Public opposition to 2014 FIFA World Cup

Fevela soccer court in Rio June 11 2014

The working people of Brazil–including Indigenes, homeless movement activists, favela residents, students, unions–resisting the FIFA games with such fury do the human race proud. While the government of Dilma Rousseff runs roughshod with public funds, using them as a trough for the oligarch’s “bread & circuses”, working people have made the smooth operation of the World Cup (starting tomorrow) anything but certain.

There’s so much corruption & graft in World Cup projects that reliable estimates of total costs are hard to find. Projects include stadium construction, telecommunications networks (during the games, attending executives can’t be out of contact with the stock markets), security & military defense, airport upgrades & urban improvements. Total estimated cost is nearly $12 billion (USD). The twelve stadiums alone cost over $3.4 billion–& still rising.

Now of course they expect to get some of that back from the well-heeled sports tourists who will pay minimum $4,400 for just a five-day stay. The ticket price for each event runs from $220 to $500 so you won’t be seeing many locals at the games. And the swanky tourists won’t be able to buy enough tchotchkes to compensate the public trough.

So this means working people are taking it in the neck so the world’s oligarchs & corporate magnates can have a little fun at their expense. Historically “bread & circuses” worked the other way around: the oligarchs held games to placate & numb the political spirit of the plebeian masses. Now they’re a spectacle to show us who’s really in control & to enforce neoliberal relations of servant & master, serf & lord. Except that the Arab uprisings & the Occupy movement got in the way. And instead of placating, the “bread & circus” fiascos inflame rebellion.

This photo is a soccer field in Mangueira, a favela in Rio de Janeiro. Appropriate sports facilities for kids are important, but health care, education, housing, & just plain eating are more important. And these are all being denied so the Rousseff gang can party while working people foot the bill. Does anyone else hear the sound of revolution?

(Photo by Leo Correa/AP)

Brazil’s riot cops prepare for FIFA protests

Brasilia June 10 2014

Wouldn’t you like to know what this is all about? Firefighters & soldiers are running a simulated training exercise for chemical contamination to prepare for the FIFA World Cup which starts Thursday. This is in front of the National Stadium in Brasilia but the opening game is set for Sao Paulo. They must plan to dispense a lot of tear gas. Which means Brazilians are brilliantly using the FIFA games to oppose austerity programs for working people to bankroll “bread & circuses” for the world’s richest–though sponging was the nature of capitalism even before it reached it’s barbaric phase.

The military might be wiser to train how to drive a subway train since the striking drivers are defying a court order & continuing their strike. It’s the heady sense of power that so emboldens. 70,000 people traipsing into town for the opening game, all dressed up with no way to go & potentially facing a barrage of tear gas. Chickens coming home to roost for neoliberalism. Way to go Brazil!

(Photo by Eraldo Peres/AP)

The role of soldiers and veterans in opposing war

Palestinian detainees (June 9 2014)

It’s not uncommon for those ardently opposed to war to issue blanket condemnations of all soldiers as war criminals. The US antiwar movement has a different approach based on what it learned from the endless number of US wars. The movement neither glorifies soldiers & buys that “fighting for our freedoms” crap nor does it vilify them as unredeemable war criminals.

While the anti-Vietnam War movement debated how to approach GIs in a conscription army, those soldiers were already organizing opposition to the war, including on military bases. They protested, put out newsletters, risked court-martial in their opposition, & approached the antiwar movement for collaboration in their defense & to reach more soldiers. At no time, it must be insisted, did the US antiwar movement ever spit on soldiers & call them “baby killers.” That venomous slander is the invention of a right-wing think tank to drive a chasm between the antiwar movement & antiwar soldiers.

Political collaboration has only deepened with every new US war so that now antiwar veterans are the backbone of antiwar opposition. Their testimony is horrifying, wrenching, & an irrefutable indictment of all that crap about fighting for freedoms.

So now we see in Israel that active duty soldiers are refusing to serve in the military occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, or the military siege of Gaza. Breaking the Silence is an organization of Israeli soldiers & veterans that has collected testimony from now hundreds of soldiers documenting capricious military violence toward Palestinians, including shootings, beatings, & profligate use of assault weapons; the humiliations of checkpoints & special roads; & the expropriation & destruction of Palestinian property.

Based on the reported funding sources, Breaking the Silence is not an organization comprised entirely of anti-Zionists. But it is an organization of men & women who recoil in horror at the barbarisms of the Israeli military, in which many served a part. They are an organization of the greatest importance in breaking the logjam of Zionist ideology in Israel & for exposing Zionist ideologues elsewhere for the racist creeps they are.

They are also further testimony to the importance of finding a way to work with active duty soldiers & veterans in every army, in every country & not simply writing them all off as war criminals. Nowhere is the antiwar movement in a position to write people off or to exact contrition. Soldiers returning from war pay a heavy price for their credulous service to power: beside numerous physical impairments, they face homelessness, incarceration, addictions, mental health problems, suicide. Our job is not to excoriate them but to find ways to work with them in exposing the atrocities of war & mobilizing opposition to it.

(Photo of Israeli soldiers manhandling Palestinian teens from

What is the meaning of solidarity?

Cork protest Jun 8 2014

You wouldn’t think there’d be much dispute about what solidarity is but in fact there is–or at least there is confusion. For those who want to change the world, “an injury to one is an injury to all” isn’t a sentimental or ceremonial mantra but an iron law of social change.

Somehow, in an attempt by some to thwart the appeal of socialist ideals, solidarity became identified as an act of white supremacy, the noblesse oblige of privilege. Some of that discredit is due to political chicanery by those who prefer capitalism since conformity can be a lucrative career move. But also implicated in the confusion is the “mismanagement” of those ideals by some socialists who have made solidarity an expedience–or much worse, the pivot of betrayal. Mismanagement is the politic word for treachery.

Solidarity is not an act of supremacy; nor is it not an expression of sympathy or, heaven forbid, pity. Nor is it negotiable. We don’t express solidarity with sweat shop workers, immigrants, homeless, unemployed, starving, & those millions fighting tyranny & austerity because we feel sorry for them because they’re the “underdog.” Solidarity has more muscle than mere weepy-eyed sentimentality. It means we recognize our connections with others in a complex, international nexus of economic, social, historic, & political bonds. Our fate is inextricable from that of all others.

Neoliberalism, the barbaric phase of capitalism, tries to sever those bonds by creating competition between working people from Asia to Africa to Europe to the Americas. Racism is central to that competition & the rancid, hateful howlings of that ideology change little from one continent to the next.

We render solidarity–of the muscly hard-nosed kind–because of our common humanity, because we are committed to the ideal that all human beings are equal, & because one consequence of neoliberal globalization is making working people around the world completely dependent on each other for justice & emancipation.

This photo of a 2010 protest in Cork, Ireland in solidarity with Palestinians is repeated thousands of times at thousands of protests around the world to support those being targeted by tyranny. These protests represent humanities highest aspiration: solidarity. Someday it will represent our highest achievement. Solidarity forever!

(Photo by John Jefferies)

Casey Kasem and the antiwar movement

Casey Kasem June 6 2014

Usually I don’t comment on the passing of celebrities so much as I ridicule celebrity culture. But it’s being reported that Casey Kasem, the long-time radio host of “American Top 40”, suffers dementia, is in critical condition & that his family is engaged in an unseemly dispute over his care.

The one thing media won’t mention about Kasem (of Lebanese ancestry & raised in Detroit) is that he was an antiwar activist, especially prominent against the first Iraq War. I’m unable to find links to confirm my memory but Kasem played a role in promoting & financing “The Fire This Time: US War Crimes in the Gulf” by Ramsey Clark which is about the first Gulf War in 1991.

He also spoke at antiwar protests in Washington, DC & elsewhere to oppose the Gulf War. I have listened to hundreds of antiwar speeches (& given them) in my lifetime but one speech by Kasem always stood out to me for its power. It wasn’t just my surprise that a man famous for being a rock & roll DJ could be so powerfully opposed to war but that he could express our anger with such eloquence & without an ounce of pretension.

The theme of his speech is now nearly cliched but then it was entirely original: In litany form he said, “How come there’s never money for education but there’s always enough money for war. How come there’s never money for healthcare….”

I hope Mr. Kasem recovers, though at 82 & in bad health that’s unlikely. But his eulogies should not be written without honoring his role in antiwar opposition. The first Gulf War was a turning point in the US antiwar movement, signaling a decline in massive participation, due in part to the barbarity of the military onslaught against Iraq. Mr. Kasem was not daunted & for that we tip our hats to him.

Subway workers on strike in Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil June 6 2014

This is an ironic case of “chickens coming home to roost.” Much more aptly, it’s an exercise of the most powerful weapon working people have in their arsenal: the right to strike. The irony is that in June 2013, millions of Brazilians were provoked to massive opposition against neoliberal austerity policies by a hike in public transportation fees.

Now, less than a week before the opening game of the World Cup (next Weds., June 12th) at Itaquerao stadium in San Paulo, Brazil, subway train operators are entering the second day of a strike, jeopardizing the only means most soccer fans will have of getting to the stadium. The 70,000 fans expected for the opener will be all dressed up with no way to go. It don’t get better than that!

Construction on the $431 million stadium was scheduled for completion December 31st, 2013 but the roof is still not complete & won’t be done until after the games end. Serious irregularities found in construction of an entire seating section for 20,000 mean fire officials will not release approval permits.

That stadium is looking more & more like a white elephant but even more like a dreadful safety hazard. Those sports fans who can’t book a limo to replace the subway may thank their lucky stars they couldn’t get to the place due to the strike.

Meanwhile demonstrations in twelve cities across Brazil, including near the Itaquerao stadium, continue to protest the billions spent to host the games & demand funding to improve education, health care, social services, affordable housing & transportation. Hopefully this goes way beyond “chickens coming home to roost” to a general uprising against neoliberal plunder & “bread & circuses” for the ruling rich.

In this photo riot cops are battling it out with striking subway drivers but when all is said & done, next Wednesday they need someone to drive those trains. Power is a relative thing.

(Photo by Nelson Antoine/AP)

Israel’s gulag for Palestinians

West Bank June 6 2014

This scene of Israeli soldiers manhandling Palestinian protesters is so common in the West Bank that it’s almost not newsworthy–except that hundreds continue to be arrested & held under “administrative detention”, which means without charge or trial. Administrative detention orders can range from one to six months in length & can be arbitrarily extended an indefinite number of times up to five years by Israeli military courts. 5,000 Palestinians are presently in Israeli custody, including 200 children. About 550 of these are administrative detainees, including 13 children under the age of 18.

It’s embarrassing to read Zionist defenses of administrative detention; they claim Israel’s denial of the basic standards of due process (like being told what you’re accused of) are “security precautions” & that Palestinians who protest this egregious violation of international law are just grandstanding for media attention & to make Israeli justice look bad.

In late April of this year, 120 Palestinian administrative detainees began a hunger strike in protest because, in the style of Guantanamo, they have no idea why they’re sitting in jail or for how long. Contrary to the rubbish spewed by hateful Zionists, media attention seems a damn good idea if they ever want to get out of prison. Over the past several weeks, hundreds of non-administrative detainees joined the hunger strike in solidarity, bringing the total number now to 1,500.

A UN Special Committee to assess Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights concluded their recent fact-finding tour with an appeal to Israel to end administrative detention of Palestinians, even though International law does allow administrative detention in exceptional circumstances. (The only exceptional circumstances that seem worthy are the detainment of White House & Pentagon officials for war crimes, but it’s unlikely the UN would agree on this.) Of particular concern to the UN committee is that the Israeli government is vigorously promoting a bill in the Knesset to allow force-feeding the hunger strikers. The invidious comparison with Guantanamo is complete.

Solidarity protests throughout Gaza & the West Bank have been going on for the past several weeks, including very moving candle vigils. Apparently in the West Bank, the Israeli military just views these protests as another place to pick up Palestinian activists for detention. This young Palestinian being attacked by three Israeli soldiers is protesting in solidarity at the Qalandia checkpoint near the city of Ramallah.

Stand with Palestinian justice & support the hunger strikers by boycotting all Israeli products (barcode beginning 729), by supporting the cultural boycott of Israel, & by demanding “No military aid to Israel!”

(Photo by Abbas Momani/AFP/Getty Images)

The new jesters for apartheid: Rolling Stones defy cultural boycott of Israel

Mick Jagger June 6 2014

And here we have the very picture of ignominy: the Rolling Stones performing in Tel Aviv despite appeals to them to stand against apartheid by honoring the cultural boycott of Israel. This performance as jester to ethnic cleansing comes as no surprise since Sir Mick, who prides himself on giving the middle finger to convention, has admitted to an affinity with Margaret Thatcher (he was disgusted by the jubiliation at her death) & of course Betty Windsor who decked out his bony ass with feudal honorifics.

Other than that, there isn’t much to say about our man except “for shame.” Petulant minds will however note how plug ugly a man becomes when he turns his back on massive injustice.

Use the photo for hurling horse manure.

(Photo by Ariel Schalit/AP)

Women march against government inaction on rape in Uttar Pradesh, India

Anti-rape protest Uttar Pradesh June 5 2014

This is another photo of the anti-rape protest in Uttar Pradesh, India where mostly women stormed government offices demanding justice for the victims. Most people don’t know that until the women’s movement of the 1960s-70s (which was international in scope), all sexual crimes, including rape & child sexual assault, were considered secrets & were seldom reported, let alone prosecuted.

It is a giant political step forward when women emerge into the public streets & begin to dominate public discourse on violent crimes against women.

Our hats off to these sisters in India who are showing women around the world how to stand up to the violence of social hatred facilitated by governmental indifference & outright collusion.

(Photographer not identified; from