Protests around the world against legalizing persecution of Muslims in India. Be sure to bring Kashmiri banners linking these protests & the occupation of Kashmir as thunderous steps to Indian fascism.

“Shame on all those countries and all those leaders who welcomed a dangerous criminal with Nazi ideology #HitlerModi and provided platform to him to spread his fascist views. More than four months of illegal occupation of #Kashmir, economy in doldrums, genocide of minorities in India and genocide of Kashmiris very likely. Where are the so called good people of the world?”


–Shabina Bacha

This is a White Helmet rescue worker (who Assadists smear as al-Qaeda organ traffickers) carrying a child (who Assadists call a terrorist) killed by Russian bombers in Idlib.

If, after eight years of carnage & slaughter against the Syrian Arab Spring, you still support the Assad dictatorship & Syrian & Russian bombing of civilians, you have crossed the line to infamy & political depravity even if you believe you are on the right side of justice. There is no excuse at this point for not understanding the Syrian struggle against dictatorship in its holistic connections to the several & ongoing Arab Spring uprisings & to the entire structure of the Islamophobic ‘war on terror’.

When are we going to get over our respect for the Nobel Peace Prize? It’s an honorific mostly given to war criminals (there are several beside Kissinger, Oscar Arias, Suu Kyi), racists & white supremacists (like the genocidal Theodore Roosevelt), Zionists (like Elie Weisel, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres), shameless compromisers (like Kofi Annan, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Barack Obama). The few worthy individuals (like Jane Addams, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela) are thrown in as window dressing to make us think the stinking award means something when its political value is less than used toilet paper.

“This solidarity was not there when police were beating, torturing, killing, detaining and blinding Kashmiri students in schools and colleges in Kashmir. Many of these children remain in unknown detention centres where they are subjected to unspeakable crimes. Children of a lesser god, isn’t it? But we are not going to shift blame or accuse you of putting your own self in harms way or level you with that absurd monetary accusation. Our solidarity is unconditional. Our love comes with no conditions.

One should always remember what Martin Luther King Jr. said ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere’.”

–Kashmiri Zachriah Sulayman

‘My girls are my life’, Anwar (a Syrian White Helmet rescue worker) wrote about his girls Tasnim, Hanin & Raneem. They & their mother were killed by Syrian shelling on their home yesterday in Idlib.

Demand the immediate end to Syrian & Russian bombing & the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all foreign military forces & mercenaries from Syria.

How do we explain that Shahi Imam of Jama Masjid in Delhi said the Citizenship Act & National Register of Citizens have nothing to do with Indian Muslims? According to him, they do not affect Indian Muslims but are specifically about three neighboring Islamic countries. He’s a fool or he could be a coward, corrupt, a man on the take. Most likely all of those.

We should not forget that after August 5th, there were tens of thousands of Indians who repeatedly protested across India in solidarity with Kashmiris. The demographics of those protests were not cited but we can be certain it was not just Indian Muslims but those Indians of other faiths or no faith who are committed to Kashmiri self-determination & oppose the brutal occupation. The present protests reflect the influence of those earlier ones.

In our protests & educational forums about Kashmir & India’s assault on the citizenship & rights of Indian Muslims, we must include a campaign against the use of pellet guns in Kashmir.