The Russian dissident group Pussy Riot responded to the Maher-Affleck dust-up over Islamophobia by posting “We love Bill Maher – he is always extremely funny & smart.”
Has something been lost in translation? And going both ways? Have they misunderstood Maher & have we misunderstood them? Or does it all just signify the shallowness of political iconoclasm & grandstanding stunts?
In 2012, they walked into a cathedral wearing neon masks, stood on the pulpit & screamed punk songs with lyrics like “Virgin Mary drive Putin away!” They certainly shouldn’t have been prosecuted & sent to jail. And they certainly should have been defended. But they might want to spend some time developing a deeper social critique lest they end up a caricature like FEMEN–& also in the camp of Islamophobia.
Critiquing the role of religion in society is important but iconoclasm is more an assault than a critique.