Kashmir funeral:protest for six Sept 15 2018
A funeral cortege/protest today for six Kashmiris killed in an Indian occupying army hunt to kill operation: may the two young men Rest In Peace. Our condolences to their family & friends & fullest solidarity with the protesters.

Great Return March Sept 14 2018

Yesterday was the 25th weekly Great Return March in Gaza demanding the end of the Israeli embargo of Gaza & the right of return for Palestinian refugees. There were again deaths & injuries from Israeli snipers shooting upon unarmed protesters. Our fullest solidarity & deepest respect for the Palestinian freedom struggle.

(Photo from Great Return March on Twitter)

Idlib protest Sept 14 2018

An estimated 1.5 million civilians in Idlib, Syria protested yesterday against Syrian, Iranian, & Russian ground & aerial bombardment. Their demands to stop the bombing are met with a resounding silence from the corrupted antiwar movement which supports Syrian & Russian bombing of civilians. This is one of the greatest betrayals in human history marking a political degeneration of monstrous proportions when erstwhile socialists & antiwar activists march lockstep with fascists, Islamophobes, & anti-Semites against such a momentous struggle for democracy & human freedom.

Our fullest solidarity with these protesters.

(Photo tweeted by Asaad Hanna)

In an attempt to insult me, some rightwing nationalist called me a “bedridden lady…farting from 1000s of miles” away from Kashmir. Those nationalist pinheads really have a way with words. Flatulence is not an issue for me but if it were I would be farting in their direction.

Without cogent analyses, it was difficult to determine the politics of Shankh Naad which has nearly 1.5 million followers on Facebook. But this comment about the desecration of Kashmiris gunned down by Indian occupying forces should clear any confusions right up:

“This is very unfortunate that our soldiers are having to drag the bodies of terrorist without gloves. The govt must provide gloves to our soldiers immediately.”

Hanida Begum with her drowned infant (AP Photo:Dar Yasin) Sept 15 2017

One of the most devastating & condemning images from the Rohingya genocide: a young mother grieves her infant son who drowned when their boat capsized. The grief of this mother stands in contrast to the smug arrogance of Suu Kyi who denies the genocide & attempts to blame it on Muslim terrorists.

Hindutva creep taking selfie with Kashmiri corpse Sept 15 2018

The dehumanized mentality of the oppressor: an official of a HIndutva nationalist group takes a selfie with the body of a Kashmiri freedom fighter desecrated by Indian occupying forces.

Several Hindutva nationalists invaded my wall to defend desecration of the bodies of Kashmiris gunned down by Indian occupying forces. One named Anil Kumar Chaudhary claimed “terrorists” have hidden explosives in their body & dragging them with ropes is an army security precaution. No one ever said nationalism attracts those with any higher powers of thought. Donald Trump would be the example par excellence of that. One named Mani Sai even called for gunning down my Kashmiri friends. There’s nothing to be learned from their rantings. Hate is irrational in every language. I don’t think it’s respectful to my Kashmiri friends to allow their vituperations so I just block & delete them along with all the nationalist jackasses who like their comments. After they’re gone, I’d have to hire an exorcist to clear the toxic miasma generated by hate–& exorcists charge exorbitant prices for cleaning up after nationalists–but it’s easier to stomp on their nationalist pea brains with the block button.

This is an interesting post by Shaykh Shakeel Bin Abdullah which shows one of the economic reasons why India holds on to Kashmir so violently & whips up nationalism to justify it. It isn’t a question of real estate & territory but, among other compelling economic reasons, hydroelectric power.

1) 30% of the present Indian hydroelectricity is produced in Kashmir.

2) 7 out of the 11 hydroelectric projects announced by the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) are located in Kashmir, accounting to 60% of the total electricity production.

3) NHPC, in rest of the Indian states, works on a 50:50 sharing basis, i.e. 50% of the electricity goes to the state and 50% is given to NHPC for their investment. But in Kashmir the equation changes. Only 12% is given to Kashmir as royalty and 88% is taken away by NHPC & supplied to the northern grid of India via Punjab to Delhi, Haryana etc.

4) Incidentally, peak hour requirement of electricity in Kashmir is 2000 Megawatts. Not able to fulfill it, the government of J&K has to buy electricity worth 3600 crores annually from the same northern grid to which it supplies its produced electricity.

5) NHPC succeeds in producing electricity at the cheapest possible rate in Kashmir i.e 25 paise per unit. But to fulfill its peak hour requirement, Kashmir has to buy the same electricity at Rs. 10 a unit from the northern grid, generating humongous profits for the sellers!

6) The Indus Water Treaty which was signed between India & Pakistan lays down the sharing pattern of the water bodies originating in Kashmir. As per that treaty, India has the exclusive right to use the water of the three eastern rivers viz a viz Sutlej, Beas and Ravi before they enter pakistan. And Pakitan has the right to use the water of other three western rivers, namely, Jhelum, Indus and Chenab. What Kashmir gets in return is 12% royalty from India. Isn’t it ironical? We can easily bargain, Pakistan has more riparian rights than India. I think this scares Indian state.

7) Punjab owes 2,200 crores on account of compensation to Kashmir.

As per the figures given by Chief minister Omar Abdullah in may 2010, Kashmir suffers an annual loss of 50000 crores when its water is used by India and Pakistan. Keeping the share 50%, Kashmir is suffering a loss of whooping 25000 crores annually because of India. Incidentally, in the year 2009-10, Kashmir received an annual central assistance of 13952 crores from India.

9) Out of these 13952 crores, 3600 crores was spent on buying its own electricity from the northern grid which was stolen by India. 5500 crores was used for the defense purpose just because 670000 troops are present to guard Kashmir from 300 militants (Government figures) present over here. Rest of the money is being used for ‘development’ purpose.