The Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS) legal team handling the defense of the young girl who was molested by an Indian soldier are reporting ongoing & ferocious intimidation not only of the girl & her family but of the JKCCS legal team. Their account of conduct by Indian occupying officials is absolutely Kafkaesque if not something out of the Stalinist gulag.
For so long there has been a news blackout about the occupation of Kashmir but the work of Kashmiri activists on social media has begun to change that. That’s why Indian officials so often blockade the internet in Kashmir. Activists are appealing for the big battalions of international solidarity to act now in their support.
This modest petition is part of that solidarity & can focus world attention on the travesties of Indian injustice & violence in Kashmir. In just a few days, it has reached over 5,000 signatures. We need to make it go viral. Please sign if you haven’t already & share as an act of solidarity with Kashmiris fighting for self-determination & the end of a brutal occupation.