Best rebuttal to denials of genocide by Burmese government is Rohingya refugees themselves

Injured Ro boy (Shafiur Rahman) Oct 3 2017

The best rebuttal to denials of genocide by Suu Kyi & the generals is the Rohingya refugees themselves. This is 10-year-old Osman who injured his hand on razor wire trying to get away from gunfire.

Stand with the Rohingya in their struggle against genocide & for human, democratic, civil, & refugee rights.

(Photo by Shafiur Rahman who is making a documentary about the Rohingya struggle.)

Burma’s phony repatriation offer to Rohingya refugees

Ro family in river (Bernat Armangue:AP)

The Burmese junta has proposed to take back the now 500,000 Rohingya refugees who fled military & nationalist death squads. Last month, Suu Kyi made a similar proposal to take back “verified” refugees, which of course means all Rohingya are excluded according to Burmese citizenship laws. This is nothing but a grandstanding gesture because unless repatriation is preceded by the immediate complete withdrawal of all Burmese military forces & unless Buddhist nationalist death squads are rounded up & prosecuted, it would be nothing but a death trap for Rohingya refugees to return. They’re still burning Rohingya villages down, still hunting men, women, & children down & executing them or burning them alive. Any repatriation program would require the Burmese junta allow thousands of human rights monitors & reporters into Arakan state to make sure such a program was not in fact a death trap to finish off those Rohingya able to flee to safety.

This is a Rohingya family crossing a creek of the Naf river into Bangladesh after days of a harrowing journey trying to elude death squads. Suu Kyi & the Burmese generals insult intelligence by suggesting that refugees turn around & trust they will be safe in villages torched to the ground where many of their family, friends & neighbors were burned to death or executed in the most gruesome ways & when the army has mined the border so they cannot return without being blown up.

Stand with the Rohingya people in their struggle against genocide & to return to their homeland with full human, democratic, civil, & refugee rights. That will require taking down the junta & Suu Kyi.

(Photo by Bernat Armangue/AP)

The fascism of Global Research from Syria to Burma

Ro boy at Cox's Bazar (AP Photo:Bernat Armangue) Oct 2 2017

It appalled me to learn that one of my articles about Burma was posted in Global Research after being published by Countercurrents in May 2016. Global Research editors must have been unaware of my many posts excoriating them since they turned on the Syrian revolution against Assad in 2011, began portraying the Arab Spring uprisings as orchestrated by Mossad & the CIA, & became openly anti-Semitic & associated with that extraterrestrial reptilian Jewish bankers crap.

Now they’re openly, unabashedly fascist on several political issues, especially Syria, & are publishing articles on Burma by the Irish fascist Gearóid Ó Colmáin who is as deranged as he is dishonest & reactionary. He comes highly recommended by Vanessa Beeley, the Leni Riefenstahl of the Assad regime. Hopefully, this will be beyond the pale for those taken in on Syria & they will begin to understand that the libertarianism of Global Research is the theoretics of fascism & that its views supporting genocide in Burma are of a piece, not an aberration, with all of its politics.

The truth of the fascist Burmese junta & their genocide of the Rohingya people is beyond dispute. It won’t be as easy for Assad supporters to dissemble reality as they have so effectively in Syria–partially because anti-Assad forces are politically weak with many confused by the counter-revolutionary role played by the US. It may be hoping against hope, but it’s possible that some who succumbed to Islamophobia & anti-Semitism in Syria will begin to rethink their political course & turn away from their fascist allies & the politics of hate. As confused as they are, it is certain that is not where many thought they were headed when they began spouting that regime-change rubbish about Syria.

According to estimates, of the now 500,000 Rohingya refugees fleeing death squads, at least 60-percent are children, many coming alone or with siblings after losing their families to genocide. This young boy is among them. The genocide is not about ARSA; it is about kids like him. Either you stand with the refugees or you stand with the fascist junta. There is no middle way.

(Photo by Bernat Armangue/AP)

There’s almost nothing young women can do to make themselves less than beautiful. Except for red eyeshadow. Eat it you young whippersnappers. We finally got you.

Media doesn’t understand why an old white rich guy would indiscriminately shoot up a crowd. If he’d been in the military it would make sense because of PTSD, but he has no military record. Nether does the old white rich guy in the White House who hates on Blacks, Latinos, Mexicans, Muslims, Puerto Ricans, & others. Privilege can make you stupid. It can also make you psycho.

Sincere condolences to those who lost beloved family or friends in the Las Vegas attack & to the 500 injured. It’s scary as hell to see so many terrorist events in the US when prior to the so-called war on terrorism Americans had the comfort of geographical, military, & psychological distance from the crimes of our government. It’s too much to ask that media will learn from this & treat the people of Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Kashmir, Somalia, Libya, the Rohingya of Burma, & elsewhere with the same respect & grief. But their suffering & their lives also matter.

Nobody’s talking deep state or soft coup anymore, not even Glenn Greenwald, though they’re still harping about Russiagate & the new McCarthy era. Let it be noted that the ex-CIA & FBI agents leading the band against the new McCarthy era crap were part of orchestrating the actual McCarthy era that made life difficult & often dangerous for socialists & civil libertarians & often jeopardized our jobs.

Have to admit watching all the Russiagate commentary on TV news has become a bore even though it’s going to bring him down. The investigation appears to be focusing on Russian interference in US elections & fake FB accounts. That’s important to investigate but it’s no different than the US does in many other countries. What’s important is Trump’s business operations & entanglements with Russia–not to mention other countries like the Philippines. But maybe that’s getting too close to how capitalism works not just under Trump’s corruptions but under every US president. That might open up a can of worms where the power elite do not want to go lest capitalist exploitations be laid bare.