US senators Schumer & Cardin (both Democrats) are co-sponsoring a bill to make it a felony to support the BDS campaign against Israel. The penalties would include up to $1 million in fines or 20 years in prison. If we do not immediately form state & national coalitions to legally & politically oppose this outrageous aggression against Palestinians & civil liberties, we are looking at the United States of Zionism & the death of the Bill of Rights. This can & must be defeated. That begins with a call for a national conference to gather the forces of democracy from around the world.

For those who have any lingering doubts about the racist character of Zionist Israel: the government is accelerating its deportation of Eritrean & Sudanese refugees because Netanyahu says they jeopardize the Jewish-only character of Israel. Can you think of any other country in the world where that would not be condemned as apartheid? And yet millions of Americans are required to sign a loyalty oath to Israel for employment & social services.

It may seem so trite to offer new year’s greetings to Palestinians, Kashmiris, Rohingyas, Uyghurs, Syrians, Afghans, Yemenis, Iraqis, & others sustaining war, occupation, genocide. But what the new year represents is a renewal of humanity’s hope that their struggles will advance & triumph & our commitment to building active, consistent solidarity to strengthen their political power against tyranny.

18-month-old Kashmiri Hibba Han: the youngest pellet gun victim in the world. Did the Indian occupying army mistake this little girl for a terrorist or was it another of their so-called stray bullets?

(Photo by Vikar Syed)

Call me a slug, but I’ve never ever made a single self-improvement new year’s resolution. Long ago, I threw away all my self help books knowing it was a hopeless project & they made me feel guilty about that. I share the singular resolution as all of you: come hell or high water, to do my part to make this world a better place to live in, for children to come of age in, for human beings to live & love in. May 2019 see major advances in the struggles against war, occupation, genocide.
Happy New Year to all my friends.

Such a beautiful portrait of 6-year-old Ehasan, a Rohingya refugee, reunited with his grandmother.

(Photo via European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations – ECHO)