All posts by BabakJoy2014

Refugees at Idomeni, Greece protest closing of border to Macedonia

Refugees sleeping on tracks Idomeni (Darko Vojinovic:AP) Mar 28 2016

Chilren on tracks (Stoyan Nenov:Reuters)

Refugees (who the Guardian-UK now refers to as “refugees & migrants” to sanctify the EU distinction between refugees from war & those fleeing sweatshop economics) are sleeping on train tracks to block train traffic & protesting in other ways at Idomeni, Greece near the border with Macedonia.

They’ve also held several rallies laying with their children on the tracks demanding Macedonia reopen its border which is now completely sealed. Banners read: “Open the borders”; “I’m child & might not know much, but I believe treating people disrespectful for being born on the other side of the planet is called: ‘RACISM”; & “We are humans, not animals”.

Estimates of how many are stranded at the border vary from one source to the next, ranging from 6,500 to 20,000. But of course, tens of thousands more are stranded on the Greek islands, mostly in detention camps. Two weeks ago, Greek officials estimated the number of refugees trapped in Greece at 44,000 & said by next month it could increase to between 50,000 & 70,000. Of course, they expect NATO operations in the Aegean Sea to reduce the flow of refugees by 70 percent. (Will they start torpedoing the plastic dinghies? Or just picking them up & deporting them back to Turkey?)

The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) & Frontex estimates don’t jibe but about one million refugees have entered Greece since January 2015 through today. According to the EU statistics agency (Eurostat), in 2015 alone, the EU accepted about 700,000 asylum applications from Syrians, Afghans, Iraqis, Pakistanis, & others from the Middle East. Many of these were declined, many were or will be deported.

UNHCR also reported that between January 1st & March 1st, about 120,000 had entered Greece from Turkey; that’s 60,000 a month. Since March 1st, only 20,000 had entered on that route, testifying to the malicious efficacy of the NATO operation.

No one expects demented trolls like run the EU to be good at math, but if you factor in 2015 asylum applications; assume falsely that 96,000 refugees who entered Greece in January & February 2016 got past the Macedonian border & 24,000 got left behind; & that the 20,000 who entered this month could not proceed because the border was closed in early March, then you have 44,000 refugees trapped in Greece. That leaves about 180,000 refugees unaccounted for.

Dimitris Vitsas is the Greek official coordinating this whole fiasco-cum-atrocity for the EU. He’s been quite blunt that the border to Macedonia will remain on lockdown, that most refugees will be living in detention centers-cum-concentration camps for at least two years while being processed for deportation. But of course he hopes this can be accomplished speedily “without recourse to force.”

Italian officials are now fortifying their coast on the Adriatic Sea across from Albania in case any refugees try to take that route out of Greece.

Immigration & human rights activists need to chart an international course of action to demand: Immigration is a human right. Open the borders.

(Top photo by Darko Vojinovic/AP; bottom photo by Stoyan Nenov/Reuters)

The Yemeni uprising has not been bombed to smithereens

Yemen Mar 26 2016 (from Naila Smith)

Images from last Saturday’s march in Yemen protesting the Saudi-led bombing campaign evoke memories of the Arab uprisings in 201l. Their importance & inspiration to suffering humanity around the world in the struggle for democracy & human rights cannot be overestimated.

Women played a leading role from Egypt to Bahrain to Yemen. While the US-NATO justified their wars as salvation armies for women from the tyrannies of Islam, women in veils were leading protests against violent military resistance from the regimes. And of course the youth were just as glorious & defiant.

The Arab uprisings have been mocked, vilified, & many have written obituaries for what might have been. But cynicism is not a useful analytical tool. The politics that drive such profound & massive social upheavals don’t just go away by repression–even of the monstrous scale of the US-backed Egyptian junta & even if people need time to recover psychic energy, evaluate what happened & their options, & decide lying low is the ‘better part of valor’ for now.

Protests continue in Bahrain; the forces of revolution against the Assad regime recently publicly marched; Palestinians continue Intifada against all odds; & Yemenis marched during a bombing siege with warplanes circling overhead.

So much is at stake for the US & European powers in the Middle East that they bankroll Israel as a military fortress against democracy to the tune of well over $4 billion a year; that they are willing to turn whole countries into a killing field; that they vilify war refugees as Muslim terrorists; that they foment anti-Muslim hysteria, persecution, & legislation; that they constantly fine-tune the rancidities of Islamophobia to orchestrate all these crimes. Islamophobia is the soundtrack to a comprehensive program of counterrevolution in the Middle East.

We have more to learn about the character of democracy & how to make social change by studying the dynamics of the Arab uprisings than by parsing irrelevant distinctions between politicians.

Long live the Arab revolutions! Long live Palestinian Intifada!

(Photo is March 26 2016 march in Sana’a, Yemen)

Solidarity between Palestinian & Irish political prisoners

Bobby Sands in memorial mural along Falls Road, Belfast

Solidarity is one of the most powerful forces in the world. It is not an act of noblesse oblige but the iron law of social transformation. It can change the world.

Someone shared this extraordinary document in a post about Bobby Sands & the 1981 hunger strikers in Northern Ireland. It is a solidarity statement smuggled out of Israel’s Nafha prison from Palestinian political prisoners to the hunger strikers who were Irish political prisoners in Long Kesh prison near Belfast.

Margaret Thatcher ruthlessly allowed ten prisoners, including Sands, to die before the strike was ended. One-hundred thousand people attended his funeral.

We honor all political prisoners, including Mumia Abu Jamal in the US, for their contribution to the struggle for democracy & human rights.

(Photo is a memorial mural of Bobby Sands in Belfast.)

Lately I’ve been getting a ration of you-know-what for being intransigent, intolerant, over-scrupulous, negative, & without compassion. Criticism comes with the territory when you’re an opinionated woman so I’m not complaining. Though to be frank, it gets tedious. But if I fell apart every time someone got in my face, I’d be in an asylum by now.

Let me just say, the times do not call for sentimentality or playing footsies with harsh reality or for beating around the bush with euphemisms. If we’re going to figure out what the hell to do to end the terrible human suffering, we need to be ruthless in assessing & facing up to what is actually going on.

Wouldn’t we all love to be the bearer of good news, waking up every morning singing the Hallelujah chorus, but the world has more than enough doing the Panglossian thing.

It isn’t wallowing in negativity to be a social critic. It’s the way you learn, through discussion, how to work with others to make this world a suitable place to live.

Yemen protests of over one million against Saudi-led, US & UK-backed bombing

Yemen March 26 2016

It has been my contention that the murderous Saudi-led, US & UK-backed carpet bombing of Yemen now going on for one year, is an attempt to crush every vestige of the glorious Yemen uprising that erupted in 2011.

This is a video of the protest yesterday in Sana’a, Yemen, which seems to dwarf anything we remember from 2011-2012. Our most heartfelt respect & solidarity with the people of Yemen.

Long live the Yemeni revolution against tyranny!

Stop the bombing, stop the war!


Deepest sympathies to the families & friends of those injured & killed in the bomb blast in a Lahore, Pakistan public park. It’s an insanely criminal act against men, women, & children.

I’m not one to swoon over the pope washing the feet of refugees. I grew up with a ritualized version of it & even as a child it seemed awkward to me. Now it just seems demeaning because in an inverse way it accepts inequality without challenging it. I don’t question the pope’s good intentions but that’s what the road to hell is paved with.

Bernie Sanders: champion of environmental racism

Radioactive waste barrels (MIHAJLO MARICIC VIA GETTY IMAGES)

There’s a lot of elation about Sanders’ wins in Washington, Hawaii, & Alaska & photos of thousands attending his rally in Seattle, with lines a mile long waiting to get in to hear him. Impressive. He’s bungled so many questions–especially those involving racism–& still by comparison to Clinton he comes out smelling like a rose.

But why the illusions? Why do seasoned activists utter nonsense like ‘he might save Palestine’ when he defends Israel & a Jewish-only state with such vehemence? Why are some of Sanders’ supporters castigating Blacks who voted for Clinton & uttering crap like “What the black voter did to Sanders is unforgivable”? Why are people swooning over his campaign video featuring Hawaiian Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, who blames Islamic theology for conflict in the Middle East & is a supporter of the BJP, Indian Prime Minister Modi’s right wing nationalist party?

Why the unwillingness of Sanders’ supporters to address the realities of his long tenure in office & instead make him an icon of principled politics when the congressional record is clear: he is massively compromised on all the big questions like war, US militarism, Israeli apartheid, undocumented immigrants/refugees, & the environment. In some circles, where the truth is spoken bluntly, he is called a blowhard.

His large following is not a testimony to idealism but to the triumph of credulity & burying your head in the sand as a political strategy. An examination of his record shows him to be hopelessly compromised & even outright corrupt.

Let’s take just one example: his co-sponsorship in 1998 of H.R.629, the Texas Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Consent Act. It was an agreement between Texas (under the governorship of George Bush), Maine, & Vermont to ship radioactive nuclear waste from Main & Vermont (a state 95% white) to Sierra Blanca, Texas, a small city near El Paso & the Rio Grande River. Sierra Blanca was over 70% Mexican-American with the highest poverty levels in the country & without political representation. Then president Bill Clinton signed H.R. 629 into law despite years of public opposition to the nuclear dump site.

The Sierra Blanca site was owned by Harold Simmons, a tycoon powerful in Texas politics as a major donor to the GOP who made his fortune by hiring lobbyists & buying politicians. One Simmons company was responsible for the lead poisoning of an impoverished Black community in Cadillac Heights, Texas & for other toxic dump sites which cost US taxpayers $4.4 billion in Superfund monies.

This is what is called ‘environmental racism’–going on at the same time as Indian reservations were being bribed to become radioactive waste dumps. Sanders co-sponsored H.R. 629 with Texas congressman Joe Barton, a rightwing politician who continues to distinguish himself for idiocies & treacheries on environmental matters, including his assertion that wind is a finite resource & his support for the Keystone pipeline.

Sanders’ congressional speech supporting H.R. 629 typifies his ability to speak out of both sides of his ass. He first stated opposition to nuclear power & acknowledged the problem of radioactive waste. Then he argued for moving Vermont’s radioactive waste to Sierra Blanca, saying: “No reputable scientist or environmentalist believes that the geology of Vermont or Maine would be a good place for this waste.” Would any reputable politician not marinated in white supremacy then suggest it be dumped in Texas among poor brown people with limited access to healthcare?

In the end, it doesn’t matter if people support Sanders; what matters is the political method used to justify doing so. People who want to make this world suitable for human beings to live in ought to be ruthless with the truth & not accept false prophets & saviors.

(Photo by Mihajlo Maricic/Getty Images)

A bird pooped on Bernie Sanders. Isn’t that a good omen in Chinese folklore? I’ve had dozens of pet birds poop on me & I should warn Sanders that it doesn’t mean squat & won’t save his ass from his rotten politics.


Rolling Stones play for apartheid Israel in 2014. Play for revolutionary Cuba in 2016. What’s wrong with that picture!?

Mick Jagger June 6 2014

The headlines are exuberant: “Rolling Stones make history with free concert in Cuba.” We’re told the concert was the result of months of diplomacy between the US & Cuba & that hundreds of thousands attended the free concert at a decrepit sports stadium.

Questions emerge which are not answered. Like why was the US government negotiating the terms of a rock & roll concert for the Rolling Stones who are British? And who paid for the free concert?

Maybe from the point of view of rock & roll this concert is cool. But from the point of view of politics, it’s a crying shame. In June 2014, the Rolling Stones contemptuously defied the Palestinian call to boycott Israeli apartheid & performed in Tel Aviv. Just one month later Israel launched the seven-week bombing siege over Gaza which directly targeted children.

Cuba has a compromised view about Israeli colonialism, clinging to the stinking corpse of a bantustate solution for Palestinians. But one would think they had enough respect for Palestinians, for solidarity, & for their own history that they would reject performers who flout justice. Does Cuba also then flout BDS?

There’s that old adage about laying down with dogs & getting up with fleas. Naomi Campbell–the serial abuser of women who just received an honorific for women from Shimon Peres–was in the VIP section at the Havana concert.

Shame on Cuba.

(Photo is ugly-assed Jagger performing Tel Aviv in June 2014)