This picture is worth a thousand lies–which is at least the number pumped out daily by Israel & media to justify Israeli apartheid. How ever will the Israeli military explain it away? Did those Israeli soldiers shoot the unarmed boy? Will they claim the Palestinian man rushing to help the injured boy was brandishing a knife? How do they explain pointing assault weapons at unarmed people?
But in a rare moment of honesty, the Guardian-UK acknowledged without equivocations that the boy was injured by Israeli soldiers during a protest “against the expropriation of Palestinian land” near Nablus, West Bank.
This picture is the unvarnished reality of military occupation & expropriation.
Build & honor the economic & cultural boycott (BDS) of Israel. Buy nothing with a barcode beginning 729.
(Photo by Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP/Getty)
(A Facebook album showing the brutality of this encounter & putting the lie to the Israeli claim that Palestinians use their children as human shields:¬if_t=mentions_comment&hc_location=ufi)