Lesser evil apologetics are just warming up

The defense of lesser evil politics is just heating up. It can become quite testy because it doesn’t just signify a different way of getting to the same goal; it represents entirely different approaches to politics & social transformation. It’s the reality of Robert Frost’s poetics that “Two roads diverged in a wood…& that has made all the difference.”

The primary difference is whether one looks to compromised, often corrupt politicians to create social change or whether one looks to organizing working people to achieve their own liberation from inequality. It’s where you place your trust & commitment in practice.

There can be no possible objection under democracy (though the rigged US electoral system is definitely not that) to people voting as they see fit, nor to justifying (or not) their choices. But do they have to explain away the rotten politics of their chosen candidates? You can choose Sanders or Clinton but you have to be honest that a lot of rightwing rubbish comes along in that choice. Or do war, Israeli apartheid, refugee rights mean nothing?

Democratic candidate for president, Vermin Supreme, takes 4th place in New Hampshire

Vermin Supreme

Finally a candidate has entered the presidential campaign who brings dignity to what has become a comic travesty & mockery of democracy. According to CBS News, Vermin Supreme placed fourth as a Democrat in the New Hampshire primary last night, with 200 votes.

Some claim our man Vermin is a political satirist & not a serious candidate but who would dare say that with a straight face after viewing the Republican line-up? Or after listening to one of Trump’s speeches? Or after watching Clinton & Sanders play the populist card? Incidentally, someone ought to analyze Trump’s use of hand gestures. There’s some derangement going on there.

Vermin, who campaigns with a massive boot on his head, has a straightforward four-point program: mandatory tooth brushing laws; time travel research; zombie preparedness to defeat the “zombie apocalypse” he says is coming; & a pony-based economy which would give free ponies to every American. When asked how he would defeat ISIS, he said his plan included, “Lots of ponies–pony bombs, pony drones, pony tanks, pony troops, hoofs on the ground, boots on the head. We are going to take them on.”

This is Vermin’s third run for president but first time as a Democratic candidate. We cannot call for a vote for him on that score alone but also because he demanded of Ted Cruz that “terrorists be waterboarded with fluoridated water.” As much as we detest the politics of Clinton, Sanders, & the entire GOP line-up, we cannot approve of waterboarding them. We prefer due process prosecution & life sentences at Fort Leavenworth federal prison.

(Photo is Vermin Supreme on the campaign stump)

Refugee human rights crisis at Turkey-Syria border: new levels of EU depravity

Syrian-Turkish border ( Anadolu Agency:Getty Images) Feb 10 2016

The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) reports today that 68,023 refugees have reached Greece from Turkey & that 403 have drowned so far this year. That refugees continue to drown is testimony to the criminality & barbarity of EU refugee policies. Allowing people, including children, elderly, infirm, disabled, to set sail in plastic rafts on winter seas instead of transporting them on ferries is monstrous–& that isn’t even the half of it for EU barbarism.

Russian & Syrian bombers are on a massive bombing siege over the Syrian city of Aleppo forcing tens of thousands to flee to the Turkish border about 50 kilometers (31 miles) away. (So much for the repugnant view that Russian bombers are playing a progressive role!) At this point, between 35,000 & 50,000 fleeing refugees are crammed into tent & container camps in rain & freezing temperatures on the Syrian side of the Turkish-Syrian border. They cannot cross to get away from the bombing because Turkey is enforcing its devil’s pact with the EU to shut down the flow of refugees by force. In return for holding thousands of refugees in living hell, Turkey will get consideration for EU membership–a hangman’s noose for working people which has economic benefits for the ruling elite.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, functioning as thug-in-chief for the EU, was in Turkey to enforce the EU agreement & said she was “not just appalled but horrified” by the suffering caused by Russian bombing in Syria. It’s a deft shifting of focus from the EU’s refugee policies to Russian military barbarism. All parties are of course at fault for this crisis but that does not ameliorate one iota the criminality of Turkey & the EU in closing down the borders & allowing up to 50,000 people to be a breath away from massive bombing.

Other EU officials, including foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, also weighed in with the alligator tears about the humanitarian crisis on the Syria-Turkey border. Mogherini said there was a moral, if not legal, duty to provide protection to the refugees. Is that how she sees tent & container camps less than an hour from carpet bombing? But of course nothing that comes out of Mogherini’s mouth means squat when she is the chief executioner of refugees fleeing from the north African coast & chief promoter of the military operation against them.

There is a complete news blackout on refugees fleeing from countries on the African coast. But the UNHCR reports today that 6,029 have reached Italy. There is no elaboration of the numbers who have drowned, of how they have been prevented from leaving the coast, of what happens to them when the EU naval operation intercepts them. There is no elaboration of what happens to the 6,029 who arrived in Italy. Will they be granted asylum? Will they be deported? And what about the 5,000 unaccompanied children who went missing after being processed in Italy, according to Europol?

The crimes being committed by the EU against refugees are monstrous but we cannot be daunted in our solidarity. How working people respond to this crisis is of the essence in deciding whether we stand for human rights without flinching or allow neoliberal capitalism to drag us to greater depths of barbarism toward each other.

These young children are warming themselves at a refugee camp about 50 km from the bombing siege in Aleppo.

Immigration is more than a human right; it is a political imperative.

(Photo by Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Appeals to Bruce Springsteen to honor cultural boycott of Israel

Bruce Springsteen is reportedly planning a concert tour in Tel Aviv this summer. They’ve been trying to snag him for a few years now since his music speaks to the dispossessed. It would be a feather in Israeli apartheid’s cap but it sure ain’t something justice can stand for. It’s educate Bruce Springsteen time.

Please sign this petition: https://actionsprout.io/7C880E/thanks

Like this Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Bruce.Springsteen.Justice.not.ap…/…

This is another FB wall where you can appeal to him because he needs to put playing for apartheid to rest, once & for all: https://www.facebook.com/brucespringsteen/?fref=ts


Trump vs. Sanders? Send in the clowns.

So Trump took the New Hampshire primary with 38,481 voters & Bernie Sanders with 63,000 plus compared to Clinton’s 43,000 plus. Something’s not adding up here since the population of NH is 1,330,608. In US politics, for years, the majority of eligible voters don’t bother to register; the majority of registered voters don’t bother to vote. So candidates are elected by a minority of eligible voters.

In the 1980s, in a speech Sanders gave in Boston, he discussed that phenomenon. He said on the one hand it reflected disdain of the electoral process & on the other hand, political passivity. It might have been the last time the guy had something politically cogent to say.

Whereas in Iowa, it was Democratic Party hacks, for the most part, who voted, in NH it appears it had a popular component. But just how “popular” is 63,000 plus votes in a population of 1,330,608? What the hell is going on here?

But I still maintain that this whole dog & pony show of caucus & primary elections is not so much for popular consumption as it is for the ruling elite to understand their electoral options–given that they clearly have a crisis of leadership. Trump versus Sanders? Send in the clowns.

Shalimar & lipstick: tools for senior subterfuge

Had to do a quick run to the post office today but was covered in dog stains & dog hair & smelled like a livestock pen from holding them. I didn’t want to make a big production & get all dolled up for a five-minute job, so I squirted on a little Shalimar, dabbed on some lipstick & took off.

This is the season when seniors from Canada & northern US states come here to winter. The post office was filled with them attired even more unfashionably than my get-up. And I was the only one that smelled hot. So exactly why have they let themselves go like that? I can blame the mutts. What’s their excuse!? For ten whole minutes I felt superior. Till I got home & saw myself in the mirror. I’m hiding out now.

The so-called creativity of capitalism


Re-posting this from one year ago–perhaps because I can never get over allowing human beings, including small children, to be the waste management system for modern societies. It shows the inefficiencies of capitalism at the same time as it shows disdain & contempt for human life.

Mary Scully's photo.


Capitalism is just an inexhaustible source of creativity. It puts feudalism to shame on that score. Here, for example, in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. Under neoliberalism, the barbaric phase of capitalism, waste management is considered an unaffordable luxury for cities. So they transport tons of it to countries they’re trying to re-colonize to provide work for the legions of unemployed who earn a few bucks a day scavenging through animal poop, dirty diapers, rotting food, swill, to find plastic & other recyclables. Now isn’t that creative!? Such barbarism could only have been thought of under capitalism.

(Photo by Giles Clarke)

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau: a study in smarm

The US has Obama of the toothy grin to peddle barbaric wars & Israeli apartheid; Canadians have to put up with that Trudeau creep who just drips with smarm. Israel might want to think twice about letting him support them because when you watch his defense, the word puke comes to mind–referring to him & to your reaction.

Take a load of this video & retch:https://www.facebook.com/IsraelWC/videos/929722380451917/

Enough with the “nuanced” analyses! Nobody can figure out where justice is in all the evasions.

It’s been a while now since I’ve seen anyone calling for a “nuanced” analysis of a situation. Is social media reducing the level of intellectual pretensions or have they just been driven to Facebook hell through blocking? Some of us don’t do nuance very well. It smacks of evasion & equivocation, of attempts to complicate things so no one knows what the hell is going on. It’s a refusal to choose sides when the struggle for justice requires that. It doesn’t require demonizing but there’s no hope for social transformation if you won’t call a spade a spade.

Human beings who are being wronged, persecuted, vilified, oppressed need us to stand with them without any “nuance” getting in the way of things. Leave “complexities” to simple-minded apologists for the status quo.

Immigration is a human right. Open the damn borders.

Refugee in Greece (Georgos Moutafis) Feb 9 2016

This is a refugee in Greece whose name & nationality are not identified. Let him stand for the 60 million people now on the move all over this planet fleeing from war, bombing, plunder, & sweatshop economics.

All the scriptural exhortations in every holy book & all the high-flown political rhetoric & poetics like “Give me your tired, your poor…” mean nothing to governments whose modus operandi is neoliberalism, the barbaric phase of capitalism.

But to us, to working people, they are ours, they are brothers & sisters. They are fellow human beings & we demand solidarity with them by standing against the wars & plunder driving them & by demanding the borders be opened to all refugees & immigrants & every human hospitality & solidarity be offered them.

The historic imperative remains: rebuild the international antiwar movement–so we can begin to build a world suitable for human beings to live & love in.

(Photo by Giorgos Moutafis)