David Nott, a British surgeon, just returned from several days in Syria’s Idlib province, the area Aleppo residents were forcibly evacuated to when the Syrian army took over after a six-month bombing offensive. He has taken several medical trips to Syria since 2011 & trained many of the doctors who worked the field hospitals in east Aleppo.
Dr. Nott said of those he treated: “They looked almost like they were coming out of a concentration camp” & “were really in a desperate state.” As he described them, their bones were jutting through skin, they had gangrenous limbs, shrapnel still buried in their wounds, & were “dehydrated, malnourished, & psychologically traumatized.”
These are the same people that Vanessa Beeley, Assad’s own Leni Riefenstahl, claimed were dancing in the streets. Her response, as dutiful & well-remunerated propagandist, will be that their desperate condition was a result of treatment by those “jihadist terrorists,” as if not just months but years of carpet bombing had never happened.
Article about David Nott: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/12/29/looked-like-coming-concentration-camp-british-surgeon-david/