This is a deeply sad story. Many will remember this infant from several months ago in December 2017 when her mother Misra Bano was killed by Indian occupying forces in one of their hunt to kill operations. You can see the distress of the little girl in this photo taken at the time of her mother’s death with her father Ishfaq Ahmad Wani who also looks completely bereft. Now it’s reported that Ishfaq has been arrested for stone pelting. Police claim they have video documentation & well they may. One can only imagine the sorrow of this young man at losing his wife & having the care of an infant inconsolable at the loss of her mother. It’s unimaginable. He must be filled with grief & rage at the occupation army for the carnage they have created for him personally. While the father is in jail–God knows for how long–the baby girl is staying with her elderly grandparents.
There must be hundreds of tragedies just like this in Kashmir. We stand completely with the father & don’t give a damn if he burned down the army barracks. In taking his beloved wife & the mother of his infant child, the Indian army has taken what he cherishes most.
Stand with Kashmiris in demanding the end of the occupation & self-determination for Kashmir.
(Photo from many Kashmiri media sources)