Category Archives: News

On the charges against Khurram Parvez of inciting stone pelting & protests

The kangaroo courts of the Indian occupying army will have a difficult time documenting the charge of encouraging stone pelting against Khurram Parvez since he has a substantial body of postings both on Facebook & on Twitter. Those who follow him know there isn’t a single post Indian authorities can point to. On the contrary, his posts concern human rights for Kashmiris.

As for inciting people to protest? Isn’t the right to assemble a basic democratic right? Isn’t massive protest one of the ways India gained its independence from Britain?

As for stone pelting, since I cannot be tried in an Indian court, let me say honestly that people under military occupation have a right to defend themselves by any means necessary. It is a travesty that stone pelting is prosecuted & not the use of pellet guns, tear gas & sound grenades, & live ammunition.

Crises on Libya to Italy mid-Mediterranean route taken by African reufgees

African refugees in punctured dinghy (Santi Palacios:AP) Sept 17 2016

Media doesn’t often report the details of what’s going on with the refugee crises in the Mediterranean. There’s complete silence about what NATO ships are doing in the Aegean Sea to thwart Syrian, Afghan, & other refugees on the Turkey to Greece route. They call that mission “stemming illegal trafficking & illegal migration.”

This week, in a breach of the usual silence, Reuters reported that Libyan patrol boats have intercepted & turned back more than 11,000 refugees so far this year. Just in the past few days they turned back 1,425 refugees, including children. They report that 120,000 have managed to reach Italy where another set of horrors awaits them, including rampant sexual abuse of unaccompanied children.

Reuters also breaks the silence on the number of fatalities on the Libya to Italy route. As of September 6th, nearly 3,200 sub-Saharan refugees have drowned this year according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). UN refugee officials reported in May that drownings in the Mediterranean are up 35-percent this year. How does Frontex (the European Union’s naval operation against refugees) explain that when for over a year they’ve had fleets of European warships & sophisticated aerial surveillance equipment monitoring that route? How have drownings increased when rescue ships are on the spot?

How is forcing them back to Libya a solution to the refugee crisis when the country is the center of a new war between ISIS & US special forces?

The worst part is that this crisis isn’t going to end. The UN refugee agency reports this week that the number of South Sudanese fleeing civil war is now over one million, including many orphaned children. Keep that in mind the next time you read panegyrics on the humanitarian work of George Clooney & his associate (& likely CIA agent) John Prendergast. Clooney, Prendergast, Jimmy Carter & Kofi Annan played a role for the US in brokering the secession of South Sudan from Sudan which has proven a humanitarian tragedy of civil war, starvation, repression.

These refugees awaiting rescue & return to Libya are in a partially punctured dinghy about 13 miles off the coast of Libya.

(Photo by Santi Palacios/AP)

Islamophobic cartoon in Le Monde

Metamorphose cartoon in Le Monde Sept 16 2016

Was chasing down the source of this Islamophobic cartoon on Twitter which the tweeter said was from Le Monde. It resonates with Charlie Hebdo’s so-called satiric genre & it would be alarming, though not surprising, if that genre became the acceptable norm. Maybe losing that burkini battle really inflamed Islamophobic editors in France.

Incidentally in my search, I came across an archive of 129,000 articles debating whether Hebdo is racist or satiric. To my mind, “Charlie Hebdo est raide mort” (that’s “dead as a doornail” to google translate) so I hate to add another paragraph to the debate. But let me say that if you have to explicate every one of their cartoons to persuade us they are not racist but in fact hilarious social commentary, perhaps you need to consider where your purpose in life is taking you. Off the deep end, if you ask my opinion.

Isn’t there an ancient canard going as far back as the first bum joke by Homo Erectus that if you have to explain the joke, maybe the problem is not its subtlety but its lack of wit? Readers still laugh themselves silly at Greek & Roman satirists. The Canterbury Tales is over 600 years old & it’s been a while since I read it but its fart jokes remain among the most memorable moments in world literature: “No deeper toot was ever heard in hell.” Nobody has to explain that even to a ten-year-old.

One of the most worthless arguments is that Hebdo’s humor is particularly French, meaning ‘oh so sophisticated.’ If the magazine itself leaves you cold, those defending it with that argument will have you in stitches. Moliere doesn’t need 129,000 articles to explicate his wit; Daumier doesn’t need professorial tracts to make us laugh. They’re brilliant & even though I’m an unsophisticated rube from the American Midwest, I really get their wit. They make Hebdo look like trash.

There was one defense of Hebdo that rankled & did not amuse me & that’s the one by Katha Pollitt in The Nation titled “The Courage of Charlie Hebdo.” I don’t find The Nation a particularly insightful magazine & as a feminist I have a lot of problems with Pollitt’s politics on the issue of targeting Muslim women. She’s an Islamophobe & at least once, maybe twice in the past few years I have responded to her articles to protest her prejudice pawned off as feminism. Only Pollitt could turn loud-mouthed racism into courage.

After that trip down bad memory lane, I was unable to verify that this cartoon came from Le Monde. I post it because Muslim women are particularly targeted by the haters & war-mongers. Satire is to skewer the debaucheries of the oppressor, not make a laughing stock of the oppressed.

The glorification of Assad & Putin

Wondering if accusations against Assad for human rights & war crimes would be taken more seriously by activists if his wife were not so fashionable & they were not so Western in style? Say, for example, if he looked like Idi Amin (charged with the same atrocities), dressed in a military uniform, or if he dressed in traditional garb like the monarchs of Bahrain & Saudi Arabia?

Wondering also if the glorification of Putin would withstand scrutiny of his political practices in Russia? Say, for example, his 2014 law making homophobia state policy which incited street violence against gays & led to raids, prosecutions & incarceration for being gay?

Or maybe his treatment of immigrant workers who built the stadia for the 2014 Sochi Olympic games? After the stadia were built, his regime launched raids on them, incarcerated them under abusive conditions in overcrowded or outdoor cells without food or medical care, & then deported them. Or perhaps his use of forced immigrant labor on the Sochi stadia where authorities confiscated passports, denied required work permits, cheated workers out of wages (an estimated 50,000 workers)? Is all that just demonizing, Western propaganda?



The struggles today against racist oppression in all its malignant forms–including the war on Black youth in the US, expropriation & cultural destruction of indigenous peoples on every continent, caste oppression In India, anti-immigration campaigns–are among the most important struggles historically. Racism of such violence & mayhem has not always existed & it can be ended. But not without titanic & committed struggles against those who profit so lavishly from it.

Racism is integral to modern capitalism which could not function without such violent & ignominious inequalities. Racism is integral to war & to the oppression of women. The pity is, it’s all a big fat ugly stupid lie that some human beings are born superior & some inferior & it’s a lie humanity can no longer live with because it has caused & continues to cause genocides & unspeakable crimes against millions of people.

Jignesh Mevani is a young Dalit activist in the Indian state of Gujarat leading the resurgence of the anti-caste movement in India. Yesterday, on returning from a speaking engagement in another state, he was arrested by Indian police & his whereabouts are still unknown.

His arrest & that of Khurram Parvez, the Kashmiri human rights leader, are of a piece with prime minister Modi’s political agenda for India which includes maintaining caste oppression, Kashmir as a colony, pogroms against Muslims, & the entire panoply of neoliberal capitalist economic inequalities & plunder.

Their fate as leaders against racist oppression is of consequence to all humanity who care about human rights & who detest the squalid concepts of racism.

Those of you who live in India can take immediate action by calling the numbers listed to protest. Dalit & human rights activists in India are preparing ways we can all participate in Jignesh Mevani’s defense if that becomes necessary.

Indian army has arrested thousands of Kashmiri protesters: where are they?

Azaadi protest Sept 16 2016

The arrest of Khurram Parvez with no legal basis brings up the issue of all Kashmiris arrested in protests since July 9th. It’s likely that in the turmoil of the military siege many have been arrested & are not yet accounted for. On August 8th, only four weeks into the ten week siege, Indian military officials admitted to arresting 1,300 youth. Many were picked up in nighttime raids for participating in protests.

How many more have been arrested since then? Where are they? Have they been charged with a crime & provided legal counsel? Or are they buried in the gulag to be held indefinitely without charge under administrative detention–as is used so profligately against Palestinian youth by Israeli military officials? This is a matter of grave concern since India, like Israel, employs systematic torture of its political detainees, including beatings, electric shock, & other methods too gruesome to describe.

Investigating illegal arrests, torture, disappearances is the kind of political work Khurram Parvez & the JKCCS engage in. He is now being held under administrative detention so defending him is part of defending the other activists from being lost forever in the gulag or ending up disappeared in mass graves.


(Photo of protest in Kashmir from Twitter)

Kashmiri human rights leader Khurram Parvez administratively detained without charge

According to the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS), Khurram Parvez has now been in police custody for 16 hours without charge, certainly without having committed a crime, & is being denied access to lawyers. Human rights organizations & activists around the world echo the alarm of JKCCS & are sending messages of concern.

Khurram is a leading human rights activist in Kashmir. He is program coordinator of JKCCS which has brilliantly documented human rights crimes by the occupying army, particularly disappearances & mass graves for thousands of Kashmiris. He is also chairperson of the Asian Federation Against involuntary Disappearances (AFAD).

For India to arrest him so boldly without cause must be condemned & opposed. The Intention in arresting such a prominent & uncompromising human rights figure is certainly to send a message to Kashmiri activists that no one is beyond the scope of their gulag justice. If he is not released soon, there will certainly be an international campaign demanding his immediate, unconditional release.

The linked article is the press statement by JKCCS on Khurram’s arrest. Please circulate it widely.

You meet a lot of different people on social media. Some are nuts. Some are dangerous.

You meet a lot of different people on social media. There’s a lot of crazy-pants stuff one can mostly tolerate (not always) but the racists & nationalists are outright scary. They just want to kill people, especially if you’re Black or Muslim. Some remind me of the rightwing guys I used to work with who hated my politics & were always trying to threaten me. I could write a book on the poses they strike to intimidate. A favorite is sticking out their pot bellies, trying to make them look like barrel chests, & looking down their noses at you with a Clint Eastwood sneer. You have to try not to laugh & you can’t look scared. And sometimes when you answer them, you poke them in the belly to make sure they think you might be deranged & do them in.

They were afraid of Black guys even though they hated them cause physical size matters to small-minded bigot-brains & in that regard the men had little difference. Since I’m only 5’2″ they thought it would be a walk in the park to make me cower in fear. But even little women, especially pissed off ones, can back them off if they’re aren’t carrying clubs cause a lot of them are weasels at heart, afraid of their own shadows & who think everyone’s out to get them.

Threatening them with bodily harm worked (“I have seven brothers & they’ll break every bone in your body…”). Threatening them with legal action worked better. Both were empty threats but they didn’t know that. Smarts is seldom their strong point. Hatred is. Got called a lot of names & accused of unseemly sexual acts with Blacks for pay. But you don’t blush & you certainly don’t explain; you come out slugging even if you’re only packing empty threats. Attitude counts.

It was many years of hard-scrabble training for social media. So when someone on Twitter or Facebook calls me a jihadist or “a habitual placard holder from Minnesota” it’s just chump stuff. If I see their walls are filled with irrational venom & hatred toward Blacks or Muslims, I just block their ugly asses & all the scatological & simian images, bloody scenes involving animal sacrifice & child brides. It’s like finding yourself in a psycho house of horrors & it’s pogrom mentality.

They need to be smartened up but words aren’t meaningful to them. Power is.