This untitled work by Rollie Mukherjee is a tribute to Kashmiris in the 43rd day of a violent siege. Though untitled, Rollie added: “Long live Kashmiri Intifada. End the occupation. Self-determination for Kashmir.”
Dear brothers & sisters of Kashmir, we deeply regret that international solidarity with your struggle is yet too weak to stay the hand of Indian military aggression. But your work for so long to break the news blackout by campaigning on social media is at last bringing deeper & broader understanding of your struggle for justice to people of good will around the world.
We stand with you & hope to build an active & international solidarity movement. Your intransigence against violent oppression is a beacon to suffering humanity around the world showing the oppressed how to stand defiant against tyranny. Our deepest respect & fullest solidarity.
Long live Kashmiri Intifada. End the occupation. Self-determination for Kashmir.