Farming is the oldest profession for women

Woman farmer June 28 2014

This is a woman farmer in Khokana, Lalitpur, a district in central Nepal. It’s not certain what she’s so happy about since the work looks like hell. We’re taught to assume farmers are mostly men when in fact it’s the primary work of most rural women. Contrary to the repugnant slander against our ancient mothers, farming is the oldest profession for women & they played a key role in the development of agriculture.

What’s interesting about the village of Khokana, with an economy still based on agriculture, is that it has an ancient Mother Goddess temple. Mother Goddesses personified the fertility & bounty of the Earth, often referred to as Mother Earth.

Cultural feminists from the women’s movement of the 1970s played the central role in popularizing interest in the Mother Goddesses & forged Wicca at one time as the fastest growing religion in the US & elsewhere. These feminists didn’t go back to farming but played an important role in educating women about our bodies & in advancing healthcare for women–which was a travesty in many ways prior to the women’s movement.

Whether religious or not, whether drawn to “pagan” goddesses or not, many women love to read about these Mother Goddesses because they represent a time in history when women were held in high esteem, when we were creative & powerful & not threatened with violence in a thousand different ways. It’s good to keep our ancient mothers in mind for inspiration because we have a long row ahead of us to plow to bring back those old glory days.

(Photo by Navesh Chitrakar/Reuters)

Graffiti campaign in Yemen: a form of political protest

Yemen graffiti campaign June 28 2014

This is a graffiti mural from Sana’a, Yemen but it’s uncertain if it is part of the 12th hour graffiti campaign or was already there–since graffiti has long been a form of political protest in Yemen & played a prominent role during & after the uprising in 2011.

We are told the purpose of this mural was to depict the disproportionate impact of poverty on women. The poignant & powerful image is universal, resonating with the oppressed everywhere.

Many try so hard to divide the human race by religion, gender, ethnicity, & everything else under the sun that makes us different. Artists & poets are here to silence the cacophony & disharmony & remind us to keep perspective; that we are all human beings with far more in common than at odds.

Once we rid this magnificent planet of the things that stink it up like injustice & inequality, the human race has a brilliant future.

(Photo from Yemen Times)

Graffiti campaign for disappeared in Yemen

Yemen- portraits of disappeared June 28 2014

This is another graffiti mural from the 12th hour graffiti campaign in Yemen depicting those disappeared by the regime. One of the most prominent manifestations of political discontent since the end of the uprising in 2012 has been continuous protests over those still unaccounted for by the regime. Graffiti portraits of victims of violence either murdered or disappeared are all over Sana’a.

(Image from Yemen Times)

Graffiti campaign in Yemen

Yemen June 28 2014

Before the Arab uprising in Yemen all the news from the country was about US drone bombing to rout Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Sometimes the reports were indistinguishable from farce–like AQAP & the underwear bomber or bombs planted in ink toner cartridges. When the tsunami of protest erupted in early 2011 we were witnesses to an extraordinary historical event. The threat of US military intervention did not daunt the spirit of rebellion to US-backed tyranny.

When the uprising ended in 2012 with the power elite playing musical chairs but without changing the status quo (including collusion with the US military), the only documentation of that momentous struggle was graffiti art & photo montages of those killed or disappeared by the regime.

There has been almost no news coming out of Yemen since except for scattered reports over the past year of “micro Arab Springs” & labor strikes especially among healthcare workers & despite draconian anti-labor laws. That’s interesting because healthcare workers played a prominent part in the Yemen uprising.

There must be something of political consequence going on that media has not felt compelled to report. Because in response to what is called (without elaboration) “the current political upheaval in Yemen,” artist Murad Sobay put out a call on social media for a graffiti campaign to address the US drone war, corruption, sectarian conflict, poverty, terrorism, civil wars, child labor, proliferation of weapons, kidnapping, & the continuing disappearances of activists.

Revolutions take a lot out of people, especially if they have not been successfully concluded & nothing has changed or may have gotten worse. But they also transform people–in ways that will not be reversed. They are moments in time when millions learn & unlearn & commit themselves to social transformation–even in the apparent lulls. It can be said with assurance that, whatever the odds, the revolution against tyranny in Yemen has just begun.

This is one of the graffiti murals in Sana’a, Yemen.

(Photo by Yahya Arhab/EPA)

African refugees in Israel rebel against Zionist racism

African immigrants June 27 2014

What a dystopic vision Zionists have for Israel: they envisioned a ghetto but they’re creating a hell on earth. Zionism used to garb itself in the mantle of freedom from persecution & even socialism, but modern Zionists like Netanyahu are no longer able to hide the putrid racism & xenophobia at the heart of their ideology.

While the US bases its military policy on Islamophobia & bringing down Islamic fundamentalism, it promotes & bankrolls Zionist fundamentalism in Israel. A Jewish state or a Muslim state, based solely on religion, defies the achievements of the democratic revolutions against feudalism & signifies a political regression.

Zionism also signifies an abandonment of the worldwide struggle to end racism, an ideology developed to justify the slave trade. Rather than stand with others to oppose racist ideology & practices, Zionism accepted defeat, threw in the towel, & decided to join the side of the colonizers & oppressors.

The courageous & intransigent opposition of Palestinians to Zionist racism has put the lie to all this deceit & malarkey & they are now joined by African refugees who are being subjected to endless barbarisms including harassment, detention, deportation.

It’s so bad for African refugees in Israel that this week thousands of asylum seekers left the Holot prison for refugees in southern Israel & marched toward the Egyptian border with no intention of returning. This march exposes the Achilles Heel of Zionism, which is probably why Israeli soldiers manhandled & tried to hold the marchers back.

Most of these refugees fit the UN description of an asylum seeker: they are leaving war zones & it should be added, areas like South Sudan where Israel has long been invested in economic plunder. The right of asylum is an achievement of civilization that goes back millennia but Israel, with it’s xenophobic & dystopic vision of society, believes refugees are “infiltrators,” personae non gratae & must be deported. Imagine leaving your own war-torn country & culture & having to face the edifice of Zionist fundamentalism.

We hope African refugees not yet deported & still in Israel will forge political solidarity with Palestinians despite the impediments Israel is surely using to block such unity. There are many people around the world hoodwinked by Zionism’s cynical manipulation of the holocaust & endless pogroms against Jews who would find racism toward Palestinians & Africans damnable if they knew about it.

By every civilized societal standard, those African refugees deserve asylum but they’re not likely to get it under Zionism. That will require a democratic secular state where all men, women, & children–of whatever religion or ethnicity–live together as brother & sister. That’s the vision Zionism abandoned for a shtetl surrounded by an apartheid wall.

Our fullest solidarity with the African refugees.

(Photo of African asylum seekers leaving Holot detention center, June 25, 2014 by Oren Ziv/

Immigration rights protest in Leeds, England

LEEDS protest June 27 2014

No Borders Leeds, an immigration rights group in Leeds, England held a “Freedom not Frontex” protest yesterday. Frontex is the European Union agency that maintains the surveillance system of Fortress Europe & is responsible for the deaths of thousands of immigrants.

The European Summit on Migration is being held now in Brussels (June 26-27th) where they will devise yet more treacheries to keep immigrants out & to go after undocumented immigrants within Europe. So a coalition named Freedom not Frontex put out a call for action in defense of immigrants across Europe & organized a 40-day caravan starting from Strasbourg & ending in Brussels today. The Leeds protest was a response to that call.

Protests in defense of immigrant rights don’t make the news very often but these acts of solidarity are the heart of reversing the racism & xenophobia we are fed in a steady stream of propaganda. In place of politicians calling for deportation & hermetically sealing the borders, immigrant rights activists chant “No human being is illegal!”

Italian immigration rights activists joined with immigrants in protest when 364 African immigrants died last year off the coast of Lampedusa, the island with a refugee processing center. That is the kind of solidarity that can not only make immigration a human right but that can change the world.

No human being is illegal! Immigration is a human right!

Pakistani bombing in North Waziristan displaces millions of people

Pakistan June 18 2014

It’s not as if Pakistan didn’t have conflicts enough before the US-NATO war in Afghanistan. When the British Raj ended its colonial rule over the Indian subcontinent in 1947, it partitioned the region into India as a secular nation & Pakistan as an Islamic republic. At its outset, the partition plan displaced over 12 million people with a death rate estimated from several hundred thousand to a million. Since the partition, the two countries have been involved in four major wars & many border skirmishes, mainly over Kashmir, & in 1971 over the independence of Bangladesh.

Another conflict left from British colonialism is the one between Pakistan & Afghanistan over their shared border which was engineered by the British in 1893, dividing & separating Pashtun tribes from each other. In brief, it can be said that British colonialism left a monstrous heritage of conflict in South Asia.

Many speak favorably of the Soviet Union’s nine year occupation of Afghanistan (from 1979), as if it was a salvation army liberating everything in its path. That would be like viewing the US as emancipating Vietnam. Among the worst legacies of that war is thousands of land mines which continue to kill & maim; millions of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, Iran, & elsewhere; & creating a political situation where thousands of US covert operatives poured into the region along the Afghan-Pakistan border to fund, train, & organize guerilla militias against the Soviet occupation.

In a labyrinth of intrique involving Saudi funding & regiments of imported fighters from Arab countries & Central Asia, Pakistani covert operatives founded Taliban militias (in 1994) based on Islamic fundamentalism. The Pakistani government has been behind them every inch of the way with funding, recruiting, training, planning & directing, providing facilities, supplying weaponry, & diplomatic cover. According to many sources, up to 100,000 Pakistani paramilitary & regular soldiers fought with the Taliban to overthrow the existing Afghan government & set up an Islamic republic compatible with the Pakistani regime (in 1996).

Since the early 1950s, Pakistan has received billions of dollars in US military aid. Over three decades of that time, Pakistan was under direct military rule. The only ebb in the flow was during the period when Pakistan was running the Taliban operation in Afghanistan. So Pakistan was really in no political position to take on a role in the US-NATO war to overthrow the Taliban in Afghanistan. But they have been a junior partner in the barbarism since the spigot of military aid was turned back on in 2002.

The Afghan-Pakistan border remains a volatile region for several reasons: Taliban militias continue to use it as a base where they are likely still supported by the Pakistani military. They can launch cross-border forays into Afghanistan & then retreat. And because Afghanistan is a land-locked country, NATO fuel & supply routes to Afghanistan travel overland from Karachi on the Arabian Sea.

This strategic location explains the US drone bombing campaigns throughout the entire region which have killed thousands of civilians & destroyed their homes & livestock. The CIA drone program, which escalated under the Obama regime, was so harshly criticized that it was pared back this year–though not entirely ended. Does that explain why the Pakistani military is now on a bombing rampage in the border area of North Waziristan? Ostensibly, according to the Pakistani regime, the bombing is to rout out the Taliban & other foreign militias once & for all. And of course the Pakistani military would know just where those militias are. But what instead is happening is that an estimated 300,000 civilians from the region are being bombed into a massive exodus–& the number is expected to climb.

Does it make any sense at all to rout what is expected to reach 400,000 people to take out several thousand Taliban? Or–to put it directly–are the Pentagon & Pakistani military blowing smoke up our rumps!?

It’s clear the Taliban is running roughshod & tyrannizing the residents of the border provinces in Pakistan; it’s indisputable they must be stopped. But the way to do that is not to bomb the entire region into smithereens. The way to do it is to mobilize public opposition to the US-NATO war, opposition to Pakistan’s central role in orchestrating it, & to the regime’s playing both sides of the fence at the expense of the people of Afghanistan & Pakistan.

This young girl from North Waziristan is among thousands of villagers fleeing Pakistani bombers pounding the region. Our solidarity is with them.

Stop the bombing in Pakistan! US-NATO out of Afghanistan & Pakistan! It’s time for the people of Pakistan to take that corrupt regime out & replace it with one they deserve. (And that goes as well for the US.)

(Photo by B.K. Bangash/AP)

Squalid overcrowded jails for undocumented immigrants in Texas

Detention Ctr June 24 2014

Neither the Obama regime nor Homeland Security will release the number of undocumented immigrants they’re releasing from incarceration but not deporting back to Honduras, El Salvador or Guatemala where most of them are from. The number is estimated now at over 40,000.

Here in the Rio Grande Valley they’re simply dropping busloads of immigrants at the bus station. Catholic Charities has organized a sanctuary facility at a church just blocks from the depot where they approach immigrants, most of them with nothing more than knapsacks, & invite them to sanctuary where they can get meals, showers, clothing, temporary shelter, & medical care if needed before they head north & hopefully to reunion with families.

Because Homeland Security isn’t talking, it’s uncertain if families are being separated. What is observable is that in the constant parade of immigrants through the sanctuary, all are young women with very young children, including infants. What is happening to the men?

Media is throwing out alarms that the immigrants are bringing in TB, scabies & lice, Dengue fever, measles, chickenpox, & even leprosy. Most of them just look exhausted. There is a social history of immigration here that hopefully will someday be told & answer how the hell they got nearly 2,000 miles with a knapsack & an armful of kids.

One of the ironies of the situation is that in sorting underwear into sizes for orderly dispersal, most of the tags read “Made in Honduras.”

(Photo of immigration detention center where prisoners are given aluminum sheets as blankets from AP)

Martin McGuinness again kisses Betty Windsor’s ass

Martin McGuinness June 24 2014

It’s so easy to have a go at Martin McGuinness for betraying the freedom struggle in Northern Ireland. He’s a man who moved from guerilla warfare to parliamentary bickering in what seemed a seamless transition. But it’s more worthy of pity than sarcasm to see a rebel reduced to groveling. There are so many–like Bobby Sands–who died for the same cause that McGuinness now honors with banalities like his “very nice & useful meeting” with Betty Windsor & ‘stretching out the hand of friendship’. And he couldn’t leave bad enough alone; he had to add “”she is someone who absolutely & passionately supports the peace process & supports big acts of reconciliation.” How do you stoop that low!?

“Remember,” he said after he got up from curtsying to Betty, dusted off his knees, & wiped the spittle off his chin, “I am an Irish republican. I was an Irish republican when I went in there & I am still a very proud Irish republican, but I also have a very important ministerial position. So it’s self-importance & a government post that reduce a man to such indignity & such betrayal!?

When St. Patrick chased the snakes from Ireland they came to the US & morphed into politicians & bishops. Apparently a few eluded his scepter & headed north for Belfast.

(Photo of the pitiable McGuinness by Google Images)

Hillary Clinton’s unsavory résumé

Clinton June 23 2014

As part of her everlasting book tour, Hillary Clinton stopped in Los Angeles on June 19th to accept the William O. Douglas award from Public Counsel, a pro bono law firm. Sounds impressive until you know previous recipients were Bill Clinton & Madeleine Albright, who will forever be shamed & despised for her comment that the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children were “worth it” to uncover Iraq’s non-existent WMDs. In other words, the award is trash.

In her acceptance speech Clinton reportedly claimed that as a young attorney she tried to “bring justice to remote corners of the globe such as the Democratic Republic of Congo.” Odd claim, since it doesn’t show up anywhere on her resume after her graduation from law school in 1973. What does show up is that since 1979, she was a partner in the Rose Law firm in Little Rock, Arkansas. Rose Law firm is described in Carl Bernstein’s biography of Clinton as the “ultimate establishment law firm” & a bastion of Arkansas political & economic influence. Tyson Foods & Walmart–two of the most disreputable corporations in the US–were among its clients. Clinton served not only as Walmart attorney but sat on its board as well as the boards of several other corporations. That’s more than enough damnation for one life.

It’s always a marvel when famous writers are nailed for plagiarism. The spontaneous question is: what the hell were they thinking!? It’s an even greater marvel when a candidate for one of the most visible (if not also the most odious) positions on the planet makes up a resume. Who the hell does she think she’s kidding?

One thing that does show up in Clinton’s resume is involvement with child advocacy. That would be an asset (though not a reason to vote for her) if she were not now calling for the deportation of undocumented children. You know there’s a crisis of leadership in this country when Hillary Clinton is the best the Democratic Party can do. She represents the best of that stinking morass.

(Photo of Clinton accepting award from sycophantic