated & orchestrated anti-Muslim massacres in 2002. Many terms have been used to describe the horrors, including pogrom, state terrorism, genocide, & ethnic cleansing. Descriptions of the violence, particularly sexual violence against women & children, are chilling & beyond gruesome.

You also wouldn’t know from his condolences that he has 700,000 soldiers deployed in predominantly Muslim Kashmir engaged in extreme violence against the population.

Why would CBS cull out this monster’s condolences? Perhaps to serve the US Pentagon which is engaged in a new military alliance with India in the Asian-Pacific region. They’re helping polish his image.

Muhammad Ali, a Muslim, would turn over in his grave if he knew what dirt-balls were feigning condolences–dirt-balls who wouldn’t know exemplary or inspiration if they came up & bit them in the ass.

According to a study published by the National Academy of Sciences, female-named hurricanes kill more people than male-named hurricanes because people don’t respect them & don’t seek shelter. That must be nature’s way of teaching men to smarten up. But not in a very timely way. Couldn’t it just rough them up a bit in a twister before it takes them out in a hurricane?
