Justin Trudeau: the man with torrential tears on demand

There was strong objection to my criticism of Justin Trudeau for his grandstanding crocodile tears. I don’t measure off lesser evil among politicians. Trudeau kept a deal negotiated by a former Canadian government & sold millions in military equipment to Saudi Arabia whilst it is bombing Yemen to smithereens. Trudeau deployed warships to the Aegean Sea, not to rescue refugees, but to thwart those crossing from Turkey to Greece. If you admire him, take it up with the people of Yemen & with refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, & other countries. They could best address the confusions.

Israeli soldiers routinely terrorize Palestinian children

Israeli soldier terrorizing child (Twitter:RebelPioneers) Oct 24 2017

An Israeli soldier in what calls itself “the most moral army in the world” terrorizing a Palestinian boy in occupied Hebron. It isn’t reported what happened to the boy–whether he was assaulted &/or arrested & placed in the Israeli gulag. But this treatment of a little kid constitutes several human rights crimes.

Stand with Palestinian kids by honoring the economic & cultural boycott of Israel. Buy nothing with barcode beginning 729 & check every label on every product.

(Photo from Twitter)

Ad hominem attacks are considered gauche at cocktail parties & maybe at the Oxford Forum. Not so in politics where life & death questions about oppression, war, occupation, & genocide are involved. What are often mistaken as ad hominems are actually political characterizations. But scrappers like me have no problem calling apologists for human rights & war crimes dirt-balls & that’s the higher end of our epithetical repertoire.

Reposting this from October 24th, 2015 mainly because Save the Children is raising funds for Rohingya refugees. How much of those contributions will actually be delivered in aid is a question. No money should be given to this group which politically & financially supports Zionist groups unless they initiate a public campaign demanding Israel stop selling arms to the Burmese military & end its occupation of Palestine:
Hopefully, this piece of information will not get lost in a post I wrote about JK Rowling’s involvement in an anti-BDS initiative:
Working Assets/CREDO Fund, the cell phone company marketing itself to progressives, is an endorser & financial supporter of The Abraham Fund. Other supporters/contributors include several Israeli corporations (including Strauss), the German & US governments, Save The Children Fund (which gave an honorific to Tony Blair), & many openly Zionist groups, individuals, & foundations. Once again, “Zionist” is not a derogatory epithet but the term for those who advocate for a Jewish-only state on Palestinian lands.

The Abraham Fund, which refers to Israeli Palestinians only as “Arabs” (because Zionists insist Palestinians do not exist as a people), is a Zionist organization which works with the Israeli government in phony peaceful coexistence schemes, including with Israeli police projects about policing Palestinian citizens. It can now be said with some assurance that their projects are not serving Israeli Palestinians.

Those Palestinian supporters who want to continue their cell phone plans with CREDO should begin to put pressure on them to cease all support to The Abraham Fund & to any other Zionist organizations they support & may want to ask for full disclosure of all organizations which they contribute to. Their determination of who is “progressive” might not correspond with your own.

Some US media publishing opinion pieces characterizing offensive against Rohingya as genocide

Ro 11-yr old Azida Begum (Paula Bronstein:Getty Images) Oct 24 2017

In the past couple days, CNN, the Washington Post, & Time (all US media) have published opinion pieces characterizing the Burmese military offensive against the Rohingya as genocide, not as ethnic cleansing as the UN & Human Rights Watch do. Time even highlighted this little girl, 11-year-old Azida Begum, who was shot twice (under her arm & on her leg) by Burmese soldiers, showing that Rohingya children are targeted in this genocide as much as adults.

Those who support the fascist Burmese junta & Suu Kyi & deny the genocide by claiming it is all “Wahhabi/Salafi terrorism” will pull their schtick about mainstream media being all lies but all they offer in rebuttal is Russian media sources when Russia is one of the biggest arms dealer to the Burmese military & has just negotiated billions in investment deals. We should use these reports in US media to build a solidarity movement for the Rohingya people in their struggle against genocide & for human, democratic, civil, & refugee rights.

(Photo of Azida Begum by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)

Time article: http://time.com/4…/myanmar-rohingya-fortify-rights-genocide/

Washington Post article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/a-genocide-is-taking-plac…/?

CNN article: http://us.cnn.com/…/op…/myanmar-rohingya-genocide/index.html