Vanessa Beeley, Assad’s version of Leni Riefenstahl, debases herself again

Vanessa Beeley, Assad’s version of Leni Riefenstahl, flew to Aleppo to get the line straight on what happened with the suicide bomber. She really has to be heard to grasp her corruption & viciousness for which she is well-remunerated.

Nobody plays distraught & outrage quite so melodramatically. No one lies for Assad with quite the same aplomb. Probably diplomatic arts she learned from her father, the British diplomat who helped broker the partition of Palestine.

In her litany of accusations against the White Helmets for the suicide bombing, Beeley neglected to answer two questions:

–Why did Assad negotiate the forced relocation of thousands of civilians if he could not guarantee their safe passage with cordons of Syrian soldiers?

–How did the suicide bomber get within ten miles of the bus convoy with a cracker delivery van without arousing some suspicion from Assad’s military or without being stopped & searched?

The video is posted here because no one discredits Beeley quite like Beeley herself: