Physicians for Human Rights, a respected US human rights group of health professionals, issued this report that at least 890 medical professionals have been killed in Syria from 2011 through December 2018, 90-percent of them targeted by Syrian & Russian forces. Assad propagandists routinely denounce all human rights groups who report realities in Syria as stooges of the “US regime-change operation.” There’s no one left to denounce. That they have persuaded so many that it is progressive to support the Assad dictatorship & Syrian & Russian bombing of civilians & medical personnel speaks to the crisis in politics which has turned the international antiwar movement into a rah-rah vehicle for every repressive regime at the expense of popular liberation struggles for democracy. The remnants of that antiwar movement are now holed up in an abandoned embassy instead of organizing antiwar protests against the several US-NATO wars.

What happened to this little girl from Gaza tells us everything we need to know about Israeli genocide against Palestinians. Madonna will be croaking the soundtrack to her short life & death. May she Rest In Peace. May Madonna rot in hell.

This is 5-year-old Aisha Lulu from Gaza. She had a tumor in her brain stem & had to travel to the occupied West Bank to be treated since Gaza’s hospitals lack adequate means to treat cancer patients due to the Israeli siege. Israel refused to send any of Aisha’s family members with her so she was sent alone with a woman who volunteered to take care of her. Aisha died May 15th due to complications after surgery. Those who were around her said that she died crying, unable to speak, and alone.

Blithering on in her usual bombastic way, Madonna said she supports human rights but will not bow ‘to suit someone’s political agenda’ by honoring the cultural boycott of Israel for apartheid & genocide against Palestinians. She’s a material girl, so for a quick $1.35 million she will croak out two of her anyway worthless songs. If truth be told, political principles like human rights play second fiddle to the big bucks for her. Israel can have her worthless soul.

(Photo by Eduardo Munoz/Reuters)

The purpose of occupying the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, DC in defense of the Maduro government is not politically apparent since in January 2019 Maduro closed down the embassy, broke diplomatic ties with the US, & recalled all diplomatic staff from the embassy as well as from its seven consulates in the US. Trump cancelled the visas of all Venezuelan diplomats associated with the Maduro regime so they had long vacated the premises when Code Pink & others took up occupation in April, nearly two & a-half months later. Code Pink says they took up occupation at the invitation of the Maduro government but, again, for what political purpose?

In January, with hopes for a successful coup by Juan Guaidó, the US appointed Carlos Vecchio as Venezuelan ambassador to the US. Guaidó’s coup attempt has long since bit the dust & he is now in hiding somewhere in Venezuela. His frustrated supporters gathered outside the embassy in DC to support Vecchio taking over. Taking over what? A building? Because at this point, Guaidó taking over Venezuela is absolutely excluded. When asked the purpose of the occupation, Medea Benjamin from Code Pink explained, “We thought that if they took over this embassy then Maduro would take over the US embassy. The US embassy would call that an act of war & would invade. We’re trying to stop a war here.” Maduro ordered US diplomats out of Venezuela in January & has refused to issue visas for additional diplomats but has taken no action against the small remaining staff in the US embassy. So the question remains, exactly what is the political purpose of occupying an abandoned embassy?

It’s a symbolic action, a grandstanding action that primarily focuses attention on the Maduro government when what is needed in response to US threats & aggression is massive, public antiwar mobilizations around the world demanding the US stop interfering in Venezuelan politics & end its war threats. Venezuelan working people have a right to work out their differences with the Maduro government without also having to fight the US army. If the embassy occupation were part of an overall antiwar strategy focused on bringing tens of thousands into the streets, then it would make some sense. But as a substitute for such action, it makes almost no sense.

(Photo of Venezuelan embassy under occupation by Code Pink)

There was considerable media coverage of the fall of Aleppo to the Assad regime, primarily because of the role of citizen journalists sharing reports, photos, videos on social media. What happened to those journalists is a concern since there was little coverage of the fall of Ghouta & there is even less from the murderous siege of Idlib & Hama.

This report exposes the shabby politics of those who support the dictatorship of Assad & Syrian & Russian bombing of civilians to prevent a US ‘regime change operation’ & the shabby politics of those calling for a US ‘humanitarian’ military intervention against Assad. The Syrian people are paying a massive price for their failures & betrayals to build active international solidarity.

Look what those hateful Muslims have gone & done in Oman. How do we stop them from making our architecture look shabby by comparison?

(Photo is Nizwa Masjid in Oman)

A Palestinian family in Gaza at the evening meal breaking their fast during Ramadan 2019 midst the rubble of Israeli bombing.

(Photo by Khatib/AFP/Getty Images)

There seems to be considerable confusion about Zionism with many characterizing it as an ideology of world domination & seeing Zionists behind every nefarious thing in world politics. Such a characterization is deplorably anti-Semitic, not anti-Zionist, & shares the malignancy of Adolph Hitler, David Icke, & Assadism without rendering any understanding of the real character of Zionism.

Zionism is a rightwing, supremacist ideology that emerged in the 19th century among elite Jews in response to historic & ongoing persecution & pogroms against Jews. Persecution so pervasive that it eventually led to the WWII holocaust. Zionists, rather than join with & build the broader struggles against racism, colonialism, white supremacy, threw in their lot with colonialism hoping they could broker a better deal for Jews by building a Jewish-only homeland. To build a Jewish-only homeland in Palestine required forcibly displacing Palestinians. This was accomplished with the political backing of colonial powers because Zionism could & continues to serve their purposes in the Middle East. It never had to do, either for Zionists or the colonial powers, with ending the systematic persecution of Jews but more with using them to build a military fortress in the Middle East against democracy & the struggles against colonialism & tyranny.

Progressive Jews have always played a leading role in elaborating Zionist ideology & in the political struggle against it. It’s likely that most of us understand its character from them & from Palestinians. To in any way, even in a disguised way, conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitic misrepresentations like world domination is an insult to the role they have played in linking the struggle against hatred for Jews with the broader struggles against racism, colonialism, white supremacy.