An extraordinary psalm of protest from Kashmiri Shahid Ul Islam Wani:

Y shud i feel so unsafe inside my house

Y shud i lock de doors before 8 PM
Y shud i close my business before 6PM

Y shud i b asked to leave and let ladies b inside and HIM too

Y shud i directed how to cut my hair and beard

Y shud not I live de life as rest world do

Y shud i b dragged into wat i m not part of

Y shud not I get a stage to show my dissent

Y shud my sister get a bullet in her neck while cleaning dinner dishes in de yard

Y shud my nephew get killed while returning from his tuition of class 7th

Y shud one beat my mother when his opponent has hit him

Y can’t I b neutral when I preferred to

Y shud my father give me a call after every hour to ask wr and how I m

Y shud not de world recognise my killer once for all

Y shud my father b beaten for the puncture of one’s armoured/hired vehicle

Y shud my hard earned money b razed to ground in a blink of time by blasting my house

Y shud not I b free to take sides in ideas

Y shud i not b free to write against de wrong and in support of de right

Wat m i abt to loose in dis game now, my business stands winded up, my mother is already beaten, my father has fractured parts due to u, my sister is no more, my nephew is transferred to the medieval journey of hereafter, my house has been razed to de ground, my hair cut is of ur choice, my shave is of ur will, my dress is of ur preferred stuff