Why are white hired propagandists allowed to drown out Syrian voices of revolution?

Syrian girl- she died while saving her sister #Ghouta (Mohamad Albadawi) February 2018
This Syrian girl from Eastern Ghouta died late February while saving her baby sister from Russian & Syrian carpet bombing. At least 127 children were among the 510 killed in the bombing campaign. In confirming its authenticity, it appears that only Arab publications & bloggers circulated this very powerful photo. Language is an issue when English-speakers expect everyone to communicate in English, But the question arises: why are Arab voices on Syria, in fact, why are Syrian voices drowned out in deference to white hired propagandists who’ve spent a total of several weeks in Syria embedded with the Syrian army? The white supremacy & colonial mentality of that should stick out like a sore thumb & shame all those who’ve been taken in, especially when the rhetoric is indistinguishable from Zionist rhetoric against Palestinians.

(Photo from several Arab sources including QNS 24×7 on FB)

Bristol, England stands with Palestine

Bristol stands with Palestine (Palestine Observer) May 15 2018

Bristol, England stands with Palestinians: Muslims play an important role in Palestinian solidarity around the world. Arab or Muslim regimes are often berated for standing with Israel rather than Palestinians but that is only true of the regimes, not the populations of those countries who in their majority support the Palestinian freedom struggle. The regimes don’t have the same interests as working people. And anyway, Palestinians are not all Muslims; there are many Christians among them & no one chides governments run by “Christians” like Trump, Macron, or May. It can be safely said that when it comes to the oppressed, most governments are run by godless criminals.

(Photo from Palestine Observer on Twitter)

London stands with Palestine

London stands with Palestine (Days of Palestine on Twitter) May 15 2018

London stands with Palestinians: British activists have a particular responsibility & commitment to Palestinians because of the role British colonialism played in Palestine’s partition & in helping set up a Zionist state. The legacy of British colonialism will only be undone when a democratic, secular state is created where Palestinians & Jews can live as peers.

(Photo from Days of Palestine on Twitter)

Dhaka, Bangladesh stands with Palestinians

Dhaka stands with Palestine May 16 2018

Dhaka, Bangladesh stands with Palestinians: this is what is called a “small but spirited” protest. Bigger is always better when it comes to standing with the oppressed. But small protests can never be underestimated or called off because we never know who we reach & how deeply they will be affected. On a personal note, it was one Palestinian protesting the 1967 Six-Day War that began my life-long commitment to the Palestinian freedom struggle. Even if we stand alone, we trust that others will be curious enough to investigate & may also become champions of Palestinians. Solidarity & respect for these protesters in Dhaka.

(Photo via Looken Dey)