Bangladeshi women’s & human rights groups rally for protection of women & children Rohingya refugees

Naripokkho and Durbar Network protest 10:7:17 (Dhaka Tribune)

Last Saturday, Naripokkho, a Bangladeshi women’s rights group, & Durbar Network, a human rights group, held a joint protest in Dhaka titled “Solidarity with the Persecuted Rohingya People” demanding an end to genocide against the Rohingya people & demanding the Bangladeshi government ensure the safety of Rohingya women & children, including counseling & 24-hour healthcare facilities in the camps.

International women’s & human rights groups must join them in demanding special protections & programs for women & children refugees, especially those children orphaned & without guardians. The Rohingya genocide is a women’s rights & child welfare issue of the first magnitude.

(Photo of protest from Dhaka Tribune)