Lina Shamy, Syrian revolutonist & citizen journalist in NY Times: “I went to Aleppo to study; I left in a convoy of refugees.”

Aleppo from NYT article byL Shamy Jan 20 2017

This article in today’s NY Times is by Lina Shamy, who Twittered reports from east Aleppo throughout the murderous siege by Syrian & Russian warplanes. She is one of those citizen journalists who Assad propagandists like Beeley, Bartlett & others attempted to discredit as associated with Al-Qaeda. She was evacuated in December when the Syrian army took over & continues to report from Syria. You can follow her on Twitter at: Lina shamy@Linashamy.

This is the account of a Syrian revolutionist. You can choose to hear her authentic voice or you can choose the inflammatory vilifications of paid propagandists. The distinctions between the authentic & the venal are not subtle.

(Thank you to Usman A Khan Tahir for this article)