Category Archives: News

Libertarian Trump supporters think Michael Flynn is being framed. The rest of us want to know: what does Flynn know about Trump’s dealings with Russia & when did he know it was treason?

The retired CIA & FBI agents who lead the US antiwar movement & Hands Off Syria Coalition are writing up a storm about the surveillance state & Russiagate. It’s a good thing they had their pensions in hand before they went off the deep end.

Maybe they could explain to us why all that deep state crap didn’t scare them for the several decades they drew a paycheck spying on Russia & the rest of us.

If you’re concerned about the Kremlin & Putin in all this Russiagate stuff, I really get your angst. I really do. But could you unfriend me anyway? I prefer sane people as friends.

Get well, Abid Bhat

Abid Bhat

When someone friends me it seems good manners to send them a brief message of welcome. Nothing elaborate, just acknowledgement. One of my pet-peeves is if the person just ignores responding. It seems so uncivil, even passive-aggressive. I’m rather hard-assed about the issue & if the person never responds, I just delete them. It’s my unreasonable side.

So when a young man from Kashmir friended me & ignored my message, I sent him a brief note of objection. Nothing snotty, just slightly peeved. He responded by saying sorry but he got a head injury today & received six stitches from a clash with Indian troops.

Color me stupid.

Get well Abid Bhat.

On top of my reputation for being censorious & playing fast & loose with the block button, let me risk being called a nag. Most of those who share my posts about Kashmir are Kashmiris who already know what’s going on. Broadening international solidarity means reaching beyond them to educate others who don’t know about this historic struggle.

No one has to share my posts about Kashmir but there are several Facebook & social media sites one can go to for articles & reports. Don’t make me ask again.

Iraqi men & boys fleeing with families detained by Iraqi forces as suspected ISIS fighters

Mosul--displaced Iraqis in cattle truck (REUTERS:Youssef Boudlal) Mar 31 2017

The media caption to this photo read: “Displaced Iraqi families who fled from clashes during a battle between Iraqi forces & Islamic State are transferred to different camps outside Mosul, Iraq.”

“Fled from clashes during a battle” is such a nondescript way of expressing the terror & horror of fleeing with your kids from your neighborhood while it’s being bombed to smithereens.

Unless the eyes deceive, those being transported in this filthy cattle truck are men & boys. Human rights organizations are reporting that Iraqi forces are separating out men & boys fleeing with their families & detaining them as suspected ISIS fighters. So is that what’s going on here?

Bombing hundreds of thousands of civilians is not the method for fighting ISIS; it is a method to subordinate civilians.
US out of Iraq! Rebuild the international antiwar movement!

(Photo by Youssef Boudlal/Reuters)

Bilal Abdul Kareem sues Trump regime for being on US kill list

Bilal Abdul Kareen

Bilal Abdul Kareem is an American journalist reporting from Syria & “embedded” with the revolution rather than up the ass of the Syrian army like Robert Fisk, Eva Bartlett, Vanessa Bartlett. Because of that, he has become the bĂȘte noire of Assadists & the Hands Off Syria Coalition. His interviews conflict with their lies.

Kareem just announced that he & Al Jazeera journalist Ahmad Zaidan have filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration for including them on the US kill list. This is an important legal challenge to the existence of a kill list & the extrajudicial execution by drone of anyone but especially of journalists who have not been accused of any crimes.

Assadist social media sites, including Vanessa Beeley’s, are filled with jubilation, fist pump & dancing emoticons, & calls for the US to take Kareem out. One even posted the photo of a gorilla, the putrid cliche of racism & white supremacy. There’s no purpose to querying the contradictions of Assadist propaganda–nor the repugnancies. Anymore than there is to doing an exegesis of KKK ideology.

If you stand for civil liberties, for the right of journalists to report without being kidnapped, arrested, murdered, bombed to death, then you stand with Kareem & Zaidan & support their challenge to the odious kill list.

Please like & share Kareem’s FB wall as an act of solidarity, even if you don’t see eye-to-eye with him on Syrian politics. (I don’t entirely.) Agreement is beside the point. Civil liberties is the issue.

Liberation US-style–Mosul: hell on earth

Flight from Mosul (REUTERS:Youssef Bouldlal) Mar 31 2017

Liberation US-style–Mosul: Iraqi kids in flight from the war zone where they used to live, now being bombed to smithereens so they can be free. Free of ISIS & terrorized by the US-led coalition of 60 countries making Iraq a killing field.

No US war in Iraq! US out of Iraq & Syria! Russia & all foreign military forces out of Syria!

(Photo by Youssef Bouldlal/Reuters)

Do you think if there was a famine in France or California as severe as the one in South Sudan (where they’re eating leaves), that people would be left to starve?

Shouldn’t the US & Israel feel some responsibility for those starving since they are involved in engineering the disastrous secession from Sudan?