Category Archives: News

Reuven Moskovitz RIP

Reuven Moskovitz RIP Aug 7 2017

“Dr. Reuven Moskovitz, Holocaust survivor & Palestinian activist, died Friday. In 2010 he was among eight Jewish activists who boarded the ship Irene that tried to deliver humanitarian aid & children’s toys to Gaza. He was buried in Wāħat as-Salām (Hebrew: Neve Shalom), a village he co-founded in 1972 where Israeli Jews & Palestinians live side-by-side in peace.”

May this lovely man Rest In Peace.

(from Free Palestine via Carol Sughrue)

The only ones who talk more about fake news than Trump are Eva Bartlett & Vanessa Beeley, the so-called independent journalists embedded with the Syrian army & hanging out with Assad officials. What does that tell you?

Trump better have his private jet on the tarmac ready for takeoff to asylum in Russia if this investigation nails his ass for criminal misconduct like money laundering for the Russian oligarchs. Of course they won’t put up with his crap for one moment since he bungled the operation. The thought of him in a Siberian gulag is so exhilarating.

What’s taking the deep state so long to pull off that soft coup? I’m all Trumped out. I just want him to move to Russia & get it over with.

It took a while but I’ve pretty much cleaned out the crowd posting about Rothschild bankers & Illuminati. Hating on Jews emits a particular stench that’s hard to fumigate. Islamophobes have never found my wall hospitable in any way since I bounce them sky high the first utterance & good riddance to them. A work in progress is those who use the suffix -tard, a derivative of “retard” which is an ugly insult to those with learning difficulties, causing them no end of psychic pain & humiliation.

I just bounced a Facebook friend & ally on Syria for calling me a “libtard” after I explained to him how hurtful it was for those with learning problems. There’s an entire vocabulary of insults to draw on like jerk, jackass, bozo, putz, idiot, dumb-ass that doesn’t include demeaning vulnerable people. If you’re around those with learning disabilities you learn that it’s a social stigma more than a scientific designation, a way to isolate some & create a sense of superiority & inferiority. Intelligence is very complex & not capsulized by scoring high on college entrance exams or other IQ tests.

Some of the smartest & certainly kindest people I know were/are called “retards” & every one of them resent the term because they know how profound, smart, & wise they are & want others to see that too. It’s called respect.

Don’t use the -tard thing on my wall.

Maqbool Bhat, Kashmiri freedom fighter

The man

This powerful statement is by Maqbool Bhat, a leading & inspiring figure of the Kashmiri freedom struggle executed in a New Delhi jail in 1984 at the age of 46. Indian authorities continue to refuse to return his body to Kashmir for respectful & honored burial.

The force of this commitment makes Maqbool Bhat not just a leader of Kashmiri freedom but an inspiration & a giant to all of suffering humanity.

This is a musical tribute by Kashmiri rapper MC Kash demanding India return the bodies of Shaheed Maqbool Bhat & Shaheed Afzal Guru, another freedom fighter executed by India:

Bhopal medical appeal

Bhopal medical appeal Aug  7 2017

Neoliberalism, the barbaric phase of capitalism, is kicking the crap out of human society: millions of refugees with no place to go, war orphans, mass starvation, industrial carnage.

There are so many worthy, urgent causes to address some of the suffering but I would like to highlight this fund appeal since the people of Bhopal have fought titanic battles for 33 years to win justice & it now appears they may have exhausted at least their legal options. That’s how vulturous modern corporations like Dow Chemical are. Activists have left no stone unturned & may be considering more political campaigns to extract justice.

If you peruse this website, you will find an article on the particular horrors that the Bhopal gas explosion has caused second & third generations of children–unspeakable harm & suffering. If you have any extra dough you may want to consider a one-time or regular contribution for their medical care.

Pellet victim Kashmir Aug 7 2016

This Kashmiri boy is the victim of pellet munitions in the uprising & military crackdown from July to December 2016. Not that the violence has abated nor the use of pellet guns has ended. On the contrary.

Kashmiri activists used social media to send these images around the world to expose the absolute barbarism of the occupation. This young boy will suffer agonizing, possibly permanent pain & health problems from lead pellets embedded in his internal organs, disfigurement, partial or total blindness.

Let his young face stand as an indictment of the Indian occupation of Kashmir. If you want to know why India repeatedly tries to shut down the internet & access to social media in Kashmir, it is to keep the world blind to the atrocities of the occupation.

Long live Kashmiri Intifada. End the occupation. Self-determination for Kashmir.

Too often in reading my Facebook archives that pop up every day, I’m appalled at the low levels I stoop to in ridiculing US politicians. I would immediately stop the practice if even once I found that I had stooped to deceit. More often I learn I have not been able to stoop low enough to properly assess them.

This is an interesting contribution by Umar Lateef Misgar on the important role China plays in neoliberal economics & politics on almost every continent. This article covers only one aspect, but an important aspect, of the role China is playing in Kashmir. China’s economic & political involvement in Africa, Latin America, South Asia, & elsewhere needs to be exposed & elaborated to fully understand the competitive forces driving capitalism into a vortex of crisis.

(PS: Only because of the importance of this issue, I put aside my objections to AlAraby journal for publishing the scurrilous rubbish by Sam Hamad attacking BDS & the designation of Israel as apartheid. Apparently not all of its editors are reactionary.)