Contrary to misogynist mythology, prostitution is not the oldest profession for women. Farming is. Women developed agriculture. Now it’s accepted & promoted by far too many that prostitution is just another way for women to earn a living. But it remains today what it has been since its origins: the sexual exploitation of poor women & children. It is the commodification of women’s & children’s bodies. It’s one thing to make a commodity of oil, gold, soybeans, corn. It is quite another to make a commodity of the bodies & souls of women & children. You can call us SWERF if you like. But we think there is nothing lower than justifying the sale of women & children for abuse, degradation, humiliation, violence, & often death & calling it just another way to earn a living.

(Picture of prehistoric women farmers from Science News)

Micheal Clinton is a remarkable human rights activist from Ireland who serves as an Ambassador to the European Rohingya Council. He reports daily on social media about the struggles of Palestinians, Kashmiris, Rohingyas, Syrians, Uyghur, & all who are oppressed. He also actively organizes solidarity events in Dublin where he lives. FB just banned him for a period for breaching community standards. Anyone who follows his work is well aware that his language & conduct are professional & committed to justice. Breaching such standards is simply beyond him because nothing stands in the way of his commitment to human rights. Please stand with him by going to his wall or by liking this page which he admins:

This is the 22nd anniversary of my younger brother Paul’s suicide at the age of forty. This photo of him from grade school is before he was stigmatized as “retarded” & socialized into a debilitating sense of social inferiority. The term retarded & all derivatives from it (like retard & fucktard) are now considered insults & those with learning difficulties actively campaign against their use.

Paul’s life & death are a tragic testimony to the social character of most suicides when people are taught to hate themselves for what they are. That’s why suicides are sky high among the oppressed. He was a wonderful person. May he Rest In Peace.

Just a little background on John Cornyn, the second Texas US senator who met Trump & Cruz at the US southern border today: in 2014, he & a local US congressman Henry Cuellar campaigned to deport (without offering asylum) unaccompanied refugee children coming across the border by the thousands. They monstrously associated the children with prostitution & drug trafficking.
When they held a press conference here to promote mass deportation of the kids, many Latinos who looked like they might be protesters were prevented from entering the room. Using the old white lady card, I pretended to be press & when it came time for questions took a chance to challenge them. They blithered in response since malice, much more than intelligence, is the sine qua non of US politicians.

This video is the press conference. If you go to 12:30 you can hear me challenging the two nimrods:

Photos of protest on Thursday, January 10th, in McAllen, Texas against the Trump wall. The protest was near the airport since he was flying in to grandstand at the wall with senators Cruz & Cronyn. We outnumbered the pro-wall protesters by at least four to one. Near end of album, you can see Trump’s plane landing with his press & security entourage.


This makes the role of Kashmiri solidarity activists all the more important. Since Kashmiris have so brilliantly used social media to educate about their struggle, they will be under even more constant surveillance & censorship to prevent the growth of solidarity. After Kashmiris on social media made the use of pellet guns & hunt to kill operations so notorious, regular media was compelled to report about them & the Indian occupation came in for some drubbing. Without Kashmiri activists as an essential source functioning as a source of information & conscience, media attention will disappear. Kashmiris have to know we have their backs as they continue their struggle for azaadi, with or without media attention & even sustaining censorship.