Assadist grandstander Cindy Sheehan held a national antiwar march in DC this past Saturday. Only one-hundred people showed up. Even the little group of ‘retired’ FBI, CIA, & Pentagon officials who lead the moribund antiwar movement didn’t make an appearance since their work is completed: the destruction of the US antiwar movement. Proving once again that you cannot build antiwar actions by supporting the Assad dictatorship & Syrian & Russian bombing of civilians. An international antiwar movement must be rebuilt rooted in principles & committed to democratic functioning–something Assadists, Stalinists, & government agents have absolutely no concept of.

Unlike Assadists after the Kurds switched to alliance with Assad, we did not have to walk back or delete posts in support of the Turkish genocide & which war mongered against the Kurdish people as Israeli stooges & ‘contras’. We do not agree that the military alliance with the genocidal Syrian regime is a solution since it involves an alliance against the Syrian Arab Spring. The Idlib model is not a liberation model but a genocidal one. Whatever maneuvers & alliances the Kurdish leadership makes to avoid genocide will not solve the problems of Kurdish self-determination. That struggle was set back considerably when they did not forge unity with the Syrian Arab Spring. The unholy alliance between the Kurdish leadership & the Assad regime will necessarily involve a massive scale of suffering for Syrians, Kurds, & Turks & deal a catastrophic blow to the Arab Spring.

Indian occupying forces are here arresting an 81-year-old protester in Srinagar. They’ve kidnapped, tortured, sodomized, or disappeared 13,000 young boys so why would they be respecters of old age?

End the occupation! Release all Kashmiri political prisoners!

The Washington Post, which is owned by Jeff Bezos, is hardly the vanguard of progressive American political thought but this editorial on Indian repression against Kashmiris is dead on. What it reflects is that there are many politicians & media around the world who worry that India’s blockade in Kashmir might boomerang against the Islamophobic ‘war on terror’.

Kashmir: “A land where kids sing eternal lullabies to their fathers. A land where agonies cleave the chest of terrains. A land where orphans are more than a harvest. A land where darkness is overwhelmed by occupation.”

–Aahil Asif

“India: “Kashmiris are simple, gullible people that can be bought, swayed and amused by cheap tricks and sleight of hand. We’ll take everything they got: land rights, autonomy, their language, promised plebiscite, freedom of worship, freedom of movement, phone and internet connections, freedom of press, freedom of speech, freedom of protest, arrest all their leaders, murder their men, rape their women; torture, maim and disfigure their children with pellet guns.

Then we’ll throw them a “mithai pholl” one at a time:

– We’ll just give them back their mobile phone connections and see them jump up and down in joy..

– A few weeks later we’ll turn their embarrassing ‘Union Territory of J&K’ into a state and they’ll think we’re succumbing under pressure (NOT!)

– A short while later we’ll switch their internet back on and they’ll get excited that they won (NOT!)

– A week or so later we’ll announce that only those Indians who will have lived in Kashmir for 10 or 12 years will be able to buy land in Kashmir and Kashmiris will think their lands and demography are safe (NOT!)

– Then in November the kangaroo Supreme Court of India may revoke abrogation of A370 and Kashmiris will rejoice that they won and the BJP lost and demands for azaadi will fizzle out. But little did the Kashmiris know that we turned their struggle for right of self determination and freedom into a struggle for A370 and “statehood”.”


–Kashmiri Sultan Magami

“Going to jail or being arrested doesn’t make anybody a martyr/leader. Even thieves, looters, burglars & rapists go to jails. It’s the cause you stand for that matters to the people.”

–Kashmiri Mehboob Makhdoomi

Amit Shah, the Indian Minister of Home Affairs & one of the engineers of the Kashmiri blockade, said ‘western standards of human rights cannot be blindly applied to Indian issues’. He said under Modi’s leadership, India is moving towards a scenario where there will be no human rights violations. Especially if you don’t call denying access to food & medicines, curfews, a telecommunications blockade, school closings, shooting unarmed protesters with pellet guns, & the occupation by nearly one-million troops human rights violations. As Sultan Magami sarcastically pointed out for the halfwit Home Minister, democracy is not a western invention. Damn fools run India.

If some are tired of reading our posts about Kashmir, tough noogies. We stand with Kashmir until the siege & blockade have ended & Kashmiris are back on social media reporting, educating, campaigning for azadi. We stand with them until the last Indian soldier has been withdrawn & they have achieved self-determination. Amen!