“Cries From Syria” by Evgeny Afineevsky

Anyone see the HBO documentary titled “Cries From Syria” directed by Russian director Evgeny Afineevsky? According to reviews, it highlights the voices of Syrian children–so vilified by Assad propagandists–& describes how anti-Assad graffiti on a school in Daraa led to the torture & murder of teenage boys & set off one of the worst humanitarian & political crises in our times.

A friend who saw it said it corresponds to the book “Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution & War” by Leila Al-Shami & Robin Yassin-Kassab. He’s willing to write a review of it for us but if any of you have seen it & would like to describe it, please do so here.

The purpose of the electronic ban is to normalize harassment, discrimination, & persecution of Muslims

The most fatuous thing about the US ban on passengers from 8 Middle East countries carrying electronics into the cabin is how small-minded it is. All devices larger than a cell phone have to be checked. The TSA directive said it was because of the terrorism threat but if you rig your damn cell phone to blow up the plane it could just as well do it from the luggage area.

All the ban will do is ruin the in-flight experience of expensive booze, stale peanuts, second-rate movies, & stinking air. But wait. No American carriers are impacted by the ban so it may not go worse than boredom.

The directive is trying to institute a Muslim ban administratively, piecemeal & on the sly, just as they are gnawing away at Medicare, because there is such political resistance to the Muslim ban.

The sole purpose of the ban is to normalize harassment, discrimination & persecution of Muslims & there is nothing fatuous about that. It is extremely alarming that Muslim-hating is now instituted as a central feature in international politics. If ISIS didn’t exist, US-NATO & other countries like India, China, Russia, & Myanmar would have to invent it, so invaluable is its ideological function in war-mongering, colonialism, occupation, & genocide.

Those who don’t get that & blither on instead about Russophobia are trying to mask hatred of Muslims behind a shabby veneer & take fatuous to the level of derangement. Now they flirt with & skirt the edges of fascism. temporizing till they go full monty. It’s just a matter of time. Unless we mobilize & scare them back under their rocks.

The 8 countries included in the electronics ban are Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, the UAE, Qatar. Kuwait.

The 6 countries included in Trump’s Muslim ban are Syria, Libya, Sudan, Iran, Yemen, Somalia.

“You can’t take a laptop on a flight to the US but the US is free to fly jets full of bombs into the Middle East. That’s balance for you.”

(Retweeted Karl Sharro (@KarlreMarks) via Usman A Khan Tahir)

How to tell the oppressed from the oppressor in Syria

Russian Terminator

The libertarian outpouring of solidarity with Putin & the Kremlin is so touching but don’t they think the Russkis can take care of themselves? Usually solidarity goes to the oppressed–not to the guys with the bombers, warships, missiles, tanks, & this thing called the Terminator which Russia is deploying in Syria against unarmed civilians.

Maybe libertarians are confused about who the oppressed are in Syria since they don’t read mainstream media–just alternative media like Kremlin-owned RT. But a simple foolproof method would be: the ones bombing unarmed civilians are the oppressor & the unarmed civilians being bombed are the oppressed.

Neil Gorsuch is slick & sleazy

Watched the confirmation hearing for Gorsuch as a supreme court judge. Color him slick & sleazy. Not to mention a big fat reactionary liar.

The death blow was when Franken interrogated him about the case of a trucker who had a brake failure on the road in -14°F (-25°C) temperatures. He couldn’t drive without endangering others so pulled off the highway & called the company dispatcher several times over a long period without the company sending emergency road service. When he began to get hypothermia, he got back on the road briefly to warm up & then pulled off again so he didn’t kill anybody.

The company fired the man & the case came before Gorsuch & a panel of judges. They found the firing unreasonable–like any sane person would. But Gorsuch wrote a dissenting opinion on behalf of the company.

When Franken questioned him about the case, Gorsuch dropped the sophisticated raconteur schtick he plied against the love bombs from Republicans & sleazed his way around answering.

Now playing us for stupid, he claims he’s not political, though he’s been involved in the campaigns of several Republicans–probably social climbing his way to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court claims it’s not political either. So we can claim we’re not political when we show up on the doorsteps of the Supreme Court to protest their reactionary decisions. Because we know the judges are as subject to political pressure as any other branch of government.

Video testimony of trucker about the case & Gorsuch’s role (my post drew on facts as Franken stated them, which differ slightly from the trucker, though the essence of the story is unchanged):


Not just a handshake but a betrayal of the struggle against colonialism: an obituary of Martin McGuinness

McGuinness & Betty Mar 21 2017

Not just a handshake but a betrayal of the struggle against colonialism: an obituary for Martin McGuinness whose life mocked the Republican anthemic, “Ireland unfree shall never be at peace.”

Martin McGuinness died today at the age of 66. He was the IRA leader of armed struggle who brokered the Good Friday Agreement (GFA) in 1998 with then British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The GFA is credited with ending the “troubles” in Northern Ireland, in ending the armed conflict between the guerrilla branch of the IRA & the British occupying army.

It is one thing to repudiate armed struggle as a bankrupt political strategy to win independence from a colonial power, as a method futile & fatal in advancing reunification between the Irish Republic & the six colonial counties of Northern Ireland. It’s entirely another matter to accept British colonialism in Ireland as a fait accompli, become its representative, & denounce Irish Republicans as “traitors to Ireland” for not giving allegiance to British colonial power & for continuing the struggle for freedom not through guerrilla activity but by organizing a social movement.

The Good Friday Agreement is the Irish rendition of the Oslo Accords for Palestinians: the terms of surrender to colonialism & the abandonment of the anti-colonial struggle. Armed struggle is a dead-end, dead-wrong strategy, often borne from desperation, but it is not an abandonment of freedom principles like the GFA.

Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness, both former armed struggle leaders, betrayed the Republican struggle against colonialism & went on to make jackasses of themselves by scraping & bowing to Betty Windsor like she was their queen, proceeding from simple-minded groveling to crawling on their bellies like a reptile.

The abandonment of armed struggle was essential to advance reunification but the conditions of colonialism for Catholics in Northern Ireland remain unchanged. As Pádraig Henry Pearse, a Republican activist who led the 1916 Easter Rising, said: “Ireland unfree shall never be at peace.”

These are former posts about McGuinness:




Photo is McGuinness meeting with Betty Windsor in 2012, trying to make groveling look dignified. In November 2016, as then Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, McGuinness went on to writing a fawning letter to Trump, reminding him of his Irish ancestry & inviting him for a state visit to the colony.

(Photo by by Paul Faith/Getty Images)

Everything that used to be prefixed neo is now prefixed alt without adding clarity to a damn thing. Is that one of those “nuance” things?

Why insult some schnook with nuance when you can just tell them to stuff it?

Enough with the fake news crap! You have to be a halfwit to fear reading mainstream media lest you be deceived or catch diphtheria. Learn to study for heaven’s sakes. That’s what learning to read is all about. If the ABCs are beyond you, stick to finger-painting & leave politics to grown ups.

What’s more important is recognizing what Henry Lowi calls “the fake antiwar activists, the fake socialists, & the fake Palestine solidarity activists” who support Assad, Putin, & Trump.

The tragedy of the Arab Spring is the epic failure of international solidarity

Yemen IDP (Yahya Arhab:EPA) Mar 20 2017

It’s been two years this month since the Saudi coalition of five monarchies & two military dictatorships began bombing democracy into Yemen, where in 2011 one of the most powerful Arab uprisings brought dictatorship to its knees–at least for a period.

It was a hopeful period for humanity, with uprisings as intransigent in Egypt, Bahrain, Syria, reverberations in Iraq, Morocco, Tunisia, & elsewhere. The setback of the Arab Spring by the most repressive military forces & think tanks aligned against them has brought the cynics, but mostly the Muslim-haters, out of the woodwork to sneer that Arabs would be capable of democracy, especially in those countries where women wear the veil. Yemen & Bahrain were led by fully-veiled women standing against tear gas & tanks & they played a central role in Egypt. But smart-asses whose most courageous acts are cursing at authorities under their breath dare to disdain them?

The tragedy of the Arab Spring is the epic failure of international solidarity–& now the alignment of erstwhile progressives with Assad’s dictatorship & Russian bombing of civilians in Syria. It is not Arab activists who do not understand the character of democracy. It is mostly western progressives moving to the right led by Assad propagandists, retired CIA & FBI agents, & former US military officers who do not agree with uprisings against dictatorship or international solidarity–so profound is their hatred of Muslims & Jews.

The Arab uprisings have not said their struggles are over nor conceded defeat. This is not the time for triumphal or smug obituaries. Until then, we stand with them & look to them as leaders & teachers in the struggle of humanity for a world suitable for human beings to live & love in–a place to come of age & grow to old age in peace.

This women in Sana’a, Yemen is outside her tent shelter at a camp for those made homeless by Saudi-led, US & UK backed bombing.
US out of Yemen.

(Photo by Yahya Arhab/EPA)