Media singlehandedly tries to undo ‘pictures are worth a thousand lies’

Gaza May 2016 bombing (Mohammed Abed:AFP:Getty Images) Nay 7 2016

Pictures are worth a thousand lies but that doesn’t make photojournalism the truth-telling part of the media–especially around issues of war & occupation. That’s most apparent today in duplicitous photo coverage of Afghanistan, Palestine, & Kashmir. There is no war coverage of Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan worth mentioning & very little of Yemen & Syria.

Photo coverage of Israel’s 2014 carpet bombing siege of Gaza was extensive–necessarily–but this photo from the Guardian-UK typifies the coverage of the current bombing campaign in Gaza. Of the few photos editors are selecting for publication, most are of vehicles damaged by airstrikes & shot from peculiar angles like this one so you can’t tell what the hell is going on.

But it’s the caption to this photo that takes the cake for duplicity. It reads: “Gaza City–A Palestinian man inspects a damaged vehicle at his workshop after it was hit by an Israeli air strike. Four Hamas sites were targeted, the military said, as tensions flared along the border of the Palestinian territories. The spike in cross-border violence has raised concerns for the ceasefire that has held since summer 2014

What Hamas sites were targeted? Actually, what is a “Hamas site”?
Since Hamas is the elected government in Gaza, is it a public building like a post office or the tax revenue office? What exactly was the nature of those flaring tensions at the apartheid wall between Gaza & Israel? What is that “spike in cross-border violence” all about? Did Palestinian kids throw rocks at heavily armed Israeli border guards? Or much worse, call them naughty names?

And what is this nonsense about a ceasefire–as if two parties were at fault in Israel’s massive genocidal bombing of Gaza? In the past two years, Israel has repeatedly sent bombing sorties into Gaza so they aren’t concerned about that “ceasefire.” But Palestinians & their supporters have every reason for concern that Israel is revving up for another siege of Gaza.

As supporters, our mission is to build BDS & prepare for public rallies & forums to protest Israel aggression & ethnic cleansing.

(Photo by Mohammed Abed/AFP/Getty Images)

The Left Forum is an annual conference held in NYC that draws socialists of the Bernie Sanders kind from around the world. The conferences were always excruciating for me to attend & I stopped going after attendees went rah-rah for “humanitarian intervention” into Bosnia under Clinton. For an antiwar activist, it was like being at the vampire’s ball or among the pod people.

The closing plenary this year will be co-chaired by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now & Slavoj Zizek, the jester-philosopher who forum organizers say is considered by many as “the most dangerous philosopher in the West.” How do they consider a blithering racist who wipes his nose on his sleeve to be dangerous to anyone? Certainly not to the status quo.

Color me sectarian, but there’s no way in hell I would touch that conference with a ten-foot pole, share a platform, or attend a lecture by a man so hateful to refugees. If he represents the international left, you can see why it’s in such disrepute these days. If the forum organizers consider him a suitable keynote speaker, there’s no hope & no future for them in transformational politics.

If you don’t stand with refugees & resolutely against Islamophobia & war, your brand of leftism stinks to high heaven.

Palestinian children suffer most from relentless Israeli bombing

Al Shejaeiya, Gaza Strip  (Mohammed Saber:EPA) May 6 2016

A Facebook friend from Gaza says the huge explosions from Israeli airstrikes are terrifying the children. Human rights groups documented that Israel targeted children in the 2014 carpet bombing siege. They also reported the psychological toll that bombing took on children when the bombing ended after seven weeks.

Keep the children of Gaza as a foremost inspiration in organizing opposition to Israeli bombing & in building BDS.

These children are in Al Shejaeiya, a residential neighborhood in Gaza City, that was nearly bombed to smithereens in 2014.

(Photo by Mohammed Saber/EPA)

Israel conducting unprovoked airstrikes in Gaza

Gaza bombing (Mohmed Talal) May 5 2016

Israel has been conducting unprovoked airstrikes in Gaza since yesterday. We need to be ready to hit the streets with placards.

Media is aiding & abetting Israeli human rights crimes with an alibi claiming the Israeli military uncovered tunnels being built “by Gaza militants that Israel fears could be used to infiltrate its territory.” Even if there are tunnels that is no provocation for bombing civilians in Gaza.

We can’t let the aggression go on without a public response demanding Israel stop the bombing. It was only last year the UN said Israel had created such destruction in Gaza that it could be uninhabitable by 2020. It is hardly in a condition to sustain sporadic, short-term bombardments which Israel may use in place of carpet bombing to blunt the kind of public opposition it faced in 2014 when over a million people around the world protested.

Get your placards ready. The struggle of Palestinians against apartheid, colonialism, & genocide is our struggle.

(Photo of Israeli airstrike in Gaza from Mohmed Talal)

A blast from the forgettable past: a few years ago, Femen bare-breasted protesters were quite the rage among male leftists who declared them, without an ounce of embarrassment, as the rebirth of feminism. That would be taking mansplaining to the highest levels of burlesque. Or is it the lowest levels?

With no small amount of satisfaction (you can call it smugness if you like), I admit I was among the first to out Femen as Islamophobic, male-dominated, nefariously funded, phony-assed grandstanders & exhibitionists. Those leftist men who had looked forward to prurient protesting (there’s nothing better than combining political outrage & erotic drooling) were not amused, nor were they educated by my ridicule.

At some point it seemed Femen understood it’s 15 minutes of fame was in unwarranted overtime & they were seldom seen anymore. Now in the past week I’ve seen a few photos of them again posing & getting arrested.

Someone has to tell them that naked protesting is so yesterday, so 2010. Women find that wearing our undies in public gets the cogent political message across so much stronger than if our breasts decorated with pasties are swinging in the breeze. That’s not prudery or excessive modesty but an insistence on being taken seriously as political people without demeaning ourselves by stripping to our underwear.

Why do some people consider social criticism to be hate-mongering? Social criticism is an ancient practice respected by those with great expectations for the human race, who detest social inequality & want to get to the bottom of what causes it so we can bring it to an end. It has nothing in common with misanthropy & less in common with butt-kissing the status quo. If you think it’s hateful, maybe it’s because you have some investment in social inequality.

Racist violence in Israel


Reposting this from one year ago today since racist conflicts in Israel are crescendoing inevitably since supremacism & racism are the heart of Zionist ideology & a Jewish-only state. Actually, that is the very Achilles Heel of Zionism which is incompatible with democracy.

Zionists are unable to explain (away) this picture of Israeli cops beating up on Ethiopians in Tel Aviv protesting racist discrimination & police brutality–which the media caption calls “alleged” even after they post this photo that would be evidence in criminal court.

It’s a great political disadvantage for Israel to have international exposure of its profound racism–built into the very nature of a Jewish-only state–whilst it is fighting a battle against the economic & cultural boycott (BDS) & growing Palestinian solidarity. But the unbearable tensions & contradictions of Zionism, unable to deliver on its promises, are erupting within Israel. That makes BDS all the more important.

There are leftists, who don’t know their ass from their elbows, who claim BDS will hurt Israeli workers. Do they mean the workers living in Zionist settlements in the West Bank on Palestinian lands? The very ones poisoning Palestinian water wells, pulling up their olive trees, torching the mosques, attacking the little kids? Or do they mean workers in Israel’s blood diamond industry? Or perhaps in the defense industry which produces 41% of all drones? It would be good if these leftist moralists would evince an iota of actual information on which they base their claims–instead of formulas that would make even Karl Marx turn over in his grave & weep.

BDS will affect Israeli workers & that’s a damn good thing. If they continue in their majority to support apartheid & ethnic cleansing, they’re facing a political abyss & a future rooted in war & militarism. If BDS shakes them up, rattles their consciousness, forces them to examine Zionism & a Jewish-only state (making them more backward than feudalism), that is nothing but politically necessary.

The world watched in horror last summer as residents in Sderot, Israel pulled up easy chairs in the hills overlooking Gaza to cheer, wave the Israeli flag, & get a front row seat to genocide; we read Israeli writers discuss how the ethnic cleansing of Gaza was good for getting rid of belly fat. Human beings were meant for better things than psychopathy. Those whose ancestors suffered unbearable persecution for centuries were meant for better things than social hatred. They should be gurus of social tolerance & respect, not avatars of cossacks & storm troopers.

The violence against Ethiopian Israelis is of a piece with apartheid & the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Standing with them, building the economic & cultural boycott of Israel is a way of reaching out to Israeli workers in a gesture of good will, not with aggression. Because the only solution to the chaos Zionism has wrought is a democratic secular state where Palestinians & Jews live as brothers & sisters & they can stand together as beacons for the rest of humanity.

(Photo by Jack Guez/AFP)

Casualties of Israeli bombing of Beit Lahiya in the Gaza Strip

Palestinian boys in Beit Lahiya, Gaza (REUTERS:Mohammed Salem) May 5 2016

These little boys looking out the window are in Beit Lahiya in the Gaza Strip. Beit Lahiya was targeted during Israel’s 51-day carpet bombing siege in 2014 & a special needs facility was bombed. Two adults with mental & physical disabilities were killed.

In March of this year an Israeli airstrike on Beit Lahiya killed a 6-year-old girl named Israa Abu Khussa.

These little guys are not safe. That gives a certain urgency to honoring & building the hell out of the economic, cultural, & academic boycott of Israel. Buy nothing with barcode beginning 729 & check every damn barcode to make sure. Singers who violate the Palestinian call for a cultural boycott most often perform in Tel Aviv, about 45 miles from Beit Lahiya, thus providing the soundtrack for ethnic cleansing. That’s why appealing to them to honor the boycott is so important.

It’s time to bring Israeli apartheid & ethnic cleansing to its knees. Build BDS

(Photo by Mohammed Salem/Reuters)

Persecution & ethnic cleansing of Muslims around the world

Rohingya boy in fire at camp (REUTERS:Soe Zeya Tun) May 5 2016

If we believe everything we read & never investigate the dominant political narratives, Islam is a belligerent theology producing paramilitary terrorist groups all over the world; violence is inherent to Islam.

In fact, the persecution & ethnic cleansing of Muslims around the world is centuries-old & remains violently operative in several countries today, including (but not only) India, China, Myanmar, the Philippines, Russia, Vietnam, Cambodia. This indictment includes the rancid promulgation of Islamophobia used today by the US, European, & other countries to justify bombing the hell out of countries in the Middle East, most notably (but not only) Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Gaza.

If in the onslaught of persecution, some Muslim activists have developed wrong-headed strategies to oppose it, that’s the nature of political resistance under stress. Al-Qaeda, ISIS, & groups of that ideological genre owe more to malicious meddling by the CIA & US Pentagon than to any theological tenets of Islam.

Standing against Islamophobia today–& not bending an inch in that direction–is central to opposing war, occupation, genocide. If you want to look for the religion & theology causing problems around the world, it is best found in the stock market creed that makes a god of greed.

This little guy is a Rohingya Muslim walking midst the ruins of one of the concentration camps Myanmar has set up for Muslims in Rakhine State near Sittwe.

(Photo by Soe Zaya Tun/Reuters)

With Drumpf as its candidate, the Republican party can bend over & kiss its ass goodbye. How can it ever survive being the laughingstock of the world?