Those who claim the US Pentagon can play a humanitarian military role anywhere should give us one shred of evidence pointing to that lame-brained conclusion. We’re living in the barbaric phase of capitalism. Try to grasp that reality instead of holding on to pipe dreams. But even if humanitarian bombing somewhere was possible, have the pipe dreamers no sense of solidarity with the millions killed by US bombs?

Syrian child of Idlib RIP Sept 5 2018

Some comments from Assad’s guppy squad on the terror bombing of three-million civilians in Idlib–comments which can only be called the glorification of terror bombing & mass slaughter. Such are the politics of Stalinism, fascism, Islamophobia, & anti-Semitism which are the essence of Assadism:

“Roasted jihadis anyone?”

“Kill them all.”

“This time I hope they give no quarter to the terrorists. This is the last refuge for those head chopping butchers. Take no prisoners.”

“This is a well planned & calculated liberation of Idlib not like how reckless the US butchery in Yemen is.”

“These terrorists are ISRAHEL Armies. Bolshevic Jews.”

Photo is Syrian child killed yesterday in Syrian & Russian terror bombing of Idlib.

(Photo from several Syrian sources on FB)

Itay Tiran, the leading Israeli actor & director, gave an interview in Haaretz where he expressed unequivocal support for BDS, opposition to the Jewish-only apartheid law, & had this exchange on the character of Zionism:

“So you’re saying Zionism equals racism, no matter what?


That Zionism equals colonialism?

“Yes, exactly. So we all have to look at the truth, & then take a side.”

Never doubt for one moment that Tiran’s principled political views resonate with many other Israeli Jews. Strengthening Palestinian political power through support for BDS & political rallies & education will embolden more Israelis to join Palestinians in the fight for a democratic, secular state where Palestinians & Jews will live as equals & where Zionism is as discredited as German fascism.

The most common gimmick of Assadists to deflect from Syrian & Russian bombing of civilians is to express crocodile tears indignation about US & UK-backed Saudi bombing of Yemen. But what that coalition is doing in Yemen is monstrously criminal in exactly the same way as what Syria, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, & the 60-member US-coalition are doing in Syria. Nice try Assad propagandists, but the bombing of Yemen is for the same political purposes as that in Syria & as the massive repression in Egypt & Bahrain: to destroy every vestige of the titanic Arab Spring uprisings that began in 2011. Their crocodile tears over Yemen are not a case of selective outrage but are entirely fake & duplicitous. It won’t be long before they’re shouting “Islamist jihadis” at the Yemenis as they are at the Syrian revolution.

“Clinton, Bush & Obama invaded nine Arab & Muslim countries, killed 11-million Muslims during about 23 years of their rule & no one calls them terrorists. Palestinians throw back rocks at their oppressors & are called terrorists.”

What Abdalrahim M Alfarra of Gaza tweeted about Palestinian stone pelters is just as true about Kashmiri stone pelters. Those who condemn the stone pelters as provocateurs do so only as a switch & bait maneuver to justify the military occupations.

Two of 6 Syrian children killed in Idlib Sept 4 2018 (Tweeted by Aisha Zara) Sept 5 2018
These little girls are two of the six children killed yesterday by Syrian & Russian bombing of Idlib. Triumphal Assadists think their lives a small price to pay for protecting the Assad dictatorship’s national sovereignty. Not unlike how Madeleine Albright thought the lives of 500,000 Iraqi children were a small price to pay for accomplishing US policy goals in Iraq.

The only principled demands are for the immediate cessation of Syrian, Russian, US-coalition bombing & the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all foreign military forces in Syria.

(Photo tweeted by Aisha Zara)

Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh protest in solidarity with two Burmese journalists (Twitter) Sept 5 2018
Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh protest in support of Wa Lone & Kyaw Soe Oo, the two Burmese journalists for Reuters sentenced to seven-years in prison for investigating the Rohingya genocide:

(Photo from Rohingya activists on Twitter)

Collage of journalists in support of Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo (Reuters bureau chief) Sept 5 2018

This collage tweeted by Reuters is of journalists from around the world in support of Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo.

Abdu Shakur, father of Rashid Ahmed, one of 10 men reported on by jailed Reuters reporters (Reuters) Sept 5 2018

The Rohingya protest was attended by this man, Abdu Shakur, the father of Rashid Ahmed, one the ten men whose deaths at the hands of the Myanmar army were exposed by Wa Lone & Kyaw Soe, the two jailed Reuters reporters:

Michael Clinton & Rohingya activists in Ireland Sept 5 2018

Rohingya activists from Carlow & Dublin, Ireland are at the headquarters of Teacher Union Ireland, which supports the Rohingya struggle against genocide, to raise the Rohingya flag. On the right is Micheal Clinton, an Irish ambassador to the European Rohingya Council. The work being led by these activists in Ireland is a model of what can be done elsewhere in the world.

Kashmiri boy walking (Kashmir Bleeds) Sept 5 2018
Another picture worth a thousand lies: a Kashmiri child under Indian military occupation on the way to school.

(Photo from Kashmir Bleeds)

Siege of Idlib (Twitter) Sept 5 2018

The siege of Idlib has begun with the massive deployment of Syrian, Russian, & Iranian ground troops & terror bombing of an estimated three-million people, many of them refugees displaced by bombing from other parts of Syria. Assadists are proclaiming this a liberation from ‘jihadi terrorists’ & the triumph of Assad’s national sovereignty. Others who do not understand the counterrevolutionary role of the US-coalition are quoting the wimpy-assed protests of Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, & Donald Trump & pathetically hoping for salvation of the revolution by the US Pentagon.

Idlib represents the final battle of the momentous Arab Spring uprisings that began in 2011 & which have all been vilified as ‘Islamist jihadi’ uprisings orchestrated by the CIA & Mossad. Where are the antiwar protests demanding no bombing of Idlib? There are none because the moribund & corrupt remnants of the antiwar movement support bombing civilians in the interests of Assad’s national sovereignty. Racism toward Arabs & Islamophobia have fully taken their revenge on the Arab peoples of Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, & the Palestinians. This is a watershed moment in human history in which progressives around the world, not just in the west, showed their utter political bankruptcy by supporting dictatorship, counterrevolution, & the bombing of civilians in Syria. There is no political regeneration possible after such a catastrophic betrayal. Those who supported this carnage & genocide should skulk off the stage of history into ignominy.

The only principled demands are for the immediate cessation of bombing in Syria by Syria, Russia, & the US-coalition & for the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all foreign military forces from Syria.

Photo is White Helmets rescuing victims from the rubble of Russian bombing in Idlib.

(Photo from White Helmets)