Asylum for refugees is a child welfare issue: open the damn borders

Rescued in Med. sea from MSF : Mar 20 2017

This baby was among 946 refugees aboard the rescue ship Aquarius operated by MSF/Doctors Without Borders after their rescue in the Mediterranean from 9 separate rubber & wooden boats. They will be disembarked at Catania, an Italian port.

Asylum for refugees is a human rights issue; it is a child welfare issue.

Open the borders.

(But isn’t it a lovely picture?)

(Photo from MSF/Doctors Without Borders)

It appears FBI Director James Comey, part of Trump’s Department of Justice, is stonewalling the intelligence committee investigation of Russian interference & the involvement of Trump minions.

It would be a contribution to political theory if the libertarian left (indistinguishable from the libertarian right) who claim Trump is being vilified would “nuance” these expressions of his foreign policy regarding ISIS:

“I would bomb the shit out of ’em. I would just bomb those suckers.”

“You have to take out their families”

“Islam hates us”

Russian & US bombers pummel civilians in Idlib

rebel-held Idlib city, Syria. REUTERS:Ammar Abdullah: Mar 20 2017

Russian bombers pummeled Idlib city, Syria, targeting residential neighborhoods & causing buildings to collapse & bury residents in tons of rubble.

The Syrian opposition coalition accused Russia of using thermobaric bombs, also called vacuum bombs, considered the most destructive explosive, excluding nuclear weapons. The main affects are burns & ruptured lungs from inhaling burning fuel.

Russian airstrikes on Idlib were in the same time period as the US airstrikes on the mosque near Idlib. The Pentagon said the airstrike on the mosque killed “several terrorists” which is Russia’s justification for carpet bombing civilians. Coincidence or coordination?

It appears the counter-revolutionary alliance between Syria, Russia, & the US to destroy the Syrian revolution against dictatorship may be emerging from the shadows, exposing Assadist propagandists & the Hands off Syria Coalition as cold-blooded agents of dictatorship.

Photo is White Helmet rescue workers & other civilians rescuing people from the bombed buildings.

(Photo by Ammar Abdullah/Reuters)

A congressional intelligence committee opened hearings today on Russian interference in US politics & the involvement of Trump minions. If the opening statement is any measure, Trump’s goose is cooked. They laid out a litany of treasonous offenses. His narcissism won’t stand up to this scrutiny & condemnation.

It’ll be at once amusing & deplorable to see how the libertarian left defends Trump, what kind of “nuance” they’ll find in the charges.

Reza Aslan is doing a special on CNN about voodoo in Haiti. He actually said that Haitians replaced domination by the white man with domination by the devil. One stands aghast before such racist idiocy & ignorance. How do you report about a country & know so damn little? He can get away with that crap on Bill Maher because Maher is a hate-filled moron but he’s just made an ass of himself before millions of viewers.

Assadists do stupid memes because their theoretics are based on hating Muslims & Jews

The Russians are Coming meme vs me Mar 19 2017

File this under “If you dish it out, you have to to take it too.” It’s an Assadist rebuttal to my criticisms of George Ades, the Cypriot who endorses Assad, Putin, & Trump. It unfortunately represents the intellectual level of Assadist theoretics. It’s as naught compared to how they vilify the White Helmets, baby Omran, little Bana, & Syrian working people struggling against Assad’s dictatorship as “head-chopping jihadists.”

Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi is the leader of ISIS to whom I am being unfavorably compared.

It would be hilarious if it weren’t so deeply tragic that so many have gotten lost in libertarian war-mongering & hating on Muslims & Jews–a hatred which aligns them with fascists & supremacists & weakens the Palestinian struggle & antiwar movement.

A Mother died waiting 19 years for her only son, #Disappeared by Indian occupation forces in #Kashmir.

From Kashmir Freedom