The Kofi Annan Advisory Commission on Rakhine State issued its final report yesterday. From the time last year when Aung San Suu Kyi & the military junta commissioned this report, its mission was primarily a whitewash of ethnic cleansing & shaking the naughty finger at the military for some excesses. Annan himself repeatedly said it was not to investigate human rights crimes in Arakan (Rakhine) state but media just ignored that.
It will take me a few days to study the final report although the preliminary was nothing to write home about. It isn’t promising that the report begins “Unless concerted action–led by the government & aided by all sectors of the government & society-– is taken soon, we risk the return of another cycle of violence & radicalisation.” Our man Annan is a smooth operator & was likely paid big bucks to get even oilier but that is unmistakably a formulation to deny ethnic cleansing of Rohingya & make it sound like Rohingya violence & political resistance is the source of the problem. The military will be accused of going a little overboard in their response.
It doesn’t take Nostradamus to predict that about the report but give me a few days to document the treachery of Kofi Annan.
(Photo is Annan handing the final report to Suu Kyi yesterday)