All posts by BabakJoy2014

Egyptian clears dictator Hosni Mubarak of criminal charges for killing protesters

An Egyptian court just cleared dictator general Hosni Mubarak of criminal charges for ordering the killing of protesters in the 2011 Egyptian uprising against his rule. It’s a replay, almost to the detail. of the 2013 trial of Guatemala dictator general Efrain Rios Montt on charges of genocide against Mayans.

Extensive legal stalls, malingering & claims of mental or physical incapacity, more stalling, more malingering until both are nearly 100 years old. Mubarak, who has been living in his posh estate to await the appeals court, got carried into court on a stretcher. He’ll be back on the golf course next week.

The problem in both cases is the military is still in charge & the judicial systems peopled with their appointees & minions or judges smart enough not to mess with the generals who run the country.
It’s a grotesque miscarriage of justice in both Egypt & Guatemala & they’re not the only cases of such travesties. Just in recent history, Pinochet comes to mind.

But the Egyptian revolution isn’t over. If the junta thought it was, the repression would not be so extreme.

Mary Woodward: the demented Assadist

Assad’s coterie & their guppies are circulating an article titled “Local Syrian Residents Call White Helmets Organ Traders.” Other than the first sentence saying “Since the liberation of eastern Aleppo in the end of 2016 local residents have revealed White Helmets are organ traders,” there isn’t another word about that issue yet the article has been shared on FB nearly 600 times.

It’s posted in a cheesy blog called Syria & written by Miri Wood which is one of several names belonging to a wing-nut named Mary Woodward. She has an inventive, if not also twisted mind & writes lots of this crap dutifully shared all over social media.

Why Woodward has such ardent affinities with Assad’s dictatorship is a matter for psychiatry. Why she lies through her ass has to do with her hate-filled politics. If Assadists want to keep up their schtick about fake news, they might suggest she seek professional help rather than share her demented rubbish.

Posting the article here to shame Assadism:

The case for Russophobia

There’s a moral in this story but it’s not clear what that is & it might not be worth the effort of finding out: today I checked a FB friend’s wall to see if he was still alive & found a post about a Russian “lizard sex satellite” floating in space because mission control had lost connection & couldn’t control re-entry.

The satellite was full of geckos having sex & the post said if in a million years earth is invaded by lizards we can blame it on the Russians. Oh lord, I thought, this bozo is even wackier than David Icke, so I deleted his ass. Then I rechecked & it turns out it was an actual news report from 2014 about Russian scientists launching an experimental satellite filled with geckos to learn about animal sex in zero-gravity.

This might make the case for Russophobia. Before it was just Putin & the oligarchs but this suggests a little wariness about the Russkis, or at least its scientists, is in order.

Since it’s Women’s Day I want to tell the women in my life, on & off social media, that it’s been a blessing in my life to meet & get to know you. The occasional pain in the ass doesn’t change that (nor the large number of female right-wing wing-nuts.)

I’ve been enriched & educated in every way by your kindness, insights, knowledge, toughness, humor & can never thank you enough for broadening my vision of the depth, breadth, & power of women.

PS: Not to slight my men friends, but ours is the gender taught to disrespect ourselves & each other. Women’s Day marks the rejection of that.

International Women’s Day 2017: a day of tribute & commitment

Sanaa, Yemen March 8, 2017. REUTERS:Khaled Abdullah: Mar 8 2017

On International Women’s Day 2017, we join in commitment with women & men around the world to end the oppression of women–which involves the exploitation of children–in all its malignant & violent forms: domestic violence; rape; prostitution; trafficking & sexual slavery; discrimination; state-sponsored violence, including mass rape & genocide; war & occupation. This is not a ceremonial day but one committed to uncompromising struggle against systemic violence–a struggle which requires collaboration between men & women if oppression will be ended.

It is also a day to remember & pay tribute to the legions of women who have always been central to social resistance against injustice & tyranny, often leading those struggles, but who have been ruthlessly written out of history, including those who organized the US ciivl rights movement of the 1960s & Black & Latina women denied their role in the women’s liberation movement of the 1960s-70s by racist or dishonest historians. Women have always led social transformation but haven’t taken or even had the time to write the history.

Many women around the world should be honored for their monumental, often unrecognized contributions to women’s liberation, human freedom & democracy: the women of the Arab uprisings in Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Syria; the Mayan women standing fearlessly to expose & prosecute state-sponsored genocide in Guatemala; the mothers of the forcibly disappeared from Mexico, Argentina, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, Palestine, Philippines, & so many other countries who turn their grief to political fury that will not be silenced; the Dalit & Adviasi women standing against caste oppression despite brutal violence, including sexual violence; the mothers of Bhopal who relentlessly pursue justice still denied; Rohingya women who struggle to protect their children from genocide & work to expose it from forced exile; the women of Kashmir & Palestine whose intransigence sustains Intifada against military occupation & colonialism & are not daunted that their children are accused as terrorists & “jihadist” thrill-killers.

Special tribute should be given to Mayan, Kashmiri, Burmese, Dalit, Rohingya women for testifying, documenting, exposing, educating, campaigning against sexual violence & torture as a weapon of social control & of war which victimizes millions of women & children & also male political prisoners. It is a contribution of incalculable worth to ending this monstrous crime & opposing persecution, war & occupation.

Our deepest respect & tribute to the women of the Syrian revolution who have payed such a price & been maligned in the most unspeakable & hateful ways but remain standard-bearers of the fight against autocracy.

Revolution is a come-as-you-are affair. No one from a computer terminal gets to tell women leading revolutions how to dress. Women of the Arab uprising in Yemen played a singular role, most of them fully veiled. It is seldom reported, but despite two years this month of massive bombing, hundreds of thousands of people in Yemen continue to protest. These women are protesting today outside UN offices in Sanaa, Yemen: “You keep silent while our children die.”

We should also honor male human rights activists, like those in the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS) & in the campaign for Bhopal justice, for standing with us as equals in the fight for justice.

This is a day for tribute & commitment to making this world suitable for men & women to live & love in & for children to come of age in.

(Photo by Khaled Abdullah/Reuters)

Vijay Prashad is politically lost

Vijay Prashad has an article in Alternet titled “What, Exactly, Is Going on in Syria?” raising the question what the hell is going on in Vijay Prashad’s head? He exhibits no understanding at all of the titanic conflict between revolution against Assad’s dictatorship & the counter-revolution involving Syria, Russia, the US, Iran, et al. For him, it’s all about the Taliban, al-Qaeda, & ISIS.

Political analysis might not be the wisest choice for an elitist who doesn’t see the role of working people in Syria & who hasn’t compensated for elitism with diligent study.

Women political prisoners in Assad’s gulag

This is a recent Al Jazeera documentary interviewing women in Assad’s gulag. Understanding Syria isn’t a matter of following your intuitions & reading only what agrees with them. That would be substituting prejudice for knowledge. Nor is it simply accepting the authority of celebrity journalists whose politics tanked in the 1980s. Nobody speaks ex cathedra in a world of such complexity.

Serious political people don’t operate from ignorance & don’t follow the leader but investigate & compare sources to understand complex events–which involves looking at every point of view.

It’s impossible to listen to these women who were political prisoners in Syria & question whether it’s fake news or not. It’s horrific & unmistakably authentic.

Just saw a video titled “Illuminati Bombing Syrian Civilians & Blaming Putin/Assad – ACTUAL FOOTAGE.” Well who’d want to miss out on actual footage of reptilian bankers doing a Snoopy the Red Baron schtick? But they never showed. And i wasted ten minutes listening to a doped up guy waxing paranoidal.

Then I wept because I know people who were once sane who now believe this crap.

Elton John had no place being in the opening ceremony for Banksy’s hotel in Bethlehem

No one should be too impressed with Elton John’s message to the opening ceremony of Banksy’s hotel in Bethlehem. The guy’s a loser. In 2010 & in 2016, he performed in Israel despite appeals to honor BDS & he did so defiantly, even dedicating a song to Israel.

In 2010, he also performed in Arizona despite appeals by immigrant rights advocates to honor the boycott of the state for racial profiling.

He’s a schmuck, a deadbeat without principles except the self-serving kind. Someone needs to have the BDS chat with Banksy so he invites those performers who respect Palestinian self-determination & not the lowlifes who don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone but themselves.