Gee I’m sorry I missed Sunday nights Academy Awards. I was looking forward to seeing “American Sniper” lose. It was awarded “Best Achievement in Sound Editing,” but no big deal. How hard is it to make sniper fire break your ear drums?
Even Lady Gaga dressed in a prom gown & singing the score of “The Sound of Music” doesn’t drown out the croaking from her gigs in Israel & her enthusiastic support for apartheid & ethnic cleansing.
And for my last pronouncement on the Academy Awards, which I did not watch (except in replay): good for Patricia Arquette for her rousing 5-second pitch about pay equality & equal rights for women. And I’m glad it wasn’t directed just at the film industry where women get a few (or is it several?) million dollars less than men.
But what a sorry-assed commentary on the US that this is still an issue in the 21st century. And that objection to racist exclusion in Hollywood was left up to Neil Patrick Harris, who emceed, & made a wee, itsy-bitsy joke out of it.