Mothering the refugees

Rohingya mother & child (Beawiharta:Reuters) May 23 2015

This is a Rohingya mother waiting as her child drinks water after getting off the boat in Julok village in Kura Binje, Indonesia. Some of the arrivals reported they were drifting at sea nearly four months with very little food & water.

We should take a moment to honor these parents & to imagine what it must have been like to go through months not knowing if your child or children would survive. There were likely those who did not. Terror, stoicism, & grief for your children must combine with your own starvation in a complex of psychological misery & take a terrible, lasting toll on these young parents.

Our deepest respect for them & our hopes their lives & their futures will recover from the tsunami of social hatred they have had to endure–in Myanmar & on the high seas. Our fullest solidarity with them.

(Photo by Beawiharta/Reuters)

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