The Indian government will keep building up the pressure on Kashmir because:
(1) if Pakistan is provoked to attack, the government hopes to complete in conditions of war whatever remains unfinished under the siege–the majority of Kashmiri Muslims dead, displaced or in jail and detention camps–while trying to conquer Pakistan-occupied Kashmir to seal the BJP/RSS’s full claim over Indian nationalism forever;
(2) if Pakistan doesn’t attack, the government hopes to eventually see most Kashmiris resigned to the fact that nobody can save them if they don’t live as “good Indian citizens” as nobody can stop India from acting as it pleases in Kashmir;
(3) if Pakistan doesn’t attack, but continues to speak in defence of Kashmiris internationally, the government has already managed to find “intelligence inputs” about Pakistan-backed terrorists, possibly Kashmiri, planning to attack public places across India, especially Hindu temples–and a terror attack would suffice, in the mood cultivated so zealously over months, to do nearly what a full-fledged Pakistani invasion would have done for the BJP/RSS regime.”


–Indian activist Satyadeep Satya

“If India Wins, Humanity Loses
The Indian State’s Kashmir policy is simply about terrorising people by all means necessary into giving up their resistance against India’s political ambition of conquering the Valley (“full integration”). India’s success in Kashmir means the triumph of terrorism over human will. All those who stand against terrorism and with humanity must ensure India never wins in Kashmir, no matter what the cost.”

#StandWithKashmir #EndTheOccupation

–Indian activist Satyadeep Satya

Israeli soldiers shoot down a Palestinian woman & watch as she bleeds to death:

Sangat kejam dan pengecutTentara laknatullah menembak seorang wanita gaza Di pos pemeriksaan kota Qalandia utara yarusalemNtah apa yang mereka takutkan dari seorang wanita yang tak membawa apa apa.. 👊😡

Posted by Ari Daqneesh on Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Cuba sent a delegation to the phony third annual trade union conference in Damascus. One of the delegates said ‘Cuban workers share the joy of the Syrian people defeating terrorism’. He didn’t mention the millions of refugees, the carpet bombing, the millions killed or tens of thousands injured. In July, a group of representatives from the Cuban pharmaceutical industry also visited Syria to provide drugs to the Assad regime in its war against the Syrian Arab Spring while Syrian war planes are bombing hospitals. Turkey, Egypt, Iraq, & India were among the other countries with delegations to what was not a trade union conference at all since Syria outlaws unions & only has a front group confederation controlled by the Assad regime.

It was a meeting of Assad propagandists, creepy kinds of people who crawled out from under their rocks to suck up to a dictator & attend the trendy nightclubs in Damascus on Assad’s tab. As for Cuba, too many who live in the past need to stop the groveling & apply some analytical skills to how badly the principles of socialism are being betrayed by the Cuban leadership.

(Photo is some of the creepy participants at the phony, almost entirely male trade union conference in Damascus, from Sana, Syrian state-owned media)

The Eu Parliament is scheduled to debate Kashmir today for the first time in 11 years though the occupation has gone on for 30 years, or calculated more accurately, 72 years. We can expect the quotient of ‘grave concern’ & hand-wringing to go up .0001 percent after their debate. Inaction, like calling for a boycott of India, will remain the same at zip, nada, zero, nothing.

It makes my heart sing that an article I posted on China’s forced sterilization of Uyghur Muslims was shared over 1,000 times. Forced sterilization via eugenics-motivated population control programs is a widespread form of racist genocide against poor, marginalized, brown & black women. The more we know & educate about this issue, the safer women around the world will be from predators who attempt to blame poverty on women & babies.
Here’s the article again for those who would like to read or share it:

Millions of Kashmiri kids are locked in their homes, unable to go to school or play with friends, traumatized by the ubiquitous presence of counter-insurgency Indian troops.

But happy birthday, das fuhrer Modi.

Das fuhrer Modi turns 69 today & there is an orgy of groveling felicitations comparable to Assad propagandists on the birthday of the two Assads. To counter the bad publicity & condemnations of his genocide in Kashmir, he tweeted a photo of himself releasing butterflies at a butterfly park in Gujarat. As if those beautiful creatures have anything in common with fascism or the unspeakable crimes he is committing in India & in Kashmir!