A useful CDC tutorial on the origins of the coronavirus epidemic in Chinese Communist Party policy toward wildlife to address grotesque inequalities between rich & poor under the regime.

Rather than criticize the Chinese Communist Party regime for its mishandling of the coronavirus, Maoists & other Stalinists are doing what Maoists & Stalinists do: talking about Venezuela & US pharma.

What do people mean when they say ‘don’t make the coronavirus epidemic political’? What isn’t political about it? The fact that refugees, the homeless, & political prisoners are sitting ducks for the virus? The reality that seniors will be triaged & refused treatment? The fact that it exposes way too late how broken most national health care systems are & how unable to handle the epidemic sentencing thousands of people to death? That Kashmiris can’t even watch educational videos on the internet because the 2G internet speed under occupation precludes that? The fact that Indian nationalists are throwing cow pee & cow dung at the problem rather than demanding emergency medical care for those infected? The fact that the Chinese Communist Party regime allowed unsanitary & abusive treatment of animals to prevail & cause the epidemic? Just exactly where do we begin to untangle the politics of capitalism in its barbaric phase from the worldwide coronavirus epidemic?

“How are forcibly displaced people, who lost their homes to Hindu-nationalist violence, supposed to practise ‘social distancing’? By volunteering to be quarantined in detention camps? Or are they to be forcibly placed there?”

–Indian activist Satyadeep Satya

Kashmiris are commemorating the one-year anniversary of the torture & murder of Rizwan Pandith while in police custody. Rizwan was a school principal in the Pulwama district of South Kashmir who according to his brother Mubashir was taken in a night raid at their home by Indian agents & J&K police. MudaSir NaZar quotes Mubashir as saying Rizwan “was brutally tortured; his left eye had turned black & his head bore two stitches; the body showed clear burn & cut marks making it obvious that they had used a hot iron over his thighs & some cutting tool as well; the cuts were deep & his spine broken”.

There were protests after the killing of Rizwan, including by students at the school where he was principal.

Our condolences to Rizwan’s family, friends, & students & our fullest solidarity with your struggle for self-determination & freedom. May Rizwan Rest In Peace.

(Photo of Rizwan Pandith)

“Call me anything tonight, i won’t bow down

I’ve lived for a dream of a land
Full of morning flowers, sunflowers & sunshine
Mountains and meadows; and not of barbed wires

In the cells of Tihar I plead my case
I shout out of windows the cries for freedom
The moment Muezzin calls from mosques

I’ll live to see my people free again!
The story of oppression may not be over yet
But I resist to tell the oppressors
We live for freedom! We die for freedom
No matter how much you cage us
The soul is restless; I ll see you again
My people! Nothing breaks our cause
We have pledged! Azadi and Azadi
Every Martyr is a witness; every mother knows it
The rage inside my heart churns every now and then
To inch for our freedom every moment
The blood of our people that has spilled

We’ll come back for our land; for our freedom!

Confined in the dark corners of Tihar
I get stronger every moment
For I know we’ll overpower the oppressors

My people! My mother! My daughter! We’ll have noon chai again
In the land of Reshis & saints ;
I’ll stand atop on zabarwan hills casting a look at my Kashmir
No more ensnarled with barbed wires

My mother! I’ll come back for my people
Tell her we have a long fight to win
For we all have seen a dream
We’ll live to have our freedom back
O Azadi! I shout Azadi; Our love Azadi

–Kashmiri poet Jannat Malik via Mohammad Altaf

One of my posts about collaborators in Kashmir violated community standards even though it was an article published in respectable media. They can’t afford customer service but they must have international fleets of censors.