In preparing a post about the rapprochement between the US & Sudan after decades of US sanctions & putting Sudan on the terror list (including the celebrity war mongering of George Clooney, Matt Damon, Don Cheadle, & US undercover operative John Prendergast), I see that the Canadian fascist journal Global Research is already vilifying the Sudanese African Spring as orchestrated by the US–just as it did all the Arab Spring uprisings, most importantly the Syrian Arab Spring. The main analyst in Global Research is a Russian guy named Andrew Korybko who calls the Sudanese uprising a “hybrid war,” a concept he devised which is rooted in conspiracy & the “regime change operation” scenario.
What most concerns Korybko is protecting Russian (& Chinese) investment in Sudan. This should concern us because it makes reversing the Sudanese African Spring of considerable consequence to three powerful governments with massive & ruthless military might. It’s very important to carefully, almost religiously, follow developments in Sudan & to render active public solidarity with the protesters so that the narrative cannot be hijacked & the Sudanese uprising against dictatorship turned into an Islamist uprising orchestrated by US regime change operatives. The Syrian people, as well as Egyptians, Bahrainis, Yemenis, Iraqis have paid a colossal price because of counterrevolution & the ‘regime change operation’ narratives that discredited people like Chomsky, Tariq Ali, John Pilger, rewarded professional propagandists like Bartlett & Beeley, & turned the international antiwar movement into a puny little band of war mongers.
While the Syrian Arab Spring has been militarily defeated by Syrian, Russian, Iranian, & US-coalition intervention, the Algerian & Sudanese African Spring uprisings look to the Arab Spring, including the Syrian revolution, for inspiration & with solidarity. Their demand that the military step down & that there be a civilian government is certainly rooted in their observations from the other Arab Spring uprisings that the military is not an ally to popular revolution.
This photo is Sudanese protesters from the city of Atbara, where the revolution began, sitting atop a train as they arrive at the Bahari station in Khartoum on Monday to join the sit-in at military headquarters demanding a civilian government.
(Photo by AFP)