Solidarity between working people & undocumented immigrants

San Isidro, TX undocumented & border patrol (John Moore:Getty Images) August 7 2015

Lest we think undocumented immigration across the US-Mexico border has abated, this is the border patrol arresting immigrants near San Isidro, Texas, about 60 miles north of the border. Traveling through farm fields (in scorching heat), the immigrants were trying to bypass border patrol stations situated on the north-bound highways.

Central American immigrants traveling through Mexico are subject to extreme violence by criminal gangs & paramilitary death squads; many end up mutilated & in unmarked mass graves. The state of Veracruz, which is run by a murderous governor, is a major transit point for immigrants riding atop the “Train of Death” north to the border. As the train slows there, ordinary working people from the nearby towns rush to the trains with food & other supplies to hand off to the immigrants. There are also shelters for immigrants along the route where they can be treated for injuries, be fed, be treated as human beings. If they manage to cross the border & are released by border patrol, volunteers through a local Catholic church provide them with food, baths, clothing, & human solidarity.

Now we are reading reports that in Greece & in Macedonia thousands of volunteers are creating networks to provide food, medicine, camping utensils, toys to refugees. According to the volunteers in Greece, none of the aid is coming from NGOs, local or national government.

The Republican candidates focused on immigration, hoping to appeal to the most xenophobic, racist elements in US society–those who form vigilante squads at the border to drive back immigrants. What the despicables don’t realize is that many people around the world, including in the US, recognize a fellow human being when they see one, identify with the struggles of poverty & dispossession, & stand with immigrants–whether they have papers or not. Their humanity is all that matters.

Immigration is a mass phenomenon & has become a permanent feature of neoliberal capitalism where war, sweatshop economics, land expropriations of farmers, & austerity policies are bleeding millions of people dry. It’s a hallmark of the barbaric phase of capitalism; where we stand on immigration isn’t just a hallmark of our humanity but is a harbinger of whether we will be able to thwart the assaults of neoliberalism or will all go down together.

Immigration is a human right. Open the damn borders.

(Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

The redoubtable Anabel Hernández

Anabel Hernandez

The remarkably courageous Mexican investigative reporter Anabel Hernández has covered drug trafficking in Mexico for many years, exposing the inextricable connections of the Mexican & US governments to the drug trade. She is the author of innumerable articles, including for Proceso (the Mexican investigative journal that recently-murdered Ruben Espinosa worked for) & of the book, “Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords & their Godfathers.” She has also written about slave labor, sexual exploitation, & political corruption in Mexico. For her exposes, her life has been threatened so many times that she requires 24/7 bodyguards.

In media interviews now she claims she has documents proving the Mexican government was directly implicated in the “escape” from prison of drug lord “El Chapo” Guzman. That comes as no surprise. The surprise would be if they weren’t involved. Her expose makes crystal clear that drug trafficking–a multi-trillion dollar international trade–is organized at the highest levels of government & finance capital. The struggle against mass addiction is a struggle against neoliberalism, the barbaric phase of capitalism.

(Photo is Anabel Hernández)

For those interested in one of her recent interviews on the El Chapo escape:…/Anabel-Hernandez-Talks-About-the…

It looks like a shoe-in for Jeb Bush

It doesn’t take Nostradamus to say Jeb Bush is going to be the next president of the US. There’s no “vast right-wing conspiracy” out to get Clinton. Her corruption & crimes against humanity aren’t so much coming back to haunt her (Haiti would be chief among them) as political forces unwilling to risk the credibility of the presidency are making sure her lesser crimes (the email fiasco & her money-grubbing) are being exposed.

What’s going to be interesting, when the race is between Clinton & Bush, is what will those radicals who traditionally support Democrats do (like Angela Davis & those supporting Sanders now)? It’s the conundrum & dead-end of lesser-evil politics.

Neoliberal treachery in the Bangladeshi gravel industry

Bangladesh gravel workers (Faisal Azim) August 6 2015

Stunning photo, isn’t it? Remarkable faces. Looks like an idealized portrayal of the three Magi from the Bible. In fact, this photo, which won second place in the 2015 National Geographic Photo Contest, is three gravel workmen in Chittagong, Bangladesh looking out the window of their workplace which is full of dust & sand.

“Full of dust & sand” in a gravel factory means silicosis, a chronic, irreversible, incurable lung disease caused by breathing tiny particles of silica dust. That means lung infections, tuberculosis, extreme shortness of breath, scarring & stiffening of lung tissue, swelling in the lungs & lymph nodes, respiratory failure.

Petrobangla is the state-owned national oil, gas, & mineral company in the country but unfortunately it makes subcontracting agreements with international companies for exploration & development. That would partially explain the massive oil spill last December in the Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest lying roughly one-third in India & two-thirds in Bangladesh. When these ruthless companies are finished with Bangladesh, it will look like the Niger Delta & be as toxic as the Gulf of Mexico.

The government also owns all the mineral properties of the nation & long ago formulated policies & rules “to achieve sustainable development.” But as part of the neoliberal capitalist system, they’re also trying to attract foreign investment in the mineral sector & that means that sustainable development thing goes down the drain. Now there are proposals to amend those mines & mineral policies “to meet the demands of the present day” & to simplify “procedural obstacles” to attract foreign private investment. Of course the biggest procedural obstacle of all is labor rights, especially health & safety protections on the job, & any bans on child labor.

You don’t necessarily die young from silicosis; sometimes you just live a miserable, incapacitated life–especially if you live in a country with a neoliberal health care system making it unavailable to poor working people.

Media always refers to countries like Bangladesh as “developing” countries. That’s the deceitful language of neoliberalism, the barbaric phase of capitalism. As the Bangladeshi oligarchs & so-called “developed” countries see it, Bangladesh won’t ever be developed beyond a sweatshop economy because that’s where immense private wealth derives. The fight against this treachery is an international one. Because whither Bangladesh is whither workers in the so-called “developed” countries.

(Photo by Faisal Azim)

Pharrell Williams may turn out to be a bum if he sings for apartheid

P. Williams (Twitter) August 6 2015

Pharrell Williams is turning out to be a whopping political disappointment. If he doesn’t smarten up he will be associated less with his song “Happy” than with his music to “Despicable Me.”

Despite appeals to him to honor the cultural boycott of Israel, he is still scheduled to perform in Tel Aviv in early September. There is still time to persuade him by going to his wall & leaving messages. But if our man–who operates a foundation with the mission to “change the world one kid at a time”–remains indifferent to the suffering of Palestinian children, he will be facing the music when he continues his tour in South Africa later in September.

Williams has a marketing collaboration with Woolworths, one of the largest retail chains in South Africa which trades with Israel & sells Israeli products. According to BDS South Africa activists, the marketing campaign called ‘Are You With Us?’ is an attempt to counter the boycott campaign initiated against Woolworths last year. Last month, BDS South Africa sent an appeal to Williams asking to meet with him & to honor the boycott by canceling his performances in Cape Town & Johannesburg.

BDS doesn’t like to give up on anyone prematurely & we hold out, hoping our appeals to their human decency & sense of justice will persuade. And if they don’t, muscle gets applied in the form of protests & rallies. According to BDS South Africa activist, Braam Hanekom, if Williams performs “He is about to face the biggest backlash any artist has faced in South Africa in over 30 years, since the days of apartheid….He is walking into a very angry, unhappy environment because he has chosen to walk with Woolworths.” Protesters won’t be chanting Happy patter; it’ll all be about Mr. Despicable.

The city of Cape Town denied an application to protest at William’s first concert on September 21. Hanekom said protesters may block roads leading to the casino where Williams will perform, delaying the performance, or may even rally inside the casino. Williams is taking quite a gamble with his reputation. But if he performs in Tel Aviv, it’ll be shot to hell by Cape Town anyway.

Pity for Williams. He won’t be the first to bite the dust. Give the man a chance & go to his wall to make appeals to ‘change the world one concert at a time.’

(Photo of Williams from Twitter)

Beit Hanoun, Gaza partially restores water system bombed out by Israel

Gaza cooling off in pool ( Nidal Alwaheidi:Demotix:Corbis) August 6 2015

This is Beit Hanoun, Gaza, where Israeli bombers took out a school serving as a UN refugee center in July 2014. There were 800 people in the school, mostly women, elderly, & children. The bombing attack killed 16 & wounded at least 150 others (probably more). “Wounded” is a vague term covering a multitude of Israeli war crimes. It means small children were punctured with shrapnel, suffered damage to internal organs & eyes, were psychologically terrified, & their mothers (if they survived) had to witness their suffering. All the while, Israel & its stooges like Elie Wiesel were claiming Palestinians use their children as human shields.

The water, sewage, & electrical systems in all of Gaza were badly damaged by Israeli bombers. The only power plant is operational again but because of irregular fuel supplies (controlled by Israel), there are only a few hours of power per day. Repairing sewage & water pipes & wells was prioritized because one of the main health concerns in Beit Hanoun was keeping sewage out of the drinking water–which would place 50,000 people at risk.

And of course, like the rest of Gaza, the housing in Beit Hanoun remains completely bombed out. One of the remnants of a cement wall is the site of a Banksy mural of a kitten.

Despite all the impediments to reconstruction put up by Israel, some repairs have been made–evidenced here by children in Beit Hanoun beating the heat by being hosed down in this makeshift pool.

Israel isn’t through with Gaza yet. And that makes the work of building the economic, cultural, & academic boycott (BDS) of Israel all the more urgent. The struggle against Israeli colonialism is one of the most important struggles in the world today because the unholy alliance of Israel with US, European, & Indian militarism threatens to turn the entire Middle East into a killing field–& because Palestinian Intifada stands as a beacon of resistance to suffering humanity around the world.

Build the hell out of BDS.

(Photo by Nidal Alwaheidi/Demotix/Corbis)

French workers build razor wire fence at Calais against refugees: the epic failure of solidarity

Calais--building fence (Philippe Huguen:AFP:Getty Images) August 5 2015

As if the European Union (EU) hasn’t already demonstrated sufficiently that it is run by cement-headed psychopaths–by letting thousands of people drown & feeding like vultures off retiree pensions–now they’ve opened a new front in Calais where thousands of refugees from Africa & the Middle East are attempting to cross to the UK.

EU officials offered England & France assistance to handle the refugee crisis; France has received its first installment of €20 million & England has received €27 million. The money is to build higher & more layers of razor wire fences; add a metal barrier; more French police & private security guards; extra CCTV, infra-red detectors, & floodlighting at the fence; technical assistance to identify & register refugees to speed up processing travel documents to deport them back to their countries of origin.

The always contemptible David Cameron, playing to the xenophobes, said the UK will not become a safe haven for a “swarm” of immigrants–& he isn’t the only English politician slobbering all over himself against immigrants. England has also changed its laws, now making it a criminal offense punishable with jail time for renting to undocumented immigrants. Landlords will be required to check immigration status when renting out a unit.

The photo is French workers constructing one of the new fences at Calais. If there’s one thing Karl Marx understood it’s the need for working people around the world to stand with each other. When socialists part from that principle, they end up like Francois Hollande, the nebbishy xenophobe who runs France. It is truly regrettable that the state of labor solidarity is in such a sorry-assed state that one group of workers are hired to erect the guillotine for others.

These workers should have called a work stoppage. Why not? Every other worker at Calais is on strike, including truckers & ferry workers. With tourists going back & forth, the place is a hell of a mess with traffic backed up on both sides. Until that solidarity thing is straightened out, workers from every country will be taking it in the neck in another demonstration of chickens coming home to roost.

(Photo by Philippe Huguen/AFP/Getty Images)

The eyes of refugees

African immigrant in Calais (BBC screenshot) August 5 2015

Some photos don’t need explanation. This man is a refugee who has come thousands of miles & is now camped in Calais–unable to move forward because of police violence & razor wire fences & unwilling to go back. His eyes mirror trauma. No one has a right to make other human beings go through hell just to survive.

Our fullest respect & solidarity with him.
Immigration is a human right. Open the damn borders.

(Photo is screenshot from BBC video)

Just answer the damn door when evangelists come knocking

People often complain about Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking on doors to evangelize–like it’s an imposition to answer the damn door. Teams of them fan out in my neighborhood at least once a month. Every Jehovah Witness I’ve known in my life was an exceptionally kind person so I don’t get bent out of shape when they knock.

Someone recently asked me if I consider them a religion or a cult.Well of course they’re a religion–& they take it very seriously whether anybody else likes it or not. The religion is austere & authoritarian & has many problems, not unlike those of Catholicism (including their handling of sexual abuse cases). But what you cannot take away from them is their steadfast refusal to participate in the military or swear nationalist loyalty.

Their persecution under Hitler & German fascism included expulsion from jobs & school, torture, execution, imprisonment, & concentration camps for refusing to perform military duty, join Nazi organizations, or do the “Seig Heil” to the Hitler regime. All of which they could have avoided if they just renounced their religion.

One could imagine the administration of their religion is as nefarious as the Vatican because there’s big money involved. But the average Jehovah’s Witness is sincerely committed to an evangelistic religion & I see no reason to impugn them even for beliefs I don’t share & dislike. If they enter the political arena & contest human rights, that’s another matter altogether.

Call me soft in the head but I think humanity gets along better if you leave people the hell alone & stop deriding them. Unless they’re politicians. It’s always open season on those dumb-asses. My own personal target is leftists who very much resemble cultists. But that’s another story.